Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Self Assessment IIi And Vi - 1023 Words
Self-Assessment III and VI In self-Assessment III the first sections talks about what type of organizational system I would prefer. Organizational Structure is a system that defines the levels of hierarchy within an organization. The organizational structure classifies each job, explains its function, and who it reports to within the organization. Based on my scores they suggest I prefer to work in a mechanistic structure rather than a organic structure. In a mechanistic structure people work separately and specialize on only one task. Also within a mechanistic the hierarchy of authority is well-defined. The first section also measures my ability to delegate in the work place. According to my score I need to substantial improve on my ability to delegate. Based on the analysis delegating authority are what many managers have difficult doing. My ratio for being able to give feedback is a four out four. This means my self-perceived strength and weakness are equal, but I could work to improve ratio to be more self-perceived in strength. In the section labeled careers it indicates that I my preferred organizational culture that informal, humanistic, flexible, and innovative culture. These traits fall under humanistic culture even thought my other score suggested I prefer a mechanistic structure. It also indicates that I’m not that committed to my job since my score falls below the mean. This is ok since not being committed to ones job is the new norm than it wasShow MoreRelatedcompetency statement 3780 Words  | 4 PagesPennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Career Technical Education CDA-Ready Certificate Documentation Infant/Toddler (Developed from The Child Development Associate: Assessment System and Competency Standards Infant/Toddler Caregivers in Center-based Programs, Second Edition,  ©2006, www.cdacouncil.org ). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Technology and Modern Age Free Essays
Sunday for me is the gloomiest part of the week. I always feel I am missing about an hour of sleep and still, somewhere in my sub consciousness. I have to face the dilemma of what to do for the coming hours as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Modern Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being at the transitional state of dream and reality, it would help me to be more creative if the selection of activities is less limited. The option includes the way the Modern Age generate happiness and the Purposeful Leisure. One of the most popular is the way done by the Modern Age since it gives us a wide selection and various inventions to choose from. For people with a gaming instinct, the choice is plentiful. For instance Computer Games develop by every generation have conquer the minds of teenagers. An example is a Warcraft Game made by Icefrog, consisting of different characters possessing skills and can be strengthen by the use of magical things. Computers now are very innovative that its content is advance and unique. It can finish a pile of works in an hour without numerous errors, unlike the past years which requires a lot of effort to have your projects and assignments be done. For a person who’s up for fighting, Arcade Games were made to make them feel as they were the warrior fighting for a prize. Arcade Games are commonly made as survival test; it may be a survival from Zombies, Militaries, Dinosaurs and many more. For lame people who still find time to play, PSP is very suitable, since it is not as big as Computers and Arcade machines. PSP can be downloaded with different games and can be played wherever you are. Another option that might satisfy one’s boredom is PURPOSEFUL LEISURE perhaps not as popular as MODERN AGE way but just as fun to do; this activity does not fall in the â€Å"killing time†category. It does however, command the respect of other activity, it is healthy and known to lower the calories level. Going out to make window shopping is much interesting than spending your money on repeat gaming. Having a youth camp on mountains or just simply playing Local games gives us the simplest and cheapest way of having fun. As I think of the two options, I guess Sunday’s of mine must be spending wisely. I may not like the Purposeful Leisure since it doesn’t have much excitement, but I know that it will make me healthy. I may love the Modern Age since it gives me new challenges but I will still prevent myself from getting addicted to it since it weakens the body’s immune system. On the year 1994, Modern Age has begun, Innovations and various inventions started to create names in public. Science and Technology has made a long way on the society. Even adults are engaged to the technological advancement. Changes are so fast and all of us need to adapt quickly. Using Technologies is very efficient. We don’t have to spend a lot of money and we don’t need to give a lot of power to finish a work. On the other hand, it is not difficult for some of us to be amused, even you are at home or on the middle of a vacation trip, you can still find time to relax by just moving your hands and by the focus of your eyes and mind. Despite the numerous values of technology, many oppose scientific process on ethical grounds. The researchers in the field of newly inventions face scrutiny from many advocacy groups because technology is seen as violating one’s fundamental environment principles. The current debate lies on major questions about the relationship between Science and Technology and Purposeful Leisure. What could be its psychological and societal implications to an individual? Since we have the ability to make advancement, we had better think hard about the kind of life we want. Technology has tremendous power to do good if properly used. The issues are complex. The lesson of history is that whatever is possible will be tried somewhere by someone at some time but this is no excuse for sitting back. We need to decide based on principles that the whole community can support and understand. We individuals have a vital role to play. I would like to give my reaction on the Sample Essay no. entitled Leisure and Modern Age. It stated that the Modern Age has offered humanity various inventions and technology advancement which have made our lives so progressive. Well, I agree with that, as I observe the society, people were allure by the new inventions and creations. Eyes are staring at computer monitors, ears are suited with headphones, and hands are busy pressing buttons and body is movin g consistently. The next part is how these things failed to provide humanity with more quality leisure time. Since, we spend our time on improving our gaming skills than making ourselves healthy. We have loss our mind-set that we still need to take concentration on our wellness. Most illness were get due to lack of nutrients, this happened when we engaged our energy in unworthy things. And technology is one of that unworthy things that weakens our immune system. I can say that it is okay to find Leisure on Technologies, but it is not good to get addicted and forget the real essence of why these inventions were made. Since some of the creations were made to help people become more efficient and not to make people become dependent. Because some people were very dependent to these creations, they occupy their time just to improve on games, failing them to recall about more important things. They forget about wellness which is much needed that having an accomplished work at technologies’influence. â€Å"Use technology, but don’t let Technology use you. †I remember this words said by an American psychology Professor on Youtube. We are now living in a modern age bringing us various ways to make our life much easier than before, less money to spend with and less energy to deal with. Tiring days is not an issue no more, finding time to rest is stress-free. But how good is it to have this kind of lifestyle, where communication is fast as airwaves, where task can be quickly performed in just a short span of time. Does it take the pressure when someone’s in a hurry? What are the effects of Modern Age especially on how we find time to relax? There are several effects of technology in human health, environment, animals, plants and earth. Technology can affect our health in many ways with both short term and long term effects. The extent to which an individual is harmed by technology usually depends on the total exposure to the damaging contents. Short term includes irritation of eyes and sudden stroke of muscles. Long term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease and even damage to brain nerves. Another effect is that both plants and animals are harmed by pollution cause by some creations. All the effects mentioned above pose a warning of danger for all living things. Humans, as the most intelligent species on earth, are encouraged to be more aware on what they’re doing not just by themselves but also to other creatures. How to cite Technology and Modern Age, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Leadership Facilitative Leadership in Social Work Practice
Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Facilitative Leadership in Social Work Practice. Answer: Synopsis of Case Study The main purpose of the study is to highlight Enron Company issues in handling current market condition. As per Thomas (2011), Enron filed for bankruptcy in the year 2001 as well as series of enquiries court cases that shake business world as well as public as a whole. This was the only case for wrongdoing like WorldCom, Charter Communications as well as Global Crossing as joined by Enron employees in SEC probes. During the time of bankruptcy, Enron is considered as the seventh largest in and around world based upon turnover as well as future success stories in upcoming years. Enron makes huge sound in coming under crashing down situations. According to Thomas (2011), they brought out the reason behind Enron downfall. They have gathered facts like improper trade practices, corporate culture as well as accounting frauds and ethics in general terms. It requires examining the role of top leaders from Enron debacle in case of providing good insights on resolving unethical practices from eroded culture of Enron. From the case study, it is easy to gather facts that Enron considered as most complex bankruptcy cases in US history. It has devastating effects on thousands of employees as well as investors. As opined by Taylor (2012), Enron aims at key mechanism in alignment with individual as well as corporate goals for employees working under business organization. This particular article explains the Enron Company bankruptcy debacle. It presents the business ethics background as well as leadership mechanisms that affect Enron collapse and eventual bankruptcy at the same time. As per Shaw (2011), it is the systematic analysis; organization culture at Enron demonstrates company culture and ethics among employees working in an organization. Company culture believes in individualism, aggressive cleverness as well as innovation that left Enron Company without any kind of compassionate and responsible leadership. Findings According to Duska, Duska Ragatz (2011), Enron is the biggest failures in and around the world in US. Accounting practices are the real reason to failures for the top leaders and bad leadership management. As per Richardson (2012), researchers brought out various aspects of Enron that leads to failure. This particular aspect includes trading practice at Enron as well as ethics followed at the same time. It renders pure insights for workings of lay and Skilling. It is found that Enron leads to dissolution of accounting firm as destroyed documents charging Enron millions of dollars in consultancy fees in the most appropriate way. As per Banerjee ErcÃÅ'Â §etin, (2012), it is found from the case that Enron face lack of adequate leadership skills within the executives of business organization. It is newly deregulated as well as innovative forum. Enron embraces culture for rewarding aspects for future analysis purpose. It renders negative earnings outlook as well as red flag to investo rs for successful appearance of Enron Company. As opined by Richardson (2013), Investors concerns with stock prices because of excessive selling as well as credit agencies in downgrade of credit rating of Enron Company. Most of the trading partners lose faith in company as well as Enron ability in generating quality earnings as well as low cash flow operations in the near future. It is essential for avoiding unethical practices and entering into web of partnerships as well as employed in increased accounting methods for maintaining investment-grade status. Enron executives mostly feel in performing the right thing for business organization in the upcoming years. As opined by Reed Signorelli (2011), Partnerships boost earnings as well as allow Enron in prospering misplaced card for collapsing Enron house. Stability of Enron house of cards erodes in way of culture attributes for future analysis purpose. Enron forces in announcing more than $390 million earnings with other partnership s in the most appropriate way. Enron case of ethical failure mainly deals with series of questionable business dealings. Strong company leadership requires stock evaluation as far as possible. As opined by Collinson (2011), Enron mainly started firing as declared for bankruptcy. Self-serving Exon eration employs in explaining the current situation as far as possible. There were some accounting issues as well as trading issues and reserve issues at Enron Company. As opined by Mobley, Li Wang (2011), congressional testimony news accounts as well as federal investigations in telling other business activities in certain ways. It insists ways for Enron in assessing cash that performed well as well as discloses shareholders equity in more than $1.2 billion for downgraded Enron debt. Company insiders refer as educated litigator accounting irregularities for future analysis purpose. Discussion Theories of leadership in Alignment with Enron Company It is argued that three leadership theories provide close relationship towards ethical leadership. As opined by Maeda Bermont (2011), theories are transformational leadership theory, authentic leadership theory as well as spiritual leadership theory. There is lot of similarities as well as differences between theories in relations with ethical leadership. These are as follows: Authentic Leadership- It defines authentic leaders who aim at rendering emphasis upon moral, ethics as well as knowledge and strengths. These leaders are aware of perceived qualities at the same time. It mainly promotes altruism, integrity as well as ethical decision-making process. According to Kouzes Posner (2012), differences lie in fact that two theories comes under fact as ethical leaders focus on morality and authentic leaders focus on self-awareness. Spiritual Leadership- It mainly defines spiritual leadership based upon ethics as well as values as applicable in certain religious texts. As opined by Brink (2011), leadership as well as ethical leadership reveals integrity in alignment with work structure as well as other concerns in an effective way. Differences lie in the fact whereby spiritual leadership focuses on hope as well as faith in proper ways. Transformational Leadership- It ensures transformational leadership as leadership style changes in alignment with life of society in operations. It brings about big changes for better lives as well as fruitful representation. As opined by Kouzes Posner (2011), Leadership and ethical leadership depicts altruism, integrity a well as ethical decision-making process. Transformational leaders focus on values as well as vision whereas ethical leaders focus on morality and ethical standards. Ways in which leadership Influences Culture Corporate Leaders encourages rule-breaking policies as well as intimidating aggressive work environment. It is possible from the ethical boundaries at Enron. According to Gallagher (2012), leadership for critical components in organization culture as leaders creates as well as changes organization culture at the same time. This applies in organizational ethical climate at Enron. Leaders use five primary mechanisms in influencing in the organization culture: Attention Reaction to crisis Role Modeling Reward Allocation Criteria for selection as well as dismissal These assumptions encourages behavioral as well as culture norms in and within an organization. Enron Executives uses five mechanisms for culture reinforcement as well as moral flexible opening in ethics degeneration for future analysis purpose. According to Fuda (2012), Enron mainly provides blueprint on how insufficient attention requires in changed leadership as well as culture in management control system. Companies claims in having sophisticated management controls for bringing ultimate effectiveness in highly dependent on organizational culture and leadership at the same time. It depends upon the control infrastructure as under leadership style in bringing operations management control systems in desired form. According to Breshears Volker (2013), Enron culture begins entirely upon radical transformation. It emerges as intellectual capital economy in array of intangible resources as well as sophisticated financial instrument traders for proper information system and expert acc ounting knowledge in the most appropriate way. The first mechanism is attention that captures the issues as well as attention by leaders. It captures attention of greater organization as well as focus mainly on employees for the same. According to ErcÃÅ'Â §etin, Banerjee (2012), Leaders of an organization focus on bottom line as well as employees believe in financial success in leading future business operations in desired form. Executive Integrity suggests ways in focusing for promotion of unrealistic belief for monetary transactions as far as possible. Rules or morality relies upon reducing obstacles in bottom-line financial success in the most appropriate way. Recommendations in Reducing the Unethical Behavior in the Enron Case It is recommended that Enron should have healthy corporate culture as well as reduced unethical practices. In Enron case, culture plays an important role in collapse matters. As per Bowie Schneider (2012), Senior Executives of Enron were optimistic in nature on operating conditions of business organization. They faces failures and losses of company performance as well as covering losses in protecting reputations as by the words of directors of business organization. Conclusion At the end of the study, it is easy to gather facts o Enron case study issues with proper solutions for the same. Enron has become case study in regard with unethical as well as bad leadership that leads to downfall of business corporations in possible ways. Researchers conduct study on understanding the relationship between ethics as well as leadership. Researchers mainly acknowledge the importance of perceiving as moral as well as ethical practices in becoming an effective leader in the near future. It also brings out the ways by which ethics practiced by leaders with respect to subordinates actions. It helps in understanding the fact that Kenneth and Skilling responsible for Enron debacle. Leaders engage in unethical practices for aiming future business activities. Lay was involved in most of the fraudulent partnerships as inflated by overestimated earnings of business organization. Lay and Skilling sells shares of Enron in sustaining practices at Enron. Lay and Skilling creates c ulture of fraud and cheating at Enron for permeated whole business organization. Management should check on the unethical practices among the employees. Business learnt from episodes of Enron and promotion of ethical practices and moral practices in business operations. It takes place emerging trends as well as best practices in guiding leaders in case of ethical dilemma. Most of the companies create position of Chief Ethics Officer in promotion of ethics in an organization. Enron collapse leads to lack of greed as well as ethical leadership as far as possible. Recommendations From the above study, it is found that leadership of Kenneth Lay and Skilling was the main reason for downfall of Enron for the case of unethical behavior in two-leader permeation in business organization. It clearly views at the lack of correct leadership as followed by lay and Skilling. It requires in following policy of money making as elimination of voice as emerged in Enron Company. Leadership Philosophy declares ethics as well as moral responsibilities for prevention of Enron Company. It couples with Enron ethical pronouncements in business operations in selecting the correct path. Leadership inherits for spirited documents in promotion in and within organization. Corporate culture evolves in ethical way in and within Enron Company. Enron code of ethics of Enron Company should maintain strong commitments for communication in respect with integrity as well as excellence as far as possible. It requires little evidence in supporting management modeling for solving values in the mo st appropriate way. Enron leaders should solve serious problem in relation with business transactions as well as concerned with personal rewards for business organization. Strategic partnerships deceive investors in using enormous debt for incurring purpose in the near future. It will serve as message to employees as well as complete disclosures in achieving future long-term obligations in the upcoming years. Enron primary message is to ascertain values by own actions in the most appropriate way. It should follow law as well as concentrate in financial measures as well as creative partnerships in an effective way. This particular arrangement reveals Enron Company for buying as well as selling of assets in keeping credit loan and high stock prices at the same time. Implementation What should be done By whom By when Rough Estimate of costs Estimated Allocated Time Hiring ethical people in and from screening process Human Resource Manager 12th July 2016 $ 1590 2 months Designing effective codes as well as raising awareness at the same time Human Resource Manager 15th July 2016 $ 1290 2 months Developing as well as employing ethical decision-making framework Human Resource Manager 14th July 2016 $ 1880 2 months Ensures concerns with periodic ethics training for employees at all possible levels of business organization Human Resource Manager 25th July 2016 $ 1220 1 month Essential for empowering ethical employees Human Resource Manager 24th July 2016 $ 2290 1 month Reference List Banerjee, S. ErcÃÅ'Â §etin, S. (2012) Chaos, complexity and leadership 2012. Bowie, N. Schneider, M.(2012) Business ethics for dummies. Breshears, E. Volker, R. (2013).Facilitative leadership in social work practice. New York, NY: Springer Pub. Brink, A. (2011).Corporate governance and business ethics. Dordrecht: Springer. Collinson, D. (2011).Leadership. Los Angeles [u.a.]: Sage. Duska, R., Duska, B., Ragatz, J. (2011).Accounting ethics. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. ErcÃÅ'Â §etin, S. Banerjee, S.Chaos, (2012) Complexity and Leadership 2013. Fuda, P. (2012) Leadership transformed. Gallagher, D.(2012) Environmental leadership. Kouzes, J. Posner, B. (2011).The five practices of exemplary leadership. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Kouzes, J. Posner, B. (2012).The leadership challenge. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Maeda, J. Bermont, B. (2011).Redesigning leadership. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Mobley, W., Li, M., Wang, Y. (2011).Advances in global leadership. Bingley: Emerald. Reed, L. Signorelli, P. (2011).Workplace learning leadership. Chicago: American Library Association. Richardson, J. (2012).Business ethics. Guilford, CT.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Richardson, J. (2013).Business ethics 08/09. Guilford, Conn.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Shaw, W. (2011).Business ethics. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Taylor, S. (2012).Leadership craft, leadership art. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Thomas, R. (2011).Business ethics. Bury St. Edmunds: Ethics International. Thomas, R. (2011).Teaching ethics. Suffolk, U.K.: Ethics International Press.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Spiders Essays (1290 words) - Spider Anatomy, Spider,
Spiders Spiders This report deals with testing the toxicity of certain chemicals on spiders, and determining the toxicity by how it affects it's ability to weave it's web. This report contains research on the four chemicals (benzedrine, chloral hydrate, caffeine, and alcohol) as wellas the spiders and their webs. Spiders are of course found in the class Arachnidia, which also contain mites, scorpions, and other arthropods. The order which spiders are classified under is called Araneae, a word of Latin origin. Most spiders are land dwelling, but some can be aquatic. Those that are aquatic spend most of their lives in or around water. Spiders can live in a vast amount of different places around the world. Jumping spiders have been collected on Mt. Everest at a height of 22,000 feet, the highest elevation at which any animal has been collected (Orkin, Insect Zoo 1). Adult species vary greatly in size, which is a contributing factor in the prey they choose, and also the way they catch this prey. Spiders range from less than three hundredths of an inch to more than 10 inches. All spiders are carnivorous in their eating habits, insects being first on their menu. Spiders usually catch live animals because the movement of the prey attracts its attention. Some spiders have poor vision, and rather depend on the movement of it's web to locate an insect. (Orkin, Insect Zoo 2). The prey is usually wrapped in silk before the spider injects the venom to kill it. Yet the larger the spiders, the larger its prey. Some spiders have been known to kill vertebrate animals, such as fishing spiders, who thrive on small fish, or bird spiders, feeding on small birds from South America, as well as a variety of lizards. Some species have even been known to attack snakes. When food is scarce, mainly during winter months, spiders have no trouble have no trouble with food, most can go months without eating. A spider's structure is irregular when compared to other animals, yet similar to those of other arachnids. An arachnid is of course classified on the number of it's legs, which happens to be eight. Spiders have two main body regions: the cephalothorax and the abdomen . The cephalothorax consists of the head and the thorax, which are fused together. Insects have three main body regions, a head, thorax, and abdomen. Other arachnids have those two regions connected through a broad waist. All spiders also have simple eyes, lacking compound eyes only found in insects. Spiders can have many pairs of eyes however, this number often reaches four. Spiders do not have an antenna either. (Orkin, Insect Zoo 6) Many spiders secrete a fluid in their posterior abdomens which is later extruded as a silk. This fibrous protein is used to weave webs, snares, shelters, and/or egg sacs. A spider uses fingerlike spinnerets to disperse this silk. Most spin more than one kind of silk to customize its web, or to just fit its purpose. For example, the spider makes some parts of its web not sticky so that it can run across it and not get caught. Another source says that spiders first lay down a type of silk known as ?dry thread?, with which they weave a ?dry spiral. Once this is completed, the spider lays down a sticky spiral of thread and goes on to eat the dry one. The sticky spiral must be replaced every couple days because it loses its ?stickiness.? Some scientists suggest that the pattern of an orb web (most common type of web used by spiders) is designed to attracted insects. These webs are thought to produce patterns that resemble those reflected by numerous flowers in UV light. Since insects only see in UV light, they might as well fly into a trap (Lyons, Spider Silk 1). Spider silk has been recognized for centuries as a high quality fiber. A few pairs of stockings and gloves have been made from the silk as early as the 16th century. Various attempts have been made to produce it commercially, yet have failed. New efforts are currently under construction as more people are finding new ways to use a strong, elastic fiber. A few of these
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Childrearing Among the Lower Classes of Late Medieval England essays
Childrearing Among the Lower Classes of Late Medieval England essays Barbara Hanawalt's, Childrearing Among the Lower Classes of Late Medieval England, examines the practices and pitfalls of parental dynamics during the late 13th and early 14th century in English villages such as Bedfordshire and Oxford, as well as the comparably larger city of London. Focusing on children's ages from the time of birth till their twelfth birthday, Hanawalt bases her research on coroner's inquests of the time to garner statistics from which she extrapolates evidence to support her conclusions. The coroner's inquests from this time period were required by law, and detailed in regards to the cause of death, the members of the household, and their activities at the time, their residences, and their occupations. Through these detailed transcripts, Hanawalt attempts to create a vignette of peasant life, and therefore the circumstances in which children were raised to the age of twelve, at which point they were considered adults by society during that time. Hanawalt's motivation for conducting her social type of historical research is based upon dispelling earlier research by Philippe Aries, in his book Centuries of Childhood. Aries's book contends that contemporary sentimental notions of childrearing developed during this time "in response to the loss of other familial functions to the centralized state and the exigencies of industrialization" (pg. 23), and that this could outweigh familial bonds. Hanawalt counters these assertions by methodically introducing her own conclusions based upon statistical data as well as detailed circumstances in relation to them. Furthermore, she begins by pointing out that Aries garners his research and conclusions from the upper class, while ignoring the peasant majority. Also, she points out that Aries' research is incomplete due to it starting with children aged seven, and ignoring ages from infancy till six. Due to the peasant majo...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Discussion of Lexical-Function Grammar
Definition and Discussion of Lexical-Function Grammar In linguistics, lexical-functional grammar is a model of grammar that provides a framework for examining both morphological structures and syntactic structures. Also known as psychologically realistic grammar. David W. Carroll notes that the major significance of lexical-functional grammar is the shunting of most of the explanatory burden onto the lexicon and away from transformational rules (Psychology of Language, 2008). The first collection of papers on the theory of lexical-functional grammar (LFG)Joan Bresnans The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relationswas published in 1982. In the years since, notes Mary Dalrymple, the growing body of work within the LFG framework has shown the advantages of an explicitly formulated, non-transformational approach to syntax, and the influence of this theory has been extensive (Formal Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar). Examples and Observations In LFG, the structure of a sentence consists of two distinct formal objects: C[onstituent]-structure of the familiar kind plus a functional structure (or F-structure) which displays certain additional kinds of information. Most important in the F-structure is the labeling of grammatical relations like subject and object (these are called grammatical functions in LFG).The first part of the name reflects the fact that a great deal of work is done by the lexical entries, the dictionary part of the framework. Lexical entries are usually rich and elaborate, and each one inflected from a lexical item (such as write, writes, wrote, written and writing) has its own lexical entry. Lexical entries are responsible for dealing with many relations and processes handled by different machinery in other frameworks; an example is the voice contrast between actives and passives.(Robert Lawrence Trask and Peter Stockwell, Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2007)Different Kin ds of StructuresA natural language utterance is rich in structures of different kinds: sounds form recurring patterns and morphemes, words form phrases, grammatical functions emerge from morphological and phrasal structure, and patterns of phrases evoke a complex meaning. These structures are distinct but related; each structure contributes to and constrains the structure of other kinds of information. Linear precedence and phrasal organization are related both to the morphological structure of words and to the functional organization of sentences. And the functional structure of a sentencerelations like subject-of, object-of, modifier-of, and so onis crucial to determining what the sentence means.Isolating and defining these structures and the relations between them is a central task of linguistics. . . .Lexical Functional Grammar recognizes two different kinds of syntactic structures: the outer, visible hierarchical organization of words into phrases, and the inner, more abstract hierarchical organization of grammatical functions into complex functional structures. Languages vary greatly in the phrasal organization they allow, and in the order and means by which grammatical functions are realized. Word order may be more or less constrained, or almost completely free. In contrast the more abstract functional organization of languages varies comparatively little: languages with widely divergent phrasal organization nevertheless exhibit subject, object, and modifier properties that have been well-studied by traditional grammarians for centuries.(Mary Dalrymple, John Lamping, Fernando Pereira, and Vijay Saraswat, Overview and Introduction. Semantics and Syntax in Lexical Functional Grammar: The Resource Logic Approach, ed. by Mary Dalrymple. The MIT Press, 1999) C(onstituent)-Structure and F(unctional) StructureLFG contains multiple parallel structures each modeling a different aspect of linguistic structure. The main syntactic structures are (c)onstituent-structure and f(unctional) structure . . .C-structure models the surface syntactic form of language: it is here that surface precedence and dominance relations are encoded. C-structures are phrase-structure trees, characterized by a particular form of X theory . . . designed to accommodate the large amount of phrase structure variation found cross-linguistically, from the relatively strict configurationality of languages like English to the more radically non-configurational languages of Australia. . .C-structures are always base-generated; there is no movement. . . . [T]he effect of movement is achieved by the fact that different c-structure positions can be mapped into the same f-structure via unification.The level of f-structure models grammatical relations. Unlike c-structures, which a re phrase structure keys, f-structures are attribute-value matrices. F-structure attributes may be grammatical functions (e.g. SUBJ, OBJ, COMP, also nonargument functions TOP(IC), FOC(US)), tense/aspect/mood categories (e.g. TENSE), functional nominal categories (e.g. CASE, NUM, GEND), or the predicate (semantic) attribute PRED. . . . The contents of f-structure come from the lexical items of the sentences themselves, or annotations on the nodes of the c-structure linking pieces of c-structure to parts of the f-structure.(Rachel Nordlinger and Joan Bresnan, Lexical-Functional Grammar: Interactions Between Morphology and Syntax. Non-Transformational Syntax: Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar, ed. by Robert D. Borsley and Kersti Bà ¶rjars. Blackwell, 2011) Alternate Spellings: Lexical-Functional Grammar (capitalized)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Role of Public Administrators to Interpret the Constitution and Research Paper
Role of Public Administrators to Interpret the Constitution and Develop New Laws as Pertains to Same Sex Marriages - Research Paper Example The constitution is the supreme document of a State and incase of conflict between two statutes, the ruling of the constitution prevails. Public administrators have a role as pertains to same sex marriage since they are individuals bestowed with the responsibility of enacting laws as pertains to various issues facing the State. With this insight, this research paper will be aimed at delineating the role of public administrators to interpret the constitution so as to develop new laws specifically to the issue of same sex marriages (McVeigh, & Diaz, 2009). Outline of Importance of the Issue to Public Administrators Technology has led to the invention of surgeries and discoveries as pertains to the sexuality of individuals. Moreover, the constitution and the rights of individuals illuminate into the notion that there is freedom of expression hence association of individuals of the same sex. This has led to the performance of surgeries aimed at changing the sexual orientation of an indiv idual and hence judicial challenge as pertains to the legalization of same sex marriages. It is important for the public administrators to be involved in such issues as same sex marriages since they are bestowed with the responsibility of enacting laws that regulate a State. ... Public administrators need to be involved in defining the society and avoiding issues that may hamper the inviolability and cause apprehension; same sex marriage is such an issue that needs to be addressed (McVeigh, & Diaz, 2009). SECTION 2: BACKGROUND INFORMATION History of the Issue and Current Trends Decades have witnessed the trial to redefine marriage by incorporating same sex marriage into law. This however has not yet been achieved and has translated to enormous failure to religious attachment to the sanctity of marriage. This has been witnessed by individuals who have gone surgically restructuring of their sexual identity and their change of sexual orientation was disapproved by the court system. However, it was in 1993 in Hawaii that the issue of same sex marriage began being given much thought by the court system. This resulted from the reinterpretation of the constitution that as pertains to the privacy, protection, and privileges that is accorded to citizens of a State. T his was aimed at re-evaluating the statute that was applied as pertained to marriages between individuals of the same sex (McVeigh, & Diaz, 2009). This was the first uprising in support of marriages between individuals of the same sex and was followed by an Alaska court in 1998 and a Vermont court in 1999. The attempts in these two courts were both aimed at inculcating marriages among individuals of the same sex into the marriage statues. The Hawaii judicial uprising led to unrest in the country as pertained to the constitutionality of marriage among individuals of the same sex. The federal government in an attempt to quell the situation adopted DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which was aimed at encouraging the States to amend their constitutions and hence protect the customary
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Justification and Crisis of Modern Science Essay
Justification and Crisis of Modern Science - Essay Example He clearly understood the Deists and was greatly influenced by the brilliant Unitarians in social concepts. Rene Descartes on the other hand was known to be the vicar of modern science. He initiated a new clear means of thinking about science and philosophy through ignoring all notions centered on supposition or emotional conviction and concurring with the ideas proved by direct observation (Dunn, 1999). The ultimate aim of this paper is to examine how John Locke attempted to justify modern science in terms of bringing in his own ideas and views as a way to bridge the gap between Descarte’s res cogitans and res extensa. It also examines the way he was opposed by several other scholars Locke’s Justification of Modern Science John Locke was one of the most influential especially in An Essay about Human Understanding (1690), fundamentally rejected the Cartesian theory of the continuation of innate notions – like that of God, or time without end – and upholded that the infant during birth has no any form of knowledge and he compared it to a blank page, and in severe terms, it does not stay alive yet. It is important to note that when he selects the subject of his title, Locke never used the term â€Å"mind†which could propose a notion of something really stays alive like an object or a permanent structure (Dunn, 1999). In opposition to that, he chose the term â€Å"understanding†which proposes the idea of a continous process. What he meant here is that a child is never born with any knowledge and he only gets to understand things once hegrows up. This is because Locke believed that knowledge is mainly based on learning from â€Å"expereince†. According to him, a newly born baby has no form of expereince therefore has no type of knowledge. Although Locke understood that expereince depicts two forms – one centered on â€Å"reflection†or reasoning and the other on â€Å"sensation†, he openly impl ied that all automated expereinces are secondary derived from those obtained through the senses (Dunn, 1999). This happens even if the mind may generate completely new forms of automated expereince. This means that reflection is not only the meager copy of sensation, although its natural fabricis developed from it. It is clear from the theory of Human Understanding that Locke supported Modern science which suggests similar notions about human beings. Modern science assumes a child to be of little knowledge who does what he does not understand. For example, a baby can relieve himself and still eat the same waste because he doe not understand what he is doing. At the same time, a child can dare touch fire or hot substance and until it burns him is when he realizes that that is dangerous. Therefore, modern science and Jonk Locke’s theory of Human Understanding are more less the same because they contain same notions about human being. Although Locke was sometimes depicted as a c hristian due to his attendance and knowledge about church, he evidently attempted to justify modern science. Moreover, his other influential theory is that of availability of simple and complicated ideas. According to him, both of them belong to fields of expereince (Dunn, 1999). While simple notions are basically data that is received by the mind meaning that it is non-reducible to more basic ones. Complicated notions on the other hand are made up of a combination of basic ones. This theory was very instrumental during the aristotle
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Benefits of Non Verbal Communication Essay Example for Free
Benefits of Non Verbal Communication Essay Non verbal communication is defined as certain ways that a person communicates his thoughts and meanings without actually saying anything. These are the subtle clues that can help an investigating officer uncover a truth while questioning a suspect or witness or can lead him to more questions that will aid the investigating team. Programs such as CSI have shown us how police officers and crime scene investigators utilize contradicting, complementing, substituting, accenting, or regulating verbal messages. An investigating officer will benefit immensely from being familiar with these methods because of the way a crime scene is most often chaotic and witnesses who are being questioned are dealing with fear of being implicated in the case or perhaps, trying to cover their own involvement in the case. A sample of a contradicting non verbal communication that he can look out for has to do with the way a witness recalls the events as it transpired in a certain case. When a witness is looking down while relating the events transpired, that witness is most likely creating a memory. A person recalling a memory usually looks upward when trying to remember events, places, and situations. Under such circumstances, he should take notes and make sure to verify all the events by interviewing other people who might attest to the validity of the statements previously made. He may also consider the tone of voice of a person being interrogated. When a person is trying to hide a truth, there is a certain intonation and nervousness in the voice that usually causes it to raise in tone by a pitch or so. The officer must make sure to gain the trust and confidence of the witness or accused prior to questioning to keep the person off guard in order to get the most truthful answers out of them. A parole officer on the other hand must be highly observant and familiar with the psychological profile of his parolee that could indicate his behavior during certain situations in order to easily recognize the signs being displayed by the parolee when he comes in for his weekly reports. While meeting with the parolee, he should observe his complementing and accenting behavior. Particularly the first time the person enters the room. Does he shake your hand? Does he make eye contact? Does he seem nervous and on the edge? All of these could add up to a specific non verbal message that will give one an insight into the real score behind what the parolee wants to portray as truth. He should then react accordingly by enticing the person to become more open and share more information with him. In the event that the parolee begins to display accenting behavior such as hitting the table or throwing something, he must be prepared to restrain the person and try to snap him out of his mood. The one non verbal communication that both an investigating and parole officer must be quick to realize are the regulating non verbal communication tools. Such actions could be a simple look of question, a hint of despair in the eyes, or the wringing of hands of the person spoken to. Once recognized, he must be prepared to follow up on the subtle messages either by asking follow up questions or reassuring the person that the officer is in charge and everything is under control. People say that there is no such thing as the perfect crime. I have to agree with that statement because any officer who is familiar and highly observant when it comes to non verbal communication cues will easily be able to follow up on subtle clues not included in the physical evidence present at a crime scene or parole interview.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Blah of Blah :: essays papers
The Blah of Blah The 6-pounder field gun was a lightweight, mobile piece that was a favorite of the field artillery in the first half of the nineteenth century. Rapid changes in technology and design had largely superseded it by the beginning of the American Civil War, but when superior weaponry was not available, some 6-pounders saw action. NOTE: While some of the guns illustrated here may have played little or no part in the Civil War, they are included here because photos of them have been published nowhere else. 6-pounder iron field gun, Model of 1819. Total length, 71.6 inches; weight, 742 pounds; total production, approximately 100 by Fort Pitt Foundry; known survivors, 30. Known as a "Walking Stick" for its slimness, this is the first identified model with full rimbases. It pioneered simplicity of design that was not to be fully accepted for another forty years. Its 10-inch diameter reinforce, combined with the unreliable cast iron of that period, proved notoriously fragile. 6-pounder iro n field gun, Pattern of 1827. Total length, 57 inches; weight, 780 pounds; total production, 98 by Fort Pitt Foundry; known survivors, 7. A stubbier version of the Model of 1819. 6-pounder iron field gun, Model of 1834. Total length, 60.5 inches; weight, 835 pounds; total production, 134 by Columbia and Fort Pitt Foundries; known survivors, 16. The guns of this pattern were the last fieldpieces made by either foundry. 6-pounder bronze field gun, Model of 1835. Total length, 65.6 inches; weight, 740 pounds; total production, 57 by Cyrus Alger and N.P. Ames; known survivors, 19. This slimmer version of the later Model of 1841 represents the return to bronze as the preferred material for fieldpieces. 6-pounder iron field gun, Model of 1836. Total length, 65.6 inches; weight, 785 pounds; total production, 13 by Alger; known survivors, 3. Identical in design to the bronze Model of 1835 above. 6-pounder bronze field gun, Model of 1838. Total length, 59.3 inches; weight, 690 pounds; total production, 96 by Cyrus Alger and N.P. Ames; known survivors, 29. A shorter version of the bronze Model of 1835 above with the same Registry Number series continuing from it for both foundries. Markings on bronze Models of 1835 and 1838 fieldpieces. Unlike the markings on earlier and later cannon, the Registry Number, weight and inspectors' initials are located on the upper breech.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A heroic Act
It began to rain as he pitched the last mound of soil onto the boy's grave. He let the shovel slip from his hands and fall on the earth beneath his boots. Picking up the boy's bag which he had found with a clay jar that had been smashed into pieces near the boy, he looked at the contents and stared at them for a while, remembering what had occurred which seemed only moments ago†¦The boy’s name was Kaj. He was an orphan. His parents died at the hands of some forest bandits while delivering baby wolf skins to the Pronteran Marketplace. His father used to hunt for their meals, now only he was left to do the job for himself and his little sister, Chala.A small bag hung across the skinny lad’s shoulder as he walked across the forest clearing. He knelt by the river and opened his bag. A look of sadness showed on his face as he looked at what he would be bringing home for supper, a few small carrots he had found in a rabbit’s hole, some herbs he gathered from plant s, and an apple.He took out the only other item in the bag, a clay jar. He filled up the jar with water from the pool before bending down to take a drink himself. Carrying the jar in one hand while slipping the bag across the other hand’s shoulder, Kaj stood up and proceeded on his way. Preoccupied with his burden both on his hands and in his heart, the boy failed to notice a thin, dry piece of wood that was lying on his path.CRACK!The sound of the branch breaking beneath his bare foot was more audible than what would have been normal. It was a terrifying shout that commanded ancient powers into reality. As the old forest saying went, â€Å"It is bad luck to step on dead branches†.â€Å"The boy is not a match for you, as you are not one for me.†The knight’s voice was calm and stern, â€Å"Come on, I’ve been itching for a fight.†A burst of steam came out of each of the horned figure’s huge, ringed nostrils. With eyes of livid anger it raised its sight above the figure of the frightened child and looked straight in the eyes of the armored warrior on top of a heavily feathered PecoPeco.â€Å"You will die today, insolent meatling!†It growled ferociously, slapping the form of Kaj away with the back of its massive left hand to make room as he slowly walked towards Blueberry.As the distance between them shortened, the minorous charged at the knight. Blueberry stood defiant as the huge creature lunged at him with its great hammer. In a rush of anger and fury, the hammer smashed against the side of the knight, drawing a brief smile from the creature’s face which almost instantly changed to a look of fear and disbelief as it saw Blueberry’s great steel shield holding the blow of it’s hammer without so much as a dent.The sudden shock of the minorous prevented it from seeing its opponents other hand pierce a frost-tipped spear through the armor of its hide and passed its brutish heart. The knig ht’s weapon continued its assault, pushing through every sinew until its tip emerged from the creature’s back, burying the entire arm of its wielder with its shaft deep in minorous flesh.With the minorous hanging lifeless at the length of his ice pike, Blueberry withdrew his weapon from the creature, letting the brute fall heavily on the bloodstained grass. Pandora sat down at her master’s whim, as the knight’s free hand reached for the ring between the dead creature’s nostrils and pulled it out.Blueberry looked at the dull silvered piece of jewelry for an instant before throwing it at the direction of the still prostrate form of the boy.â€Å"You can stand up now. You might want to sell that thing in Prontera.†he called out.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Competency Standard Essay
I maintain being professional on a daily basis by doing the following. Letting all families in my care know we have a confidentiality policy. That we implement each and every day discussing only the info we need to with appropriate staff members. Children and their family’s info will only be discussed if we feel abuse or neglect is present. Then we are required to inform the proper authorities. I demonstrate being professional by following my job expectations entailed for my position when I was hired. I always have a positive attitude with my children and families and co-workers daily. I arrive on time and am prepared to start my day promptly. I dress appropriately for my day making sure I have clothes presentable but can engage in messy activities to. I use good judgment when making decisions for the children in my care. I will be an advocate for each child I have by meeting their educational and emotional and physical needs daily. Each child will be treated as an individual. I will also provide a quality educational program to all children in my care to support success for them. If a child shows signs of developmentally delay I will work with the family and any agencies to ensure a bright future for them. I will also take advantage of any opportunities offered to me to continue my own education and growth. Keeping updated on any new laws and regulations plus new teachings and always striving to learn more will make me the best teacher I can be. I chose to become an early childhood professional because. When I got out of high school I needed a job to pay my bills naturally. But the main reason was because I loved being around children and at the time I didn’t have any of my own yet and there were none in my family either. So I thought what a great way to spend the day and get paid was to spend time with other people’s kids. In the being it was really hard though. It was not all play time there were rules and regulations to follow. Daily planning to ensure the kids stayed busy and engaged at all times. Lots of hand washing and potty training but even after all that I learned that first week. I still couldn’t stay away. And found my calling and after 14 yrs this is still the best thing that I ever did besides having my own child who is now 8 yrs old. The most important professional traits I possess to me are. I am reliable and I enjoy working with children and I always stay positive no matter what.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct essay
Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct essay Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct essay Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct essayEthics and integrity are crucial for a police chief or county sheriff. The term â€Å"police ethics†can be defined as a code of values that affects conduct, behavior and decision making of police officers. Police officers should be aware of the significance of ethical behavior. The term â€Å"integrity†can be defined as a set of beliefs that contribute to the effectiveness of the agency’s operations based on the application of professional and personal ethics. In fact, integrity is a vital quality of a police officer because it includes the following concepts: honesty, morality, honor, responsibility and dedication to one’s mission. Integrity is reflected in the formal Code of Ethics. There are three major reasons that can be used to explain the importance of ethics and integrity for a police chief or county sheriff. First of all, ethics and integrity make police personnel act more confident, legally and hones tly. The Code of ethics says that all police personnel should not only act honestly, but also â€Å"be honest in thought†(Barker, 2011, p. 29). Second, ethics and integrity are important for a police chief or county sheriff because any police officer should be exemplary in obeying the established law, rules and regulations. According to researchers, â€Å"integrity is just too important to being a professional law enforcement officer that it cannot be compromised in either the officer’s personal or professional life†(Barker, 2011, p. 29). This fact means a police chief or county sheriff should serve role models, demonstrating ethical behavior and decision making. Third, ethics and integrity help police officers to promote community policing, maintaining the public trust through contact and collaboration between the police and community members.Explain how ethics, morality, and law are different, highlighting the primary focus of law enforcement officers.Ethics, morality, and law are different; therefore, law enforcement officers should be well-prepared to act ethically in different situations, following the established rules, laws and regulations and applying morality. The primary focus of law enforcement officers is to demonstrate ethical behavior, applying law and morality to different situations. Although ethics has direct relation to morality and laws, there are certain differences between these concepts (Banks, 2011). A law enforcement officer should be aware of these differences in order to make correct decisions.Recommend two (2) ways a police chief or county sheriff should use ethics and the code of conduct in decision making.As the credibility of police officers is affected by their compliance with the established laws and with standard behaviors aimed at promoting public order and safety in the community, police officer should be responsible for their conduct and decision making. Ethics and the code of conduct may help police of ficers to make the proper decisions (Banks, 2011). Two ways a police chief or county sheriff should use ethics and the code of conduct in decision making include written policies and unwritten policies. Written policies refer to the adopted documents, such as Police Code of Conduct. Unwritten policies include personal values and moral rules. A police chief or county sheriff should realize that police violence is unethical (Banks, 2011). Moreover, police unethical behavior may lead to racism and violation of human rights. Thus, police officers should use ethics and the code of conduct in decision making in order to perform their duties in a proper way, applying core values and mission statement.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Equality of Access to California Public University Education Essay
Equality of Access to California Public University Education - Essay Example From the report it is clear that poverty and disadvantages is affected by the education system, offering rich and poor schools with bleak differences in learning atmospheres and physical surroundings. Deprived environs characteristically house run-down schools with poor conditions and less money whereas rich neighborhoods house newer and safer schools offering best learning atmospheres. In addition, the lower-quality urban schools are likely to be attended by ethnic minority students. Attempts to enhance this inequality are only the first step in attaining equality even with millions of dollars spent in federal programs.This essay stresses that the inequities of access to quality schools and attainment of children in public universities, in California, have been a source of debate and millions of dollars in programs for many years trying to attain equity for all students. It is argued by critics of American public education that California in incapable of educating students eff iciently, partially due to the highly bureaucratic nature of its governance structure. Layers of rules burdened by paperwork and regulation are attached to most federal government funding hence; federal programs become hard to change or implement. Funds and responsibility are shuffled around to various bodies by this institutionalized problem of extreme bureaucracy, and shifts the accountability of academic achievement onto guardians, teachers, students, and administrators in the case of education.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Self determination, Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia Essay
Self determination, Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia - Essay Example That these unitary states would be destroyed following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the Soviet Union was perhaps not as important as the manner by which these nation-states disintegrated. The process in Yugoslavia was extraordinarily violent, and notions of national self-determination and territorial sovereignty led to substantial conflict and bloodshed; on the other hand, the process of state disintegration in Czechoslovakia was much more moderate and civil, leading one commentator to characterize this period of Czech history as the period of the "Velvet Revolution to the Velvet Divorce" (Bakke, 2002: 92). This essay will argue that these differences were the result of different approaches to minority rights, different demographic realities which made a more peaceful secession much more difficult in Yugoslavia, and certain ingrained philosophies regarding the legitimacy of national self-determination. As a preliminary matter, before examining how Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia viewed secession, it is necessary to examine the common understanding of the terms used. The fundamental problem, as noted by Bakke, is that "The principle of national self-determination is as ambiguous as the nation concept itself. ... This ambiguity is particularly illustrative in the instant case; it is illustrative because some people view national self-determination as a civic nation encompassing a variety of ethnic and cultural groups whereas other people have interpreted national self-determination as the right of groups with distinct cultural and ethnic characteristics to have their own autonomous state. As history has demonstrated, the Czech people generally subscribed to the civic notion before relenting and recognizing the cultural and ethnic aspects of national self-determination; Yugoslavia, on the other hand, was torn by a stubborn Serbian adherence to the Roman natio interpretation. The Serbians held steadfast to the civic notion, demanding the preservation of the multiethnic unitary state, whereas Croatia and other regions relied on the cultural ethnic interpretation of national self-determination. A reconciliation of these ambiguous interpretations was resolved peacefully in Czechoslovakia, but unre conciled in Yugoslavia. One simply cannot engage in a comparative analysis of these two formerly unitary nation-states without understanding the role which ethnicity played. Following the First World War and decolonization, national self-determination tended to represent freedom and political and economic independence; later, however, as these newly formed unitary states evolved, people with their own unique cultural and ethnic characteristics often sought to incorporate notions of cultural sovereignty and territorial integrity into their articulation of national self-determination. Indeed, as stated by Hannum, Ethnic wars of secession highlight the inherent tension between "self-determination" and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Prevention of Financial Frauds Research Proposal
Prevention of Financial Frauds - Research Proposal Example Various strategic practice models for financial fraud prevention have been proposed in the recent years and some of them are discussed in this proposal. 1. Introduction: Financial frauds are widely perceived to be various deliberately made criminal acts seriously violating the civil law while based on financial transactions and meant to attain myriad personal benefits. For the past many years, research reports have been illuminating that the need to combat financial frauds has become increasingly important and inevitable concerning its widespread proliferation and the immense threat it poses to the older citizens especially, though this criminal issue largely involves people of all ages as well. From frauds planned on a large-scale and committed to weaken the roots of the national economy to small-scale financial frauds like fake lotteries and work at home plots, this criminal issue has largely succeeded in building many holes in the net of financial security which was once strong an d meant to preserve the public protective. 2. Research review: A layered security approach and effective tools are required to handle this dramatic emergency of felonious financial frauds and by controlling who first receives sensitive documents like bank statements, small organizations can prevent financial fraud occurrence (CBIA News, 2007). Expert policy-makers and researchers at (Research Centre on the Prevention of Financial Fraud, 2009) proposed a three-fold strategy to prevent the financial fraud proliferation around the globe. Consolidating information in an attempt to compile the fraud research for providing a disciplinary support to the policy-makers can help in preventing huge losses based on billions of dollars and occurring every year as a result of financial frauds. Secondly, effective anti-fraud messaging delivered via electronic medium can help in connecting research to policy. Funding is also important to protect the fraud victims and finance research for financial fraud prevention. People in many cases remain unaware that they have become the victims of financial frauds because such frauds are often operated on the legal fringes by skillful scammers or business professionals (Button, Lewis, & Tapley, 2009). According to the research report published by (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2010), most of the financial frauds mimic legitimate courses so that the victims remain satisfied and do not think about pointing out at the fraudsters who are white-collar criminals. â€Å"An unscrupulous investment broker may present clients with an opportunity to purchase shares in precious metal repositories, for example. His status as a professional investor gives him credibility.†(Bank Negara Malaysia, 2010). Tracking such quack business professionals who have a tendency to rob the innocent citizens by presenting fake investment opportunities to them with the help of ontology technology can also help in preventing and detecting financial frauds. â€Å"A fra ud forensic ontology is being developed from laws, regulations, and cases about illegal solicitation of financial products on the web.†Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A Personal Experiment in Renunciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Personal Experiment in Renunciation - Essay Example I substituted with a plant-based diet inspired by Asian cuisine that is based on eastern traditions. Eastern traditions hold that food can be effectively used to attain balance and harmony within the body. On this day, I consume tofu laver soup and polenta. My craving for meet is quite evident. I struggle to refrain from eating meat and animal products which I am quite used to on the first day. I do not realise any significant change in my body save for the fact that I do not use a tooth pick to remove food particles stuck between my teeth. Day 2: July 24, 2014 - Instead of the usual tea, sausage, pizza and chicken, I consume spoon cabbage and tofu soup noodles on the second day of the experiment. Having ordered something that I have never ordered from a restaurant in the past, my friends are quite surprised and amused by my choice of food. I have to struggle with my self-centred ego as I try to convince my friends that I have not gone crazy. I almost swear that this is the last time I am eating out with my friends during the period of my experiment. chicken that is clearly delicious. I am concerned about their amusement and greatly tempted to give up. I am also greatly attracted to the meal that my family members are taking....its far more tasty than what I am going to eat. I realise that my concern for external things is still high. Day 4: July 26, 2014 - I am greatly tempted to give up the exercise. Luckily, a friend of mine on vegetarian diet encourages and convinces me to go on with the exercise. I feel like I am missing meat and may not be able to resist a bite if it is offered to me. I am getting used to the taste of the vegetarian diet gradually. I feel that my breath has gotten fresher and I am more self controlled at the end of the day as I care less about what others think of my choice to go vegetarian. Day 5: July 27, 2014 – On this day, quite surprisingly my two wisdom teeth that have been making me
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis
Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis Cost Volume Profit Analysis Table of Contents Introduction CVP analysis and decision making Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume Fixed vs. variable costs Break even analysis: Margin of safety 1.Non- Linear CVP analysis: 2.Linear CVP analysis: Operating Leverage Income Tax benefits: Future forecasting Preparation of Budgets: Cost Control: Price Determination: Profit Planning: Risk Assessment: Decision Making: Conclusion References Describe the benefits of using cost volume profit analysis for management decision making Introduction Every organization needs to calculate future revenues in order to help the managers carry out their operations effectively. Cost volume is the approach used for this purpose. Cost Volume Profit analysis or CVP analysis helps in identifying the operating activity levels with a purpose to avoid any kind of losses and achieve profits. Moreover, it also helps the companies to plan their future operations and see whether their organizational performance is going on the right track or not (Lewis). While conducting a business, the companies also have to face various risks and in order to counter those risks, CVP analysis is an effective tool. The following project tends to analyze the fundamental concepts regarding cost volume profit analysis along with an illustration of how these concepts can be useful in carrying out organizational operations. CVP analysis and decision making Cost Volume Profit analysis helps organizations to examine their profits, costs and prices with respect to any changed that occur in sales volume. CVP is an effective tool that helps accountants to engage in decision making regarding future operations (Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis)). Moreover, it also helps in making the following decisions for the company: It helps to analyze which products and services are beneficial and how can company use these products and services to generate the maximum amount of revenue. It also explains what sales volume will be needed by the company in order to achieve a fixed level of profits Moreover, it tells how much revenue should the company target so as to make sure that no losses occur It also highlights what would be expected budget of the company It also helps to calculate company’s fixed costs and measure the amount of risk associated with any investment Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume CVP analysis helps to find out the relationship between the above mentioned elements in a graphical format. For example: if a company has contribution margin of 300, 400 and 500 units respectively on its income statements, then the CVP graph can be represented as follows: The contribution margin ratio used for this purpose can be calculated as follows: CM ratio = Total CM Total Sales This ratio can be used to calculate unit contribution margin and the total contribution margin (MAAW, 2011). The unit contribution margin helps us to calculate the difference between total revenues and unit costs of the company whereas the total contribution margin is related to the difference between total revenues and the total costs of a company. In other words, the total can be calculated by multiplying the unit cost with the total number of units. So, this shows can CVP is an effective tool for calculating the contribution margin. Fixed vs. variable costs Another benefit that organizations get by using the cost volume profit analysis is the decision making about different types of costs. This is important because while carrying out a business, the company is not concerned with the total amount rather it is concerned with the actual cost behavior. This is so because cost behavior helps us to classify the costs into various categories such as fixed, variable, administrative and so on. For example: Let’s take a company with fixed costs F, variable costs V and the total number of units equal to X, its contribution margin will be equal to (P-V)X and profit can be calculated as follows: Profit = (P-V) X F Break even analysis: Cost volume profit analysis can also help the organizations in calculating the breakeven point which is the point at which the profits become equal to zero. This can be done by finding the break even volume and then using it to make graphical representations. The break even volume can either be expressed in dollars or in units depending upon the nature and type of the organization (Cafferky, 2010). For instance: if the organization makes a large amounts of products, then the company must prefer to calculate the breakeven volume in the form of sales dollars while in case of one product company, the unit method might be a more effective calculation of sales volume. Presented below are the calculation method and the graphical representation in both cases: Break even volume in unit method = Fixed costs Unit contribution margin Break even volume in sales dollar method = Fixed costs Contribution margin ratio This chart illustrated that at the breakeven point, the profits of the company become zero and below this point, the company begins to incur losses. So, it is a beneficial tool for the organizations which help them to analyze what should be the target ad how this target can be achieved by managing the fixed as well as variable costs and also by preparing a plan for the future operations. Margin of safety A new element introduced in this chart is the margin of safety which refers to the amount by which the sales revenues of a company might decrease because it begins to incur any losses. It is also called as the cushion of loss which provides a deeper insight into the company’s profits, losses and revenues. It can be calculated as follows: Margin of Safety = Sales – Breakeven sales Marin of safety ratio = Margin of safety Sales Larger ratios are preferred because they indicate that there is a lower risk that the company would reach breakeven point of even below it. This is the simplest method of calculating the breakeven point. However, it is not the only one. There are two types of methods used by different companies in order to benefit from the CVP approach (Yunkera Yunker, 2003). 1. Non- Linear CVP analysis: This approach is used mostly for the purpose of economics in order to calculate various elements such as productivity and returns in the long run. However, this has not proved to be a really good approach because it has unreliable input parameters. Since it is designed specifically for the long term transactions, therefore; it is not really credible and reliable approach for making short term business calculations. Moreover, it has been found to be more complex as compared to the simple breakeven calculation. 2. Linear CVP analysis: This is more realistic, practical and reliable approach to find the relationship between costs and revenues. It is the breakeven method that presents the things in a rather simple and â€Å"easy to understand†way. However, in order to make this approach a more effective one, the following 5 things need to be followed: Keeping the sale price constant Keeping the variable cost per unit also constant The total fixed costs must also remain the same In case of more than one product lines, the company should try to keep the sales volume constant The number of units sold must be equal to the number of units produced. Operating Leverage Another benefit that companies gain by using the CVP approach is the operating leverage benefit which explains how the cost structure of an organization is made up of fixed cost processes. This is a huge benefit because the cost structure is directly related to the level of growth and profit a company has (Phillips, 1994). Operating leverage can vary greatly from one company to another. In the firms that have a high ratio of fixed costs as compared to the variable costs, the operating leverage is good because it produces a high contribution margin. Similarly, higher fixed sales also mean that the company has a higher breakeven point. A higher breakeven point is directly related to the financial success of the company because at this point, the company can claim high profits at a much higher rate (Raichura, 2007). Income Tax benefits: Similarly, the simple CVP model can be extended to other issues such as the calculation of incorporate taxes of multiple products within a company. This is done by modifying the profit equation of the chart to include taxes as well. This analysis can also be extended to those firms that offer more than one product or service rather than a simple product. This can be calculated as follows: After tax profit = [(P-V) X – F] x (1 – t) Future forecasting By using the above mentioned models, approaches and graphs, managers can analyze the direction in which their company is moving and this analysis might help them to better understand the different operations and activities within the organizations. By getting beforehand knowledge of profits and costs, the company can manage them in a more efficient way to increase productivity. Preparation of Budgets: Since the cost profit volume analysis helps in determining the level of sales and thus helps organizations to achieve their desired targets. This approach would help the managers to prepare their budgets which consist of the costs as well as the revenues at any level of production within the organization. Cost Control: The biggest benefit of CVP analysis is to evaluate the cost volume changes within an organization and the impact of these changes on revenue generation. For instance: there is a dental hospital that wants to purchase a new dental machine so that the patient’s level of satisfaction can be increased by reducing the time required for dental treatment. The purchase of this new machine will tend to increase fixed costs of an organization. So, at such complex situations, the cost volume analysis can be the most effective tool to help in simplifying the company’s decision. If this dental hospital uses CVP analysis, it can manage to decrease its variable costs by maintain the profit at the same desired level. Price Determination: It is another benefit of using this approach. For example: taking the above example again, if any competitor within the dental industry has set the price at AED 50,000 for a single dental operation and the business cannot provide this operation at any cost lower than AED 20,000, then the company can use cost profit volume analysis to compare the competitor’s price with the fixed and variable costs of its own operations and thus it can manage to come up with a price that is in the best interest of the company. Profit Planning: The aim of any business is to create value for the customers and to get profits for the company. However, managing all operations and costs in such a way that can maximize profits is not an easy task. Therefore, organizations have to consider a lot of things in order to engage in proper profit planning techniques. The CVP analysis can help the companies to create the best and most profitable combination of cost, price and sales volume. Thus, it can help managers to calculate and estimate their profit at different levels and for different range of products. Risk Assessment: The business world is changing and due to several internal s well as external threats associated with any industry, businesses have to face too many risks. Although the calculation of risk and return through measuring a constant (beta) is a method in finance but managerial accounting is also concerned with this. Managing risk is too significant for any business because it tends to define all the procedures and practices involved within an organization. Therefore, CVP is a tool which helps to calculate risk particularly in terms of costs and volumes. After analyzing this risk, the companies can come up with efficient solutions to reduce this risk. Decision Making: All the above mentioned benefits re directly or indirectly related to the decision making processes of a company. Any business organization has to make a lot of decisions regarding their price, their costs, and products, fixed and variable unit costs and so on. The CVP approach simplifies this process by providing the companies with a breakeven point and by helping them to engage in better decision making and planning for the future. Conclusion So, the project has presented a detailed analysis of how is CVP calculated and how can it be used to benefit an organization. Out of the two types of CVP approaches, linear approach is the simple one and it provides companies with easy ways to make estimates regarding costs, prices and sales volumes. The calculation of breakeven pint helps in decision making for a company by providing it a better future forecasting, risk assessment,, price estimation and so on. In other word, the cost volume profit approach has a direct impact on improving the organizational performance and productivity. References Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis). (n.d.). Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from http://www.acornlive.com/demos/pdf/P2_PM_Chapter_5.pdf Cafferky, M. (2010). Breakeven Analysis: The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Business Expert Press. Lewis, J. (n.d.). Advantages Disadvantages of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-disadvantages-costvolumeprofit-analysis-35135.html MAAW. (2011). The controversy over contribution margin approach. Phillips, P. A. (1994). Welsh Hotel: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Uncertainty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31-36. Raichura, K. (2007). C-V-P Analysis Operating Leverage. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from http://www.managementparadise.com/forums/financial-management/20603-c-v-p-analysis-operating-leverage.html Yunkera, J. A., Yunker, P. J. (2003). Stochastic CVP analysis as a gateway to decision-making under uncertainty. Journal of accounting Education, 339-365.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Steel Co Human Resource Report Essay -- Steel Co Human Resource Case S
Table of Contents Background 1 Aim 1 Objectives 1 Limitations/Scope 1 Evaluation of Steel Co Performance and Reward System 2 Performance and Reward management Tools 3 Pay Structure 5 Performance and Reward for different groups 6 Conclusion 7 Recommendations 7 References 8 Background The company Steel Co, which has been established for around 30 years, has been in a steady decline during the current recession and although a Divisional Director has been employed by the owner the fortunes of the company have not improved. The staff is unhappy, unproductive and unimpressed by the Human Resource system that currently exists in the company. The pay structure that currently exists within the organisation has been much debated among employees who feel it is unsatisfactory. The Business Adviser will research Performance and Reward management tools in order to help the company develop a more suitable Performance and Reward system to use. A variety of sources will be used in order to evaluate the system and tools against other organisational frameworks. The pay structure within the company will also be looked at in order to identify any possible changes that could be made. Aim The aim of this report is to evaluate current Human Resource Practices within Steel Co and identify weaknesses that the current model possesses. Performance and Reward management tools available will be evaluated in order to make recommendations on how the Management tools could compliment the system that Steel Co currently employs. Objectives To achieve the aim of this report there are 4 Objectives which are considered: 1. Evaluate the Performance and Reward model that the company currently uses in order to identify weaknesses and areas whe... ...ng conditions as well as overall organisational performance. Due to being intrinsic rather than extrinsic the company does not incur a high cost and thus would be able to retain and motivate employees further. References Works Cited http://www.businessballs.com/balanced_scorecard.htm http://www.tatasteeleurope.com/en/careers/general_vacancies/benefits/ http://www.nationalforum.com/Electronic%20Journal%20Volumes/Lunenburg,%20Fred%20C.%20Goal-Setting%20Theoryof%20Motivation%20IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/ImportedDocuments/Tech_rept_Effective_Performance_Mgt_with_Balanced_Scd_July_2005.pdf http://www.allenword.com/360feedbackform-final.pdf http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/pay-structures.aspx#link_3 http://www.benefitsandcompensationresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/why-a-family-job-approach.pdf
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hinduism and Drug Abuse Essay
â€Å"Hinduism’ has many religious and cultural traditions which stem from the Vedas, the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. The tradition, therefore, has no clear beginning, and has no single founder or single belief, but there are a number of beliefs and practices which are widely accepted. Practically all Hindus believe in the idea of reincarnation, in which the eternal soul (ATMAN) moves through different species, from one body to another according to ‘the law of Kama’ ,the goodness or badness of their deeds in this life. The belief that every soul is trapped in a cycle of birth and then death and then rebirth is known as Samsara. The quality of a life that the soul is born into depends on the previous life. The aim of human life, for most Hindus, is to escape from the cycle of birth and death (Moksha), through union with the Supreme BRAHMAN who is present in everything. Behind Hindu practice is So Hinduism is about the sort of life a person should lead in order to be born into a better life next time and eventually become free from rebirth altogether. Every Hindu wants to escape from this cycle so Hindus aim to live in a way that will cause each of their lives to be better than the life before. Living or acting in the right way is known as dharma. Every Hindu has a purusharthas, or life goal, and leading a pure life through purity of body and mind is very important so that they are able to carry out their religious duties. To reach their individual goal they must create good Karma through control over gratification of the senses; pleasure; sensual, sexual, and mental enjoyment. The Laws of Manu are guidelines for a pure life and describe the perfect man as: ‘He who has perfect 3 fold control: that is control over speech, thought and actions.’ So a perfect man should only say pure things, think pure thoughts and act in a controlled, alert way. Anything which takes man from this control is harmful and wrong, which is known as AHISMA. Hindus follow this principle of non-violence, non-harming and therefore use of drugs and alcohol can harm the body and so go against the principle of AHISMA. Also Hindus rely so much on Karmic energy for their ultimate goal that AHISMA and bad actions taint this karmic energy and will affect the rebirth and drugs can therefore be viewed as an obstacle to the ultimate goal of a Hindu’s life. As all living things are part of a life cycle.and as BRAHMAN is in all living things, they deserve respect. Life has value, is sacred and to exploit creation by harming the body with drugs and alcohol Hindus practice meditation to bring the mind under control and then control the body through the mind eg the Indian custom of walking on a bed of nails without pain. Drugs, especially Hallucinogenic drugs, do the opposite to meditation as the mind is not under strict control. So drug and alcohol abuse is not generally allowed because a man is not in control leading to bad KARMA and bad REBIRTH. HINDU LAW states that Brahmin priests are not allowed to drink alcohol as alcohol affects nervous system making you do things you normally wouldn’t d, and speech becomes slurred which goes against. In the same way LSD affects the way we think and act, causes Hallucinations and makes us do things out of the ordinary ‘For liquor is the defiling dirt excreted from rice, therefore a priest, a ruler or commoner should not drink liquor.’ (11:94) Since Brahmin priests are not allowed alcohol, most Hindus follow their example and do not have alcohol. Modern medicine uses drugs to fight disease and suffering. Used properly, drugs like aspirin, penicillin bring benefits whilst others can cause all sorts of harm. They can increase suffering and affect individuals and society. Drugs such as opium can relieve pain but have been exploited by western demand in the form of heroin, which is addictive and causes many problems. Experimentation for fun can be extremely dangerous and lead to self-degradation, crime and early death. These dangerous drugs are known as speed and grass also called pot, dope or hash, smack and acid. Hindu society in general does not tolerate these drugs. However, in saying this, modern medicine is not rejected because it does benefit the body, which is the guiding line for a Hindu, for a healthy body is needed to perform all religious duties and therefore medicines which restore the body’s natural balance are acceptable. Hinduism is perhaps the only religious tradition to have had some experience of drugs at an early stage in its history. Hallucinogenic vegetation such as the soma plant, native to India, was used by certain groups to gain ‘religious experience’. As a result, there are certain unclear lines within the Hindu tradition where the use of non-medical drugs are concerned, especially amongst different denominations of Hindus Most of the commonly used drugs in India are derived from the Hemp or cannabis plant. They include Hashish, Bhang, ganja, and charus. Many SADUS still use them to bring on trances or visions. Although Hindus in Britain such as Gujurati traders and Krishna Consciousness regard AHIMSA very highly as a guide to lifestyle, many follow the guideline given by The Law of Manu which states: ‘Meat-eating is not wrong, nor alcohol, nor sex. These are natural actions of living beings; but abstention from such action is highly rewarded.’ (M 5:56) Abstinence from these every day actions is highly valued amongst these Hindus but they are not seen as bad actions. The views about alcohol vary again from region to region, and caste to caste. In general, frequent use of alcohol is looked down on, the exception to the rule being Tantrics, whose aim is to unite all things and gain freedom form the restrictions of human life; they therefore use cannabis and alcohol as part of their rituals. In general, it is better to refuse alcohol or drug as laid down by the Law of Manu which warns against wilful addiction. ‘He (man) must not get wilfully addicted to any object or substance of self-gratification; he must try to overcome such dependence through will.’ Hindus realise that the problem of drug abuse needs to be dealt with. It is seen as ‘Trendy’ for upper classes, and for the poor a welcome escape from hard and unpleasant reality of life. Hindus believe that people who suffer, for whatever reasons, should really be helped, even if suffering is brought about by their own stupidity or bad karmic action. The reason behind this is their respect for life in general and ‘Honour all humankind’ is one of their 4 daily practices. All human beings and forms of life are related through the divine spirit of BRAHMAN . Each person is a part of the whole and a Hindu knows that no-one can be totally evil because of their soul (ATMAN) being a part of the divine BRAHMAN. Therefore it is better to help them and not judge them ; to encourage them to lead a life that demonstrates respect for both religious duties and for their soul and for those of others. There is some control of drug use in the home as strong family structures are valued and smoking in the presence of elders is regarded as showing a lack of respect. Also, smoking in India, as in Britain is forbidden on public transport, in cinemas, theatres and temples. In the modern world drugs are avoided mainly for the emphasis on purity of body, but it is also against the Hindu tradition of still meditation which aims to bring the mind under control and then control of the body through the mind. In everyday life the mind is often led by desires and sense- pleasure of the body, but with meditation (YOGA) a person is encouraged to take disciplined control over their life according to the Hindu ideal of purity. Drugs, especially ones with hallucinogenic properties would totally reverse the meditation process since the mind would not be under strict control but left to follow its own course. However, any individual would be under an obligation, in the context of DHARMA , to ensure they could continue to pursue their life goals . So in for the Hindu, the use of drugs does not always appear to be considered inappropriate, but the question of limits comes in, and this, as is often the case in Hinduism, is a matter of individual judgement.
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