Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
Michael Sandel lectures on justice throughout two episodes. Episode 1 Part one â€Å"The Moral Side of the Murder†has three cases that demonstrate how to recognize moral selflessness and cope with consequences. These cases also show us how they move us to act and the opportunities that exist from those actions. The moral rightness of these cases can maximize consequentiality moral reasoning and can also locate morality in certain duties and rights which is categorical reasoning. In the first case driving the trolley and killing one worker rather than five is not considered an act of murder according to students from Sandels discussions.The majority expressed consequentialist moral reasoning. As an onlooker on a bridge looking at the trolley, some students would not push a fat man over the bridge to save the five workers, they said that the act would be committing murder; therefore the consequences are complex and categorical. When asked about a surgeon removing five organs fr om one healthy individual to save the lives of five other individuals, the majority of the students did not agree to be morally correct. In this example the greatest number was compromised because of moral reasoning.Episode 1 Part two, â€Å"The Case for Cannibalism†is a real life story that asks the question if the four survivors of the Mignonette ship were morally justified. Brooks, Dudley, Stevens and Parker had been on a life boat for 19 days. Parker’s decision to drink the salt water put him in a vulnerable position that ended his life by cannibalism to save the rest. By day twenty-four, Brooks, Dudley and Stevens were rescued and arrested. The majority of the students agreed to try them while the minority asked the question to what degree of necessity would exonerate them.It was discussed if the three survivors would benefit the community or be a danger to society for being cannibalistic. The key point by Sandel and the students was that adding consent would mak e a difference in the trial. Kantian ethics was preferred instead of Bentham’s utilitarianism theory. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill have different proposals on utilitarianism. â€Å"Jeremy Bentham identified good consequences with pleasure, which is measured in terms of intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent.John Stuart Mill argued that pleasures differ in quality as well as quantity and that the highest good involves the highest quality as well as quantity of pleasure. †There is no agreement on which theories count as consequentiality under this definition therefore skepticism will always exist. Episode 2 Part One â€Å"Putting a Price Tag on Life†was focused on Bentham’s theory of act-utilitarian. Cost benefit analysis was a huge focus on this topic. This analysis involves placing a dollar value to stand for utility.The first case took place in Czech Republic encouraging the citizens to smoke. The company Phil ip Morris conducted a cost benefit analysis and had the highest gain which included early death from smoking to benefit the government or other people. Decision to smoke was a qualitative risk factor since there was known probabilities. This objection to utilitarianism fails to respect individual and minority rights and is not possible to total a dollar value on human life. Another study that examined placing a dollar value on human life, was done by psychologist Edward Thorndike.He conducted a survey in the 1930’s for the purpose of placing a dollar amount with various scenarios. The choices of living in a farm in Kansas, pulling off a front tooth, cutting off a toe and eating a worm all had a value. The majority favored as the highest pleasure to live in a farm in Kansas. Episode 2 Part Two â€Å"How to Measure Pleasure†discusses the levels of pleasure. The examples of choosing the highest pleasure between Shakespeare, Simpsons or Fear Factor were based on culture a nd education. Students reasoned that Shakespeare voted the highest because this is presented throughout the school years.But if given a choice between Shakespeare, seasons of the Simpsons as the only pleasure for life, majority ruled I favor of Shakespeare for intellect purposes. The Simpsons for entertaining purposes were voted second and Fear Factor last. To test the highest pleasure, people would have to experience all to pick the very best. John Stuart Mill said that utility is the only standard of morality therefore you must experience both pleasures. The similarities between Episode 1 and 2, was that categorical moral reasoning was preferred.Circumstances dictated those whom decided that the greatest good was for the greatest number. In contrast, more utilitarian and consequential moral reasoning emphasis was found in Episode 1 than in episode 2. The moral of the story that philosopher Bentham suggested was that â€Å"Here in life and in death is a man who adhered to the prin cipals of his philosophy. †References http://www. questia. com/read/1E1-utilitar/utilitarianism http://onbiostatistics. blogspot. com/2010/02/cost-benefit-analysis-put-dollar-value. html
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
History of Legazpi Essay
DURING THE PRE-SPANISH PERIOD Early in the 13th century, Datu Balensusa and Dumagsil, two of the ten Bornean Datus led by Datu Puti, went from Panay to Laguna and the Bicol Region. Prehistoric dwellers mostly fishermen and farmers established a barangay on the mouth of Makabulo River called Sawangan (now Legazpi Port) , a small settlement by a mangrove swamp,Its inhabitants were headed by old chieftain, Gat Ibal,a descendant of Datu Dumagsil. The home grown name,Sawangan was another way to say Sabang indicating a†natural wharf created by the water from the sea†. Dwelling in tiny groups of huts which are made from rattan and nipa, small houses occupied this part of swampy and low land and its surrounding areas were known as Ibalon. DURING THE SPANISH PERIOD In 1573,under the Spanish expeditionary forces,Capitan Juan de Salcedo (Capitan Esteban de Manchaca) and 120 soldiers reached and explored barangay Sawangan. The natives gallantly fought the invaders but were no match for the conquistadores’ superior arms. Subsequently, the natives were converted to Catholism. In 1587,Franciscan friars of the Doctrina of Cagsawa began to convert the settlement to Christianity. Fr. Francisco de Sta. Ana,it’s first parish priest built the first chapel made of nipa and bamboo to house and established the first Franciscan mission in Sawangan, the â€Å"Mission de San Gregorio de Sawangan. In 1605, Sawaà ±gan was elevated to Visita Regular, having been previously under the spiritual ministry of Cagsaua since 1578. In 1616,Sawangan become an independent town separated from Cagsawa called Albaybay (meaning â€Å"by the bay†) finally shortened as Albay. It was declared the capital of the province of Partido de Ibalon (old name of the Province of Albay). The town was renamed Albay, then Legazpi, as Albay went on to refer to the province at present. Perennially rocked by minor eruptions of the Mayon Volcano for two centuries, compounded by sporadic attacks by Muslim pirates and the Dutch, the capital was partially destroyed by a major eruption on February 1, 1814. The catastrophe buried Cagsaua.The progress of the town was razed to the ground upon the eruption, Fr. Pedro Licup evacuated the community to Makalaya (today’s Barangay Taysan). Some of the people, however, remained in the old town and began anew as a barrio. In lieu of their former patron saint, St. Gregory the Great, which had also been transferred to Albay, they adopted St. Raphael, the Archangel and transformed the ermita into a church. They finally regained their old status but never changed the name of the place as Albay Viejo or Banwang Daan.Years later in 1856, Sawangan was restored and subsequently renamed Binanuahan (Banuang Gurang) which literally means â€Å"Old Town†or â€Å"ancient place or town wherein a town was founded†and/or â€Å"the former seat of a town†. It was made a Visita Tributaria of Taytay. The combined towns were later named Albay Nuevo (Bagumbayan – meaning â€Å"New Town†) with the residents of Binanuahan’s objections to the union. On July 17, 1856, Ramon Montero of the Govierno Superiora de las Islas Filipinas signed a decree which created the Visita of Pueblo Viejo, out of Binanuahan – uniting the barrios (settlement communities) of Lamba, Bigaa and Rawis. On September 22, 1856, through a subsequent Royal Decree, the name Legazpi was officially adopted to including the visitas of Lamba, Rawis and Bigaa, and declaring it an independent town. It was formally inaugurated on October 23, 1856. Historically, the city was named Legazpi, to perpetuate to the memory of Adelantado Don Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. This was the agreement made between the original inhabitants of the place and the Spaniards during the former’s quest for autonomy. It took them 21 years, in which they sought the help and support of the Spaniards, then living in the town. As a sign of gratitude, the people readily accepted the name, which was also then proposed by the Spaniards upon fulfillment of their efforts. Now autonomous, and with a fast paced progress and prosperity,the port of Legazpi served as anchorage of ships sailing for Nuevo Espaà ±a (through Mexico) in the later part of the 16th century until it was elevated a Royal Decree by issued earlier on May 18, 1872 in Madrid and was later promulgated by Governor Juan Alamenos y de Vivar on December 3, 1874 as a port of entry open to world trade . Legazpi first became a city under the Becerra Law of 1892 promulgated by the Spanish Minister of Ultramar in 1894, which constituted the municipalities of Legazpi, Albay Nuevo and Daraga, into the Ayutamiento de Albay with the resentment of the Daragueà ±os. At the height of the Filipino-Spanish Revolution, the Civil Governor of Albay, Angel Bascaran y Federic and the Spanish residents fled Albay. Subsequently, a revolutionary Junta was organized by Don Anacleto Solano, who later turned over command to General Vicente Lucban, General-in-Chief of Operations of the Philippine Revolutionary Governments in the Southern Region. DURING THE AMERICAN PERIOD By January 23, 1900 the American forces outgunned Legazpi defenders, defeating the Sandatahanes led by Vito Belarmino and Jose Ignacio Paua at the Battle of San Rafael Bridge known as the â€Å"Battle of Legazpi†. With the American occupation in 1900, the city was dissolved upon reestablished Legazpi, Albay and Daraga as independent towns under a military government. In 1908, the Philippine Assembly, again, merged the three towns creating the Municipio de Albay which became the capital of the province. Giving way to bitter opposition from Daragueà ±os, realizing the merger was doing more harm than good to their interests, the Philippine Assembly finally separated Daraga from the capital town in 1922. DURING THE JAPANESE PERIOD Simultaneous with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the Japanese Imperial Army’s Kimura Detachment entered Legazpi on December 12, 1941. Yet again, countless accounts of the locals’ ultimate sacrifices, gallantry and heroism against the odds in the ensuing Guerilla warfare abound during that period. Under Japanese military administration for almost 4 years, the capital was finally liberated by American forces on April 1, 1945. DURING THE REPUBLIC Legazpi became a city for the second time on July 18, 1948 when Daraga and Legazpi were combined again to constitute its territory, under Republic Act No. 306. Re-Incorporating Daraga, Republic Act No. 306 elevated the town to today’s Legazpi City. However, bitter opposition from the Daragueà ±os ultimately prevailed with the passing of Republic Act No. 993 which repealed R.A. 306 creating the separate Municipalities of Legazpi and Daraga.With the re-creation of the two municipalities, the city was dissolved in June 8, 1954. Finally on June 12, 1959,Republic Act 2232 authored by Senator.Pedro Subido and Congressman.Jusfino Nuyda was signed by Pres.Carlos P.Garcia. This was later amended by Republic Act 5525. By virtue of this act, Legazpi became a city for the third time. .Legazpi was declared Albay Province’s seat of government as its capital city under Republic Act 2254. On February 27, 1973, With the onset of the Integrated Reorganization Plan of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, the City of Legazpi was declared under Presidential Decree No. 125, to comprise its present territorial jurisdiction and the adjacent Municipality of Daraga. however, the decree was permanently mothballed. This plan also made the city as the regional administrative center of the Bicol Region (Presidential Decree No. 1). At present,the Gateway City of Bicol,Legazpi,is a bustling and very progressive city that is home of more than 180,000 citizens.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Assignment for International Economic Relations Lecture
Assignment for International Economic Relations lecture Topic:Milton Friedman as the criticised economic agitator which has chances to succeed In my opinion, things which are fascinating in the economy for people without more than average knowledge about this science are not elaborate models, taxation or tariff systems. Really captivating issue for ordinary man is a picture of economy as a metaphysical force which rules our lives. In this context it is a reasonable tool for explaining global processes. Somehow, we should be a little skeptical, because it is quite dangerous to think that one and only impact on world society is supply and demand rule. In my essay I would like to focus on the understanding and the idea of world which Milton Friedman offered in the book „Free to Choose†. In the reality as he presented it there are two categories of action- according to â€Å"real economics†and against it. That real and good economics is a set of actions, but also lack of any action, which are undertaken for purely economical reasons. One should emphasize that Friedman sees economics as overwhelming power which, in terms of the effectiveness and the profit, is the best solution. As an example he is points to ZSSR- an opposite of the model to free economics. In his view commonwealth with the planned economy would be in even worse condition if it werent for the elements of drawing aside from the Marxist ideology in the direction of the capitalism. American economist illustrates the way in which the system works by describing the situation of the Soviet citizen who is decides to break the principles of soviet economy. He is handing the washing machine over to the national point of repair illegally. He is paying more, but repair is done without the queue and he has his working washing machine in the short time. What is more a mechanic from the national point of repair gets some additional earnings. Both benefit from that transaction, which is a pure example of capitalistic way of handling business , all that happening in the center of gravity of a planned economy. Friedman is also assigning a very important role to the price as the notifying, stimulating and regulating factor. One should add typical Smiths attitude to the role of the government presented in the epitaph for Hong Kong of the end of years 80, written in the same spirit. My point is not to report Friedmans ideas, as I think that what he presents to his readers is not only the image of economics. I can see it more as the program, desired state of affairs. In my mind a Nobel Prize winner in field of economics from the year 1976 is in a way reminding of Karol Marx. Despite the fact that the Communist Manifesto is from other times and presents the opposite ides, I could say it uses similar rhetoric. As a matter of fact the American economist is scoring the program of the co-founder of the International Workingmens Association, as if he wanted to show that the capitalism won already as the best economic system, now is the time for it to become the leading ideology. Finding support in such attributes as the freedom, the equality in the access to goods explicitly in the context of the economic system is making the text of Friedman agitational. In the following part of the essay I will be trying to confront utilitarian (or even Utopian) vision of Friedman with views of other economic minds. It is probably the best to argue against Milton Friedmans theory by using the achievements of the school of John Maynard Keynes. It is obvious that the British scholar sees the role of the government and the state rather differently. Keynes wants administration to take care of citizens in the full-time manner, rather than only as a night watchman. However he agrees with the global scope of economics. According to him the domestic production depends on the world demand, and unemployment is an effect of the insufficient demand. When comparing the two points of view I shall focus on the vivid aspects. There is a method of the psychoanalysis with the colloquial name „ dictator †. The test examines 2 persons- one is assigned to be a dictator receives for example 100 dollars. He is supposed to share money with the second person, so that the other accepts the exchange. If the second person agrees on the division of money, the amounts are given to the participants. If the division wont be accepted money is coming back to researchers. It isnt possible to negotiate and the second person knows what amount the dictator has at his disposal. Supposedly the situation is simple- the second person should agree to accept any amount the dictator offers, as it would always result in the intrinsic gain for him. Meanwhile, 69% of people for which the suggested amount stayed from 1 to 3. 7 dollar decided not to agree for the division. Dictators most often pay amounts between 28 and 44 dollars. It is one of many undoubted proofs for the fact that people do not always act reasonably and according to the spirit of economics. Adam Smith wrote, that the exchange between sides based on the principle of the freedom would take place exclusively when both sides will recognize it as profitable. How can receiving 3 dollars for nothing not be recognized as profitable? It turns out that there is something else apart from the profit as understood by Friedman. In „Free is Choose†and „The Essence of Friedman„ is summoning the famous Leonard E. Reads pencil, of which „ no man knows how to make a it†. Read is describing all stages of the coming into existence of the pencil, with a broad spectrum. The pencil â€Å"is saying†that thanks to the function of price none of the buyer is interested in a aspect who is getting the graphite: believer of the Yahweh or the Allah and whether Americans or Japanese people cut the trees down. The whole matter is showing itself not to be so simple and that is why nobody is registering international price of pencils, and more a barrel of oil concerns us. Furthermore an example of the â€Å"dictator†shows that the point of reference is extremely important in making economic decisions. Not to search far, let us take the example of the European Union, which ideology is more related to Keynes than Friedman. What I mean is the Union as the institution bristling with the customs, rates, and artificial subsidies of Community economies. After all opening to other markets, with cheap products (provided it is not dealing with the dumping) should benefit the EU. Isnt it a fact that the more participants in the free global exchange, the more effective the economy is? We, Europeans prefer to pay extra for â€Å"our†grain, by subsidizing it, rather than allow for goods from Africa. Maybe the explanation for this is the fact that we are aware that even tough the profit is less, it stays within European economy, and does not allow inhabitants of Africa to make comparatively higher profit. It is worthwhile to mention the opponent of classical economics and the self-regulation of the world market. Karl Polanyi regarded specific business activity and its rooting in the culture together with the historical moment and the social situation as the main factors influencing the shape of the economy(„ The Great Transformation †). According to Polanyiego economic transactions are not as much guided by receiving an economic or financial benefit as they are aimed at supporting and refreshing norms and social values. He found global markets moving on into the side of the laissez-faire, the main reason for the atomization of the society and the breakdown of social bonds. From the other side Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto is slightly narrowing the issues. He definitely rejects the argumentation of supporters of liberal economics, who claim that capitalism is not working in some countries (e. g. South America) due to cultural differences. He regards these views as offensive and unconvincing. In his „ The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else †, he highlights the inborn feature of entrepreneurship of inhabitants of countries which find it difficult to function as the free market economy. De Soto claims that the poor men of noncapitalistic world have significant amounts of the saving which are being estimated to account for as much as forty-fold the entire foreign help from 1945 to 2000 r. The Peruvian can see the problem in the lack transparency of these goods. The wealth which people have from outside of the range of capitalism, is not circulating in the worlds economy. It is not possible to take a loan or to pawn the central mortgage with the help of these assets. For de Soto capital is not only a transparentness. The secret of Capital lies in abilities of people of capitalist systems which can see living their wealths which they can invest as a living capital. For them it works already on the principle of the unconditioned reflex, however the rest of the world is left with the dead capital and not being able to invest it. Here Hernando de Soto is seeking the cause of the poverty. I will devote the last paragraph to the quite obvious accusation, that in the model of Friedman there is no such an instrument like social benefits. The government, which is not helping poor men to rise their quality of living and help become economically active or in more extreme cases giving them a chance to survive, seems worthless. Apart from that, words about equality of opportunities and of the access to goods, seem to be empty words in the context of a society diversified in terms of wealth from the assumption. It is not difficult to attack Milton Friedman and his views. Equally easily like Karol Marks and his social and economic model . After all in the communism a logical cohesion and an adequacy in relation to reality were not the most important issue, its aim was to give an uncomplicated and interesting interpretation of world surrounding us. The same concerns the laissez-faire of Friedman. This gives the American economist greater chances of the success than the German a philosopher had. If to examine the criticism of de Soto, Keynes, Polanyi and socialists it it is possible enough to reach the conclusion that they criticize small shortcomings rather than serious professional errors. Following Keynes thoughts, it is possible to say that there are other factors which influence human action then mere economics. However it is worth to remember the fact that at one time we didnt know how to measure the social capital, social tensions, social inequality. Perhaps at one time in the future we will manage to measure even more intangible factors such as love, pain or the dislike. Then when they become measurable and countable, it will be possible to include them in the system of economic exchange, and to check whether being a â€Å"dictator†is still more profitable. It is difficult to force people to retreat from global exchange, in favor to the local one which is fulfilling the social role, as Karl Polanyi wanted. As for de Soto, the poor of developing countries must learn the same lesson as the Americans in The Wild West did- the important of title deeds and the fact that they are liable to an exchange for other goods, that is in short transparency. There remain two questions: how to convince people for acting within the free economy, and how to solve a problem which the laissez-faire doesnt predict? First what is coming to my mind it is a Grameen Bank example. First bank in the world which opened to people without essential capital. The homeless, unescorted women, families in need could take the microcredit fitted to their needs. Everything acting as a bit as in the fairy tale- as people are rising their standard of living and Grameen notes considerable profits. What is more they already have their followers in major banks: Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, BNP Paribas. Of course, just as in every other system there are already certain shortcoming, but one should remember that the project is young. One should appreciate the fact that it is satisfying social needs of the welfare state belongs, and it is not in opposition to the laissez-faire. And if the economic liberalism would be supposed to control entire world, it is in my opinion one of the best solutions we could offer yet. It is as if we corrected the shortcoming of the framework by using the tools that the framework gives us. Maciej Bialoruski, IS UW(International Economic Relations, Wed,16. 45)
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Supply Chain Management Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Supply Chain Management Assignment - Essay Example 277, 303 units divided by the number of months. The ordering cost of producing each printer incurred by the company is stated to be $250. Based on the above data the carrying cost of each of the several units is assumed to be around $21. Moreover the lead time required to dispatch the products from the Vancouver centre to the European Distribution Centers is observed to be 35 days. Given the above conditions the economic order quantity that ought to be produced by the firm can be calculated as: Square Root of (2 * Average Demand* Cost of Order/ Cost of Carrying) or it arrives to under Square Root of (2* 23109* 250/21). Herein the Economic Order Quantity based on the above model turns out to be 742 units approx. The cost of production of each unit by the company is observed to be given as $250. Thus the yearly investment based on the economic quantity calculated comes to around $250 * 742 units i.e. $185,500 on an average. A.2. The calculation of economic order quantity would help the company in reducing the cost pertaining to the production of DeskJet printers through the management of the flow of raw materials. The calculation of economic order quantity would also help the management in reducing the level of distribution costs of the printer gadgets from Vancouver to the European Distribution Centers. ... Less amount of working capital would be expended or locked for the above reason and thus would help the company gain more profits. Further the problems relating to effective stock management in regards to the delivery of the same from the Vancouver center to the European distribution houses can be effectively managed in which the issues relating to piling up or shortage of stock in some quarters can be effectively addressed. Thus by depending on the above model of economic order quantity the company can both manage the level of inventory flow from Vancouver to the European distribution houses and also the cost factor related to such (Chase et. al, 684). A.3. The Company focuses on making the DeskJet printers more customized through the modification conducted in the technical aspects of the products to help intake lesser voltage. This process of customization is conducted in the several European distribution centers where separate installations are made inside the printer to help the local population gain advantage from spending less power on such products. The cost of power being saved would help to enhance the demand for the same in the local markets and thus would also help the company to gain large amount of business profits. Moreover the factor of consumer loyalty would also be enhanced based on the above reason wherein the consumers would aptly feel cared by the company in helping them reduce the costs related to power usage. Again Hewlett Packard also helps to enhance the process of customization or localization through the rendering of manuals pertaining to the use of the gadgets inside the packaging boxes. These manuals would be written specifically in local languages which would help the local people
Research course - critical analysis paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research course - critical analysis - Term Paper Example In the course of this absenteeism, patients crowd the Nephrology facilities due to lack of adequate personnel to care of them. Their condition may worsen due to the delay in treatment. The purpose of this research is, therefore, to provide an outline of relationship among psychological empowerment, structural empowerment, and burnout in registered staff nurses working in outpatient Hemodialysis settings. This problem statement builds a strong statement by stating the Nephrology nurses usually go through during the burnout. It also clearly states the risks involved by mentioning the consequences of the burnout. From the problem statement, it is clear that the patients’ health is at risk. However, we are not told about the mechanisms through which the burnout comes about. Besides, Janice does not seem to take sides; one cannot easily tell the view from which the researcher argues (Houser, 2013). A research question is normally formulated before the onset of any field study. It normally addresses the cause and effect of the problem on the ground. In a research question, the researcher has no immediate answers. The researchers may design a set of questions that must only be answered by the analysis of the data collected in the field. However, it is not always obvious that the answers for the research questions are going to be obtained; some phenomena may remain ambiguity. An example of a research question in this context would be: What are the consequences of the burnout experienced by the Nephrology nurses? No research question was used in this study. Hypothesis, on the contrary, tries to make assumptions of the research questions. It tries to answer the questions prior to the field study. Hypotheses are, in essence, just the expected outcomes of the research. After data analysis, the hypotheses may be proved right or wrong. In this research, a number of hypotheses had been put forward by the author. They were
Saturday, July 27, 2019
To Spy Or Not To Spy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
To Spy Or Not To Spy - Essay Example The CEO advocates for the spyware software because he thinks it will enable the management to monitor all the activities of the employees while at work, and in turn, improve their productivity and efficiency while discharging their duties and responsibilities. However, the other members of the management and board are against this move because it is an outright proof to the employees that the management does not have any trust and confidence in their work. As such, there are fears that this move will reduce the output of employees rather than improving it as even the employees are against the infringement of their privacy through unnecessary spying by the management while at work. They rather advocate for evaluation and appraisal of the output of employees as opposed to their production process as the latter affects their productivity. The management comes to an agreement to reduce the scope of monitoring and spying on employees while at work. This at least brings about some form of understanding between the members of the board of directors and executive management. In addition, this move instills more confidence among the employees who feel that the organization trusts them a little more by not monitoring all the moves and activities that they undertake while at their workplace The reason why the management and the board of directors settled on the second option of reducing the rate of spying the employees was majorly that this agreement would bring about some form of understanding between the top decision makers of the company. If the CEO were to go ahead and implement his proposition against the wills and desires of the other members of the board and management team, he would receive maximum resistance, which in turn would erode the desired effects of the planned move. In addition, this would also create tension within the institution, which is not good for the normal operations of the company to ensure maximum productivity.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Deliberative Nursing Process Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Deliberative Nursing Process Model - Essay Example This theory is based on nurse-patient interaction and primarily emphasizes the fulfillment of immediate needs of the patients. Ida Jean Orlando is a significant contributor to the development of theoretical nursing knowledge. According to Fitzpatrick and Whall (1989) and Marriner-Tomey (1989), Orlando was born August 12, 1926. In 1947, she received a diploma in nursing from New York Medical College, Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital School of Nursing. She received a B. S. degree in Public Health Nursing from St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951, and an M. A. in Mental health Consultation from Columbia University Teacher's College, in New York in 1954. While pursuing her education Orlando was employed as a staff nurse in obstetrical, medical, surgical and emergency nursing. After receiving her master's degree in 1954, Orlando went to the Yale University School of Nursing in New Haven, Connecticut, for eight years. As an associate professor of mental health and psychiatric nursing at Yale, she was awarded a federal grant and became a research associate and the principal project investigator of a National Institute of Mental Health Institute of the United States Public Health Service's grant entitled "Integration of Mental Health Concepts in a Basic Curriculum". The project sought to identify those factors relevant to the integration of psychiatric-mental health principles into the nursing curriculum. The project consisted of an analysis of 2000 nurse-patient interactions. Her conceptual nursing model evolved from the analysis of this four-year NIMH project and appeared in her first book, The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process and Principles, published in 1961. (Fitzpatrick and Whall, 1989) From 1972 to 1981, Orlando lectured, served as a consultant and conducted numerous workshops across the United States. In 1981, she accepted a position of nurse educator for Metropolitan State Hospital in Waltham, Massachusetts. In 1987, she became the assistant director for nursing education and research at Metropolitan State Hospital. (Morriner-Tomey, 1989) From 1962-72, Orlando served as a clinical nurse consultant at McClean Hospital in Elmont, Massachusetts and reported ten years of research at the hospital in her second book, The Discipline and Teaching of Nursing Process: An Evaluative Study. (George, 1990) As indicated previously, based on her psychiatric-mental health nursing education and practice, Orlando inductively proposed her conceptual nursing model in her first book The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process and Principles, published in 1961. II. Analysis of Theory A. Theory Model-Deliberative Nursing Process This theory model is based upon immediate needs of the patients. Orlando assumes that nursing process initiates with the behavior of the patient. This patient behavior is further explained by her as an indication of the need of assistance from the patient and it may be verbal or non verbal. Such needs indication impacts nurse's response how she recognizes this need, employs her
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Asian history and culture as basis for understanding Asian economies Essay
Asian history and culture as basis for understanding Asian economies today - Essay Example The economic reforms marked a paradigm shift from the previous regime of state dominance based upon interventionist principles which had led to the problems of multidimensional inefficiencies and under-competitiveness of the produce, thereby leading to stagnation of economic growth, before directing it towards a severe macroeconomic imbalance and Foreign Exchange crisis. Given the protracted adverse effects of the development regime adopted in post-independence, the motivations for its espousal do require explorations. The answer lies in the history of the Indian economy as a British colony. During this period the British imperialists utilized the abundant resources and evolved the basic economic structure of India to the advantage of the British economy (Metcalf and Metcalf, 2006, p 125). The inefficient strategy modifications adopted thereon were essentially enforced by the modifications made to the Indian economy by the imperialist motivations of the colonizers that shattered its rural backbone (Bhagwati and Desai, 1970, p 75). This development was motivated by extraction and exploitation rather than generating a sound economic structure. It was this period that determined the course of the economy to be morphed in such a way that, at Independence, adopting a strategy of state interventionism was the only remaining choice. We shall aim to identify and explore key periods in India’s colonial history as definitive and significant to the cultural, political and economic developments which were, in essence, the determinants of Indian identity at independence, and the following political and cultural eventualities that have led to the present situation. We shall first explore the second half of the 19th century, before moving to the political and cultural changes resulting from the enforced structural changes in the economy during the years leading up to the Second World War and the nationalist movements in India, and finally to independence. The
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Impact of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Choices Research Paper
The Impact of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Choices - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of Cause Related Marketing. A working definition of CRM is borrowed from Varadarajan Menon. In this regard, Varadarajan and Menon define CRM as the process of formulating and implementing marketing activities that are characterised by an offer from the firm to contribute a specific amount to a designated cause when customers engage in revenue providing exchanges that satisfy organizational and individual objectives. In this regard, CRM is a form of business orientated philanthropy geared toward â€Å"profit-motivated giving†. CRM is also characterized by symmetrical relations between business organizations/for-profit organizations and non-profit organization on the basis of shared advantages. To this end, the business organization seeks to obtain an increase in sales and the non-profit organization seeks to obtain an increase in funding. Thus CRM is both a â€Å"positioning†and â€Å"marketing tool†that intentionally connects a business or a brad to â€Å"a relevant cause or issue†for the benefit of the business and the social cause or its non-profit promoter. A business firms’ investment in CRM is based on the concept that consumers for the most part will choose a brand for both â€Å"expressive†and â€Å"practical reasons†. Therefore a business may choose CRM as a means of promoting attachment to brand by tapping into the social and environmental consciousness of consumers to their products. When businesses’ brands are already experiencing a high level of loyalty to their products and brands, CRM can be used as â€Å"brand extensions†.... 60). In this regard, CRM is a form of business orientated philanthropy geared toward â€Å"profit-motivated giving†(Varadarajan & Menon, 1988, p. 58). CRM is also characterized by symmetrical relations between business organizations/for-profit organizations and non-profit organization on the basis of shared advantages. To this end, the business organization seeks to obtain an increase in sales and the non-profit organization seeks to obtain an increase in funding (Kahle & Close, 2011). Thus CRM is both a â€Å"positioning†and â€Å"marketing tool†that intentionally connects a business or a brad to â€Å"a relevant cause or issue†for the benefit of the business and the social cause or its non-profit promoter (Pringle & Thompson, 1999, p. 3). A business firms’ investment in CRM is based on the concept that consumers for the most part will choose a brand for both â€Å"expressive†and â€Å"practical reasons†(Linton, 2005, p. 604). Th erefore a business may choose CRM as a means of promoting attachment to brand by tapping into the social and environmental consciousness of consumers to their products. When businesses’ brands are already experiencing a high level of loyalty to their products and brands, CRM can be used as â€Å"brand extensions†(David, 2000, p. 132). Ultimately, the marketing strategy employed in CRM is to engage the consumer’s emotions with the result that the consumer is left feeling that by purchasing a specific product, he or she is helping to further social goods (Strahilevitz, 1999). From the perspective of the business organization, there can be two specific benefits. First, in the long term, CRM can provide an advantage in that it may improve the business’s
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Meet Generation Hot by Mark Hertsgaard Are You Ready for More by Essay
Meet Generation Hot by Mark Hertsgaard Are You Ready for More by Sharon Begley Cooler Heads Prevail Against Climate Panic by Jeff Jacoby - Essay Example She goes on to lament on how the whole world seem to be totally unconcerned about the coming treat. Because of the lack of concern, she argues that there is lack of preparedness for future risks and hazards associated with climate change and global warming. Finally, Jacoby brings up his own arguments on how the alarm raised on climate change is too frightening to be wholly true. He therefore argues that there is false alarm with the facts given about climate change. He proceeds to describe those who keep talking about climate change as scaremongers. His last argument is that the stable climate for the last 12,000 reported by Newsweek is a myth. Claims about climate change made in each text Reading through the texts presented by the three authors there can be a strong and outstanding case made about climate change by each of the authors. Hertgaard’s claim is that â€Å"no single event can ever be definitively attributed to global warming; weather results from many factors.â₠¬ He therefore points to both natural and man made causes as reasons behind the ever growing threat of climate change. Indeed, science has done a lot to warn the world of thins we can do as a people to reduce the threat of climate change but there seem to be very little warning coming in as to how we can reduce the effects of natural causes of climate change. From Begley’s context, there is a strong claim that the harsh conditions associated with climate change will continue. This is to say that climate change has not shown its worse forms yet and that though the world has had a lot to cry about concerning the devastating effects of climate change, there still remains a lot more to worry about if steps will not be taken to prevent the phenomenon. Jacoby’s claim on climate change also has to do with the causes of it whereby he pays tribute to natural factors as the major causes of climate change rather than man-made factors. The author simply opposes that carbon emiss ion and other industrial activities can be the most contributing factors. Claims made in these texts contradict one another and where they are similar Hertgaard and Jacoby make contradictory claims on the major causes of climate change. Whereas Hertgaard believes that larger portion of the cause of climate change is man made and so calls on parents of the Hot Generation to advise their children to stop the phenomenon, Jacoby refers such claims as scaremongering just as was made of the end time on May 21. Between Begley and Jacoby also, there is some level of contradiction on the effect of carbon emission on climate change. Whereas greater part of Begley’s argument is directed towards industrialization and for that matter carbon emission, Jacoby believes that the fight against carbon emission cannot be totally right as industrialization is needed and important for development. There are however similarities in the various articles. For example Hertgaard and Begley all point to industrialization as a serious global threat when it comes to climate change. Indeed, there is no denying the fact that industrialization is very necessary for the advanced development of the world. However, the practice could be given a more environmentally friendly face. Research should continue on how industrialization can be continued without its accompanying practices that lead to carbon emission. Indeed there should be an era in industrialization where carbon emission will be
In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters Essay Example for Free
In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters Essay In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters. When we first meet the family they are walking down a road which is all dirty and surrounded by dirt. The nature around them is dying out or rotting. This we can apply to both characters feeling; Micheal feels like his marriage spoiled or ruined his chance of a good life or any fortunes. Whereas Susan feels like she is dying or has died in Micheals heart since he is ready to sell her like he wouldve sold a horse in an auction. Hardy uses nature many times in this chapter. At one time when Micheal is auctioning Susan we are told that a sparrow flies in and everyone watches the sparrow till it disappears. This could in fact be showing us Susans position. Everyone watches her till she is able to go out of the tent with Newson the sailor. Hardy uses a lot of contrast to show the readers Micheals two sides, in this chapter. In the last chapter we saw Micheal in his drunken state which was his dark side. We saw his greed and bad temper. In chapter 2 though we see Micheal when he is sober and when he finds out what he has done. He shows determination in finding his wife and takes responsibility, however even in this chapter we see Micheals bad side when he blames Susan for being simple minded enough to think the auction was binding. Also we see his negative points when he is too proud of himself to tell people why he is searching for his wife. We straight away see that these two sides of Micheals will be a great factor in this book. In this chapter Hardy relives the walk to Weydon-Priors. Only this time the people walking are in a more loving situation. Also there are two women. The women obviously feel love for each other because they are holding each others hands. The fact that they are both wearing black gowns straight away gives us an idea of why these two women have come back this way. Also this is the first time we see Elizabeth- Jane in her grown up state and we see that she is brought up as a very nice girl. Although we see straight away that she is brought up in a rich lifestyle when she tells her mother that the infirmity tent isnt respectable. At this point e see for the first time that Hardy adds suspence when he decides to bring Susan back to Micheal. The reader wonders why Susan is so determined to meet him. He main question is why ahs Susan never told Elizabeth when she is old enough to know. Casterbridge is described in great detail and because Hardy has a gift for description we can almost see the town come to life. We also find that the town is eager to spread gossip when two women willingly tell Susan about the gossip of the bread and the town. We can see from detailed point that the public will be a very important point in the book. Micheal also reveals his caring point when he tells the towns people that the wheat is not really safe to eat. We also se that Micheal is true to his oath not to drink, when in his meeting he only drinks water. Near the end of the meeting we see the Angry Micheal side when he makes a sharp retort. We see a description of Farfrae and immediately we can tell that he is the total opposite of Henchard. Both in looks and we think in personality. Also through the names of the pubs and inns we can see that maybe Hardy is trying to make a point. When they go to the three mariners then Hardy could be trying to say that they are among the waves of chance. The fact that chance plays a big role in this novel and especially in this chapter. Its by chance that Farfrae hears about the corn and has the solution or that Elizabeth-Jane notices him and that they all stay at the three mariners. Also the way Michael misses his family by a few minutes on his way to see the man. We can assume that Hardy is proving the powers working against mankind in this chapter. In this chapter we see little irony when Elizabeth-Jane says that they must stay at the fancy inn yet then gets a job as a serving maid which is not too respectable it self. While we can say that Elizabeth-Jane is making sacrifices for her mother, we can still remember that the towns people have seen Elizabeth serving them and they will remember her face later on. Also in this chapter we pity Michael when we learn that he is lonely and we guess that what he wants is a business partner or a friend. Farfrae is straight away the person that comes to mind. Though again we see a bit of fickleness in Michaels attitude when he cannot even remember the old mangers name. Farfrae then decides to sing fro the towns people and its by chance that the people are in the mood for his sad songs and Elizabeth-Jane who has been eyeing him, has her heart set on him. When the townspeople talk to Farfrae we know straight away that he has the ability to charm people and when he sings he is charmed them further. We can assume that the reason that the townspeople like the sad songs is because they feel like the story of the song represents them in a way, with their lost ideals. We can even see a bit of this in Micheal himself. Also Elizabeth-Jane misinterprets the songs that Farfrae sings and when her mother says he Elizabeth assumes its about Farfrae. These misunderstandings prove to be a problem later on. In the next chapter wee that both Susan and Micheal have to turn towards the younger generation to save themselves. Susan saves her marriage by sending Elizabeth-Jane with the note to Micheal and Micheal saves his business by begging Farfrae to say on as manager. When Elizabeth-Jane takes the walk through the town it creates a time of suspense because it is stalling the meeting between Micheal and Susan and it cuts the conversation between Micheal and Farfrae. Mostly though it shows us just how much power Micheal ahs in his town socially and business wise. Again we see a contrast between Michaels sides when at first he acts kindly towards Elizabeth-Jane, when he learns who she is. Also when he sends back Susan five guineas we feel that he is almost trying to buy her back since five guineas are how much was paid for her before. Yet we see his cold side again when he coldly turns down Joshua Jopp about his interview and he has created a new enemy at the same time. Later also Micheal explodes on Elizabeth-Jane and cannot even calm himself down. Also in this chapter we see a proud side of Michael when he asks to see Susan in a secret place and will not see her in public incase they might be seen and found out. Slowly we will see this part of his attitude be a big part of his downfall. In the next chapter when Micheal has asked to see Susan in the ring and we get the description of the place it automatically sets a place for something negative to take place. Almost a place where nothing positive can happen. Hardy backs this himself by saying, the boys cannot make this a good cricket field. This ring is maybe meant to show Hardys life in a way that Hardy is known for his architecture and his liking to the Greek mythology in a way. The Roundness representing the coliseum and the positiveness being kept away by ghosts of the past like the killed gladiator or the woman who was strangled. This is like a metaphor in a way to their relationship. Micheal will fall in battle and his control is so tight on Susan it might almost be strangling her. The next chapter gives us an idea of our speculation is chapter 3 about another woman in Micheals life. We learn that this woman is infact living in Jersey. We already know that when a person is included in Hardys plots he is never easily forgotten so when we hear about this woman we straight away know she will affect the plot. Again this chapter reveals a lot when Micheal reveals to his best friend that he is very lonely and would like a friend. We guess straight away that he ahs also made a mistake when he reveals his whole past to someone he has only known for a day. He tells Farfrae everything and doesnt think of any consequences that could later occur. We see Farfrae first ability in this chapter after he handles his position very well with his new boss. Even though he has plans to eat alone he decides to dine with Micheal and when he is asked about help on how to handle his problem with the lady in Jersey he gives an answer that could start the first sign of discord between the two people. He tells Micheal that he should firstly tell Elizabeth-Jane the truth about her mother and father and he disagrees and gets rather angry. Yet he forgets that it was him who in the first place told him about all his past secrets. In this chapter we finally see Micheal openly court Susan and then propose to her. Even though this should be good new the whole chapter caries ill will which is mostly carried by the townspeople. We can maybe use the natures reaction to show out the feelings of Micheal and Susan. When the two enter the church to get married it is raining quite badly and it is very dark almost showing how the two really feel about each other. Hardy uses these nature effects to show the reader how the two feel about each either. By hiding the meaning of the nature effects it almost showing that the two have hidden their feelings about each other. The townspeople also add most of the uneasiness. They dont actually know the secret about the wedding but they have an idea that something is not right. They immediately feel that Susan is not at the same class as Micheal which is ironic because Michael is the one with the worst background out of the two. In this chapter we know for sure that something about Elizabeth-Jane is being hidden because not only does Micheal keep going on about her hair colour but he starts asking her to change her second name. Also we find out that Micheal maybe getting rather annoyed with Farfrae when he gets angry at little things that Farfrae says. At one time he even dismisses Farfraes opinion by saying dont take too much thought about things. Also since Elizabeth-Jane has started growing in her new place she starts to bloom a certain beauty. Yet she still remembers her old lifes
Monday, July 22, 2019
Second Hand Bags and Shoes Essay Example for Free
Second Hand Bags and Shoes Essay We are one of the largest sellers of second-hand shoes in Germany, are within the top ten in Europe and a major world player.We sell second-hand shoes worldwide.We have sold shoes for many years, the present owners being the second generation to continue the business, and sell second-hand shoes of different kinds to satisfy the needs of the market. Working closely with charities, local authorities and waste reclamation companies Boex has challenged old ideas and practices and developed new systems in the fields of collection, sorting, marketing and distribution. The state-of-the-art manufacturing unit is ideally positioned in Frankfurt/Main within a 20-minute drive of the Frankfurt/Main International Airport.Boex are genuinely committed to contributing to your charitable goals and providing you with the exceptional shoe collection service you deserve. Our mission: to supply consistently graded used shoes that enhance people’s lives and improve their self-esteem.| Description of franchise systemWhat all girls wantShoes Glorious Shoes is the shoe party business featured in glossy fashion magazines like the famous Vogue. We offer shoes, handbags, and boots from Italy and Spain in a relaxed and glamorous party atmosphere. Our shoe parties are the perfect event for a ladies night at home , for a fund raising event, for a company party, or for a fashion show.Shoes Glorious Shoes brings a whole shoe boutique to our customers homes, offering an unrivalled shopping experience. The ladies simply lean back with their girlfriends in the comfort of their sofa, having a glass of wine or champagne, and enjoy the unique customer service of Shoes Glorious Shoes. Everything we offer can be taken home on the night.Payment is accepted by credit or debit cards, checks and of course cash. Shoes Glorious Shoes parties are available during daytime or in the evening . Women with a love for fashion have already recognized that most High Street shoes look all the same. Shoes Glorious Shoes offers fresh designs, which are offered nowhere else.Everything we sell is of premium quality without costing the earth. The enormous success of Shoes Glorious Shoes demonstrates the huge demand for our glamorous shoe parties.Franchise conceptTo all shoe-lovers out thereShoes Glorious Shoes is a flexible franchise opportunity, which is operated from home, thus requiring only low overheads. Its up to you to fit your business schedule around your personal lifestyle and to decide whether you want to run it full or part-time.The earning potential of a Shoes Glorious Shoes franchise is unlimited. We put our collection together from trade fairs in Madrid, Milan, and Paris to guarantee that we offer only exclusive products which cant be found on the High Street. Our combined buying power ensures that we receive maximum discounts and the best rates.We regularly add new items to our collection to attract existing customers for repeated buys. We offer two different franchise packages, depending on your business goals. If you want to run a fulltime business, we recommend you to choose our Gold Level Franchise. The Silver Level Franchise suites best women who want to run a part-time opportunity.As a Gold Level franchisee, youll receive a protected geographical area as your franchise territory. Silver Level franchisees operate in one single town.Franchise partner profileStart working the glamorous way!Shoes Glorious Shoes is and this shouldnt come as a surprise the ideal franchise opportunity for shoe-manic women. If you are an entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for great shoes, then this could be the perfect opportunity for you.To run a successful Shoes Glorious Shoes franchise, you need to be communicative, open, friendly, and totally convinced of your business. If you are interested in joining the successful Shoes Glorious Shoes female franchise network and start a business thats all about girls true best friends, get in touch with us!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Examples Of National Cinema
Examples Of National Cinema Q: With reference to one or two films ,discuss the ways in which films can operate as examples of national cinema. Draw on relevant academic reading in order to illustrate your answer and develop your argument. National cinema is an important term in studying film. In this essay, we will discover the concept of national cinema through British cinema as an example. In the second part, we will illustrate Stephen Daldrys Billy Elliot(2000) to discuss the ways in the film can operate of nation cinema. National Cinema can be define as film which being produce with the national identity of the country following the aspect from culture, background and political of the particular country. (Hjort, 2000) Our focus will narrow down on the British cinema, which experience the threat from Hollywood towards their local market their intention to break down the Hollywood domination on the local market as well as the media culture pollution brought by the US film after the WWI. The three main issues which need to be overcome by the British Cinema are the production, consumption and representation of their films towards the national audiences (market). (Newland, 2010.) There are many successful film being produce by the national film maker which had receive critical reception internationally examples such as production from Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli. They combined sex with exotic locations, casual violence and self-referential humor in the phenomenally successful James Bond series with Sean Connery in the leading role. The first film Dr. No was a sleeper hit in the UK in 1962, and the second, From Russia with Love (1963), a hit worldwide. By the time of the third film, Goldfinger(1964), the series had become a global phenomenon, reaching its commercial peak with Thunderball the following year. The revolution of national film which being brought forward by implementing a more liberated attitude to sex, capitalizing on the swinging London image propagated by Time magazine had broke the taboos around the portrayal of sex and nudity on screen. The standard of film quality and blockbuster production of film had been benchmark by the Hollywood film and the genre of the type of movie produce with the element being put into the film. These were not the norm or the culture accepted by the film producer in the British. The more daring approach in including more gore and explicit scene had more appeal to the audiences and the horror movie from the America s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) had make Hammers vampire films seem increasingly tame and outdated, despite attempts to spice up the formula with added nudity and gore. (Martian, 2004) Although some attempts were made to broaden the range of British horror films, such as the comic adaption from Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter or the cult favorite The Wicker Man, these films had made little impact at the box office. However there are many Hollywood films with a British dimension (based on British people, stories or events) have had enormous worldwide commercial success. Six of the top seven highest-grossing films worldwide of all time have some British historical, cultural or creative dimensions: Titanic, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Harry Potter movies. The second culturally American film on the list, Star Wars at number 9, was filmed principally in the UK. (Imdb, 2010.) Adding four more Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films, plus three about a Scottish ogre in British fairy tale setting (Shrek), and about two-thirds of the top twenty most commercial films, with combined cinema revenues of about $13 billion, had a substantial British dimension. (ibid.) British influence can also be seen with the English Cycle of Disney animated films, which include Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood, Dalmatians, The, The Rescuers and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. (Simth, 2003) The British cinema market is too small for the British film industry to successfully produce Hollywood-style blockbusters over a sustained period. As such, the industry has not been able to produce commercial success internationally in comparison. The British film industry consequently has a complex and divided attitude to Hollywood. On the one hand Hollywood provides work to British directors, actors, writers, production staff and studios, enables British history and stories to be made as films, and opens up the US and world markets to a limited participation by some in the British film industry. On the other hand, the loss of control and profits, and the market requirements of the US distributors, are often seen to endanger and distort British film culture. The success from these film had clearly reflect that there is something missing in the British film because with the same resources by the Hollywood there are able to produce blockbuster which create great impact on the national and international reception. Put more emphasis on British cinema production, British support their film industry although Hollywood has a great impact on British cinema. The UK Film Council was created in 2000 aims to develop and promote the widest possible enjoyment and understanding of cinema throughout the nations and regions of the UK. (UK Film Council, 2006). British film Institute, BBC, FilmFour etc. also is a major organization to support and fund British film. However, British film can be funds by Hollywood companies such as The Full Monty funds by Fox Searchlight due to British film have co-production and distribution deal with Hollywood studio. British government offers film tax relief of UK filming. Unfortunately, in recently, a Republican wants to reduce the tax break from 25 percents of the film production to 15 percent.(Cooper, 2010) Murphy, R. in The British cinema book concluded the cause in Britsih cinema finance support by different country: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦while British cinema may depend upon international finance and audiences for its viability, this may actually strengthen its ability to probe national question, that while cinema has apparently lost its national audience in the cinemas, it may have gained a more fully national audience via television, and that while British cinema may no longer assert the myths of nation with its earlier confidence, it may nonetheless be a cinema which is more fully representative of national complexities than ever before. (Murphy, 2004) In conclude, British cinema is an example to illustrate the national cinema in this essay, of course, there are different cinema can contribute national cinema such as French cinema and Italian cinema. The relationship between national cinema and Hollywood is a worthy discussion topic. The term of national cinema is continent developing by the social and economic change. Billy Elliot (2000) is an example to analysis how a film to operate a concept of national cinema. Billy Elliot is a mixed genres film, it is a social drama with a strong vein of comedy. (Mahon, 2004). In terms of national cinema, Billy Elliot is a British film full of logical. It low budget film supported by BBC Films and National Lottery funds, has a British cast, is directed by British director (Stephen Daldry), editor (John Wilson), cinematographer (Brian Tufano), screenwriter (Lee Hall) and choreographer (Peter Darling). Even the music, by T Rex, the Jam and the Clash is unashamedly British. (Lister, 2000) Obvious, the film was filmed in Great Britain. Story background set in 1984, Durham. Eleven years old main character Billy struggle to be a ballet dancer whiles his family not supporting him. His father and brother are miners whom involved the historic miners strike. Billy continued learn ballet with his private teacher. Billy becomes a famous ballet dance after he overcomes th e problem of financial and family. Billy Elliot is an inspiring and heat-warming film with political, social, and gender issue being raised in the film. In the political part, Billy and his family is a member of Nation Union of Mineworks who involved the miners strike during 1984-1985 in northern England. Although screen writer Lee Hall said they à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦didnt get the broader political context of the miners strike in -frustrating.(Teeman, 2008.) The film distributes the identity and also chronicles the British industry history and strikes and makes the film realistic. It included several scenes depict the conflict and violence between the police and the miners such as crossing the picket and the catchword -scabs. Alan Sinfield concluded those scenes in Boys, Class and Gender: Police with batons and riot shields are seen charging through alleys and houses, overthrowing any sense that private life is immune from the gross activity of the state. (Sinfield, 2006) During that two year was a bitter year for miners and the middle-class, for example, the Elliots family not having coal for heat in the winter. Billys father Jackie gave up on the strike in order to finance Billy to London to further his ballet studies. The cinematography and the scene being capture had provide the audience to visualise one of the most difficult times by the people through poverty and hardship due to the economic and political unrest. For the social part, Class, the films presents the working-class plight in England by Tory government of 1980s.(Kaplan, 2004) Again, the strike had reflect the right of working class to pursuit their welfare. Billys father has not been to London in his entire life. Billy and his father amaze the gorgeous architecture when they go to the Royal Ballet School. Billy Elliot also represents the acceptance and openness in England. In that time is generally accepted that ballet is not for lower class, is for girl and boy do ballet is means he is homosexual. Billy Father Jackie said For girls, not for lads, Billy. after he found out Billy attend the ballet class. In majority people they gendering of ballet as feminine, for boy, they do boxing, football and wrestling. Billy also repeatedly explained that he is not homosexual even he do ballet. Gender, Billy Elliot did not put emphasis on female even the female ballet teacher plays a major impact on Billy. Billy is in close relationship with his father, brother, and his cross-dressing friend Michael. His father, brother and miners against the police in heavy industrial which represent male plat the role of maintain the family and economic pillar. His friend Michael as a homosexual, Billy accepts him and treats him as best friend. In the end of the story, Michael attends to Billys ballet show, he make up and transvestite with a black man who perhaps his boyfriend. Cora Kaplan described the idea of gender issue in The Death of the working-class hero: Billy Elliot, which has a strongly marked gay subtext: to support its homo-social and gently homoerotic narrative, femininity as a negative or abject trope must be cordoned off from the films redefinition of masculinities, both heroic and ordinary. (Kaplan, 2004) Billy Elliot represents the social, political, gender and class issue in British in 1980s. Of course, there are many factors lead to this film success and more British. Scenes setting, national miners strike is a remarkable history in British. Filming in fictional country town Everington, where is a in the real in Durham, northern England. It is one of the largest mining communities to the strike. (Mahon, 2004.) The dispute sequences between police, `scabs and strikes also make the film realism. Beside strike, the landscape in countryside and scenes of Billys house is small, simple kitchen, and crude bathroom depicts the poverty and the life standard of working-class. In the last few scene at Royal Ballet School, London, shows a city, transportation and the grand design in Britain capital in comparison with countryside. In addition, Billy Elliot simple customs also represent the poor mining community hardship in 1980s. For example, in the whole film Billy only wears one short, single t, jeans, jacket and school uniform as his clothing. Billys family even cannot dress warmly and get heat in the winter. Mr. Wilkinson is ballet teacher, middle class, her casual style, messy hair and cigarettes enriched her character. The dialogue delivered in thick lower class British accents and slang. Music is an important part in the film, Billy Elliot is a story about ballet. It surprise that the music is not just included classic music like Swan Lake but also involved rock music and tap dance. The film uses 70s British rock band T-Rex Cosmic dancer and I love to boogie. Its lyrics and style highlight Billy passion in dancing. Town called malice by Jam selected in Billy main dance sequence to shows Billy angry and ambition. The touching, funny, and real history background story with good performance lead to Billy Elliots success in British and international. In Britain, it nominated six and won Best British film, best actor (Jamie Bell) and best supporting actress (Julie Walters) in British Academy of Film and Television (BAFTA) reward. It also nominated three Oscar. This huge success led to the stage, Billy Elliot the Musical opening on 31 March 2005 until present in London. The music is play by famous British songwriter Elton John. The musical continue the success of film while the musical won 10 Tony Awards and production in New York, and Australia. The `British elements in the film which we described above, it seems Billy Elliot is a British full of reasons. Broadcaster Caroline Westbrook reviewed Billy Elliot: Those who have lost faith in the British film industry prepare to have it restored.(Westbrook, 2000) However, some people and academic hold a different opinion, in fact, Billy Elliot was distributed by the largest Hollywood distributor in Europe, UIP. Xan Brooks in The Guardian claims that: Like it or not, Hollywood has shaped homegrown cinema. Billy Elliot, then, is a basic British story told an American Vernacularà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Of course Luddites may argue that Billy Elliot is therefore not purely British. Except that Britain itself is not purely British any more (at least not in the high Tory sense of the film). (Brooks, 2000) Despite some argument of the `Britsih film Billy Elliot, there is no doubt that the film represents the English national identity in terms of political, social and gender issue. It reflects the British culture in 1980s. Billy Elliot is a suitable example to operate how a film does as a national cinema which we discussed in this essay.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Broken Hearts :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
Broken Hearts  My home has been a place of healing for many broken hearts, both literally and figuratively. My younger sister had two open heart operations before the age of two. I was three years old, and I tried to be the best big sister in the world. I thought that if I loved her enough, her heart would heal itself. My brother was three and thirteen when he had his heart surgeries. This time, I was older and much more fearful, but my brother is the proud new owner of Vinny the Pulmonary Valve. Thus, two hearts have healed quite literally in my home.  The figurative healing in my home sets it apart from many others. I have learned the importance of love and support in the face of trouble by watching my mother, the backbone of a local parent support group. Families need to know they are not alone, that I, too, was scared to see my brother gasp for breath after running up a flight of stairs.  I have seen more aspects of the personal side of medicine than many people my age. I understand first hand the comforting effect a friendly smile and reassuring confidence from a doctor has on both patients and families. My family history is what sparked my interest in medicine, but my own experience has held my attention in recent years.  Eager to gain hands on experience after high school, I volunteered at Strong Memorial Hospital conducting a clinical study of patient referral patterns and shadowing a pediatric cardiologist. I watched a child's fearful face turn to an expression of amazement as he listened to the sound of his own heart. The little boy was so fascinated that he hardly noticed as Dr. Harris completed the check-up, expertly assessing reflexes, color, peripheral pulses, and responsiveness in the moments before the novelty of the sound wore off. Stethoscope in hand, I searched gingerly for the sound of the boy's leaking valve but was not in time. The smile faded, and I lost my chance. I felt an immediate sense of awe at Dr. Harris's swiftness, skill, and compassion toward the fearful little boy.  The following summer I was a University of Rochester Summer Research Program scholar, doing my first laboratory research. I studied surface deformations of the chick embryo myocardium during normal and experimentally altered ventricular growth, learning the frustration of research obstacles and working to overcome them.
Microbial Health of the Rhizosphere :: Biology Bacteria Science Essays Papers
Microbial Health of the Rhizosphere Works Cited Missing The importance of the interactions between microorganisms, plants and the rhizosphere was realized as early as 1904 by Soil Bacteriologist and Professor of Agronomy at the Technical College of Munich, Lorenz Hiltner. â€Å"The term rhizosphere was introduced by Hiltner in 1904.†(Gobran, 2001) Hiltner â€Å"emphasized the critical role of microbial activities in the ‘rhizosphere’ in the nutrition and general health of plants.†(Curl, 1986) The term rhizosphere was used to â€Å"describe specifically the interaction between bacteria and legume roots.†(Lynch, 1990) Today there is debate among microbiologists and plant scientists regarding the definition of rhizosphere (Curl, 1986). â€Å"Rhizo†is derived from the Greek word â€Å"rhiza,†meaing â€Å"root†. â€Å"Sphere†is â€Å"one’s field of action, influence, or existence: one’s natural surroundings.†(Lynch, 1990 â€Å"Rhizosphere is the zone where root activity significantly influences biological properties.†(Manthey, 1994) There are three main areas of research that are done on the rhizosphere. The first one is the â€Å"influence of roots on microorganisms.†The second is â€Å"influence of microorganisms on plant growth,†and the third is â€Å"rhizosphere influence on soil-borne pathogens and plant disease.†(Curl, 1986) When Hiltner first talked about the rhizosphere in 1904, he stated, â€Å"The nutrition of plant in general certainly depends upon the composition of the soil flora in the rhizosphere†¦If plants have the tendency to attract useful bacteria by their root excretions, it would not be surprising if they would also attract uninvited guests which, like the useful organisms, adapt to specific root excretions.†This speech identified two of the main topics of rhizosphere research: â€Å"(1) the relation of the rhizosphere to plant nutrition, growth, and development, and (2) the influence of rhizosphere phenomena on pathogens and pathogenesis.†(Curl, 1986) It was realized as early as 1904 that rhizosphere microorganisms can cause disease or transmit viruses as well as benefit the plant. There are microorganisms in the bulk soil as well as in the rhizosphere. The microorganisms in the soil include bacteria, fungi, protists, actinomycetes, and nematodes. These microorganisms are not distributed uniformly around the soil; they are congregated around nutrient sources. A nutrient source for these microorganisms is organic matter. (Curl, 1986) In the rhizosphere there are different amounts and types of microorganisms than there are in the bulk soil due to different substrate, or â€Å"the surface on which an organism grows or is attached.†Other factors that vary from rhizosphere to bulk soil are the acidity, moisture, nutrients, electrical conductivity, and redox potential (Lynch, 1990).
Friday, July 19, 2019
White Oleander :: essays research papers
As a result of her mother’s incarceration, Astrid is thrusted into a myriad of unmerited situations- the foster homes. One evil stepmother leads to another in this tale of adversity and just when Astrid’s prospects brighten under a shining sun, the clouds roll in and it begins to rain. â€Å"White Oleander†is a Cinderella story with all the ingredients of misery and misfortune but the wrong ending.      At the beginning of her first real encounter with calamity, Astrid is inundated with a deluge of emotions, leaving her dazed. It is during this time of bewilderment that the young girl is placed in her first foster home in the custody of a Sunday Christian named Starr. With the absence of a father figure in her life, Astrid’s feelings for Ray metamorphose into those of desire and what began as a timid liking, turns into something much more. The Oedipal feelings she harbors towards â€Å"Uncle†Ray, Starr’s boyfriend, lead ultimately her expulsion from the home.      Now crippled with the consequences of her desires, Astrid is relocated to the racially â€Å"opinionated†turquoise home of Marvel where she is exposed to the influence of the sophisticated Olivia. In her time of need for something beautiful when her own beauty has been marred by the Starr’s jealousy, Astrid idolizes the woman next door who is, in her eyes, perfect. She comes to depend on Olivia as a staple in her life, someone who will be there to teach her the things a woman should know. However, contact with her idol eventually leads Astrid to another home because of Marvel’s racist ideals.      Cut off from her hero, whom she reluctantly realizes is just like her mother, Astrid is placed in a beautiful home in the custody of a graceful Hispanic woman named Amelia. At this point, Astrid’s role changes from that of a babysitter. In Amelia’s home, she becomes money to pay for more remodeling. In this environment where she has nothing to eat, Astrid’s survival instincts come to play. What isn’t provided for her, she provides for herself. At the urging of her mother, Astrid asks for new placement and is, for once, lucky enough to have her case handed to a social worker that seems to care.      It is at this point that a ray of light breaks through the clouds. Though Claire seems extremely fragile and dependent, it is also evident that she is a caring person.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Being an Insider
In my first paper, I wrote about being an outsider. It was hard for me to come to America, not speaking English as my first language, and attending a private Christian school where I did not always understand important things. Now, I would like to describe a time when I was no longer an outsider, but actually an insider.When I first came to the U. S. , I was not sure when I would ever feel like I belonged. It wasn’t that I disliked my new home, it was that I could not understand what was being said around me. As I said in my previous paper, it was very difficult and I just hoped that summer camp would be a different experience for me.The first day of summer camp, I remember being quite nervous. Not only was I going to a new place, but I was leaving the friends that I had made in high-school for a summer. When I had struggled so much to fit in, it was hard to leave foreign place that had become familiar only to come to another foreign place; summer camp. Part of me thought it m ight be like high school. Maybe I would be the only foreign one there and maybe I would have trouble understanding what people were saying. Maybe it would be hard for me to connect with people. I did not know what to expect. The first day that I was in nearly confirmed all of my fears.The couselor spoke quick English. I groaned inwardly to myself, because I could see my high-school experience happening all over again. I was not sure how I would survive an entire summer of summer camp if it was the same as high-school. I went throughout my first day floating from activity to activity, still unsure if this was going to work out for me. I missed my family and my friends from home so much that it hurt. Never in my dreams, could I have known that nearly everyone else there was missing his or her family and friends, just like I was. They, however, had the advantage of speaking fluent English.It was when I was walking back to my bunk at the end of my last activity that something amazing ha ppened for me. Tossing a little pebble in front of me, I was not paying attention to what was going on around me. I tossed the pebble up, hit it with my knee and then kicked it out and hit a nearby tree. One squirrel came scampering out of the tree as though I had been aiming the pebble at him. â€Å"Wow. That was pretty good! Are you as good with a ball? †This guy with crazy hair asked me. I just stared at him. I understood what he was asking, but I was just surprised that he was talking to me.â€Å"I played basketball at home,†I said. It was something that my family loved to do together. â€Å"You should play for one of our camp basketball teams,†he said. â€Å"Me? †I asked. I still just could not believe what was happening. Basketball was something that I definitely knew something about. On top of that, I could make new friends. It was perfect! He told me where they were meeting and the time. I was so excited that I went back to the bunk and search ed for my good sneakers. I called home and told my family what had happened to me that day. I definitely sounded chipper than I had when they dropped me off at the camp.The next day, when I walked to the basketball court, I was a little intimidated by how good these people were. Guys and girls alike were handling the basketball ball like they were Michael Jordan. I ran over and began playing with them. They did not make a big deal about my being there. With basketball, it does not matter who you are or where you are from. In basketball, it matters how you play the game. One thing I was confident with was that I could play basketball and play it well. A basketball had been in my hands since I could remember. That is just how it was in my family.While fishing is something that some American families bond over, basketball is what my family bonded over. â€Å"Hey,†waved Juan, the guy with the wild hair that I had seen yesterday. â€Å"You know something? You are good! †I t did not take long for me to learn that he was the team captain. He was really good and had great ideas. I smiled and shrugged. It was nice to be told that by somebody who was probably just as good. Throughout the remainder of the game, I kept getting pats on the back and cheers from people I did not know who were sitting on the side of the court. It really felt good to finally fit in with people.â€Å"You play basketball at home, yes? †asked this girl who had a thick accent. I was no longer the â€Å"foreign kid. †I was among many different kinds of people who enjoyed the same game as I did. We continued to play basketball once or twice a week for official practice before we were going to compete with another camp team. We joked about â€Å"practicing†those two days, but in reality, we always ended up gravitating towards the basketball court when we did not have to practice. When we were not playing basketball, we were all going over to someone’s cab in and watched a game. It was just in our blood.It was like a hunger that could not be met. During my activities, I thought about my teammates. I drew basketballs all over my notebook for my activities and thought about different moves that I should try during the next practice. Juan was okay with teammates coming up with ideas. He was not a captain who had to have all of the power. That made us all respect him more. Just knowing that I had a great new group of friends who all enjoyed a sport that I love made school that much easier and bearable. I was also beginning to learn more English by being around them. Especially their slang.Phrases like â€Å"that is wiggin’ me out,†and â€Å"for real,†slipped out of my mouth as naturally as if I had grown up saying them. The more we played basketball, the more they acknowledged my skill. I did not understand all of the rules in English, but the other teammates took the time to explain a lot to me and we also had acce ss to the camp’s computer lounge so that we could research basketball online. Once I researched the rules, I found a lot of online information about basketball that I thought might help me perfect my skill. Juan and the other teammates would need me at my best for our upcoming competition against another intramural team.It was going to be my first time competing with people that were not family members since I had been in the states. When I told my teammates about the research I was doing, they were very enthusiastic. We huddled around one computer, researching things from different plays to the history of basketball. It was amazing that we were researching something not because we had to do it for a class, but because we actually wanted to simply to gain more knowledge on the subject. Some of the terms were hard to learn, but websites like www. basketball. com/nba/rules/rule4. shtml, helped me understand.To dribble, is to bounce the ball with one hand without letting it stop bouncing from that spot on the floor. A block is when one player makes illegal personal contact with another player on the opposite team and interferes with the player’s move. A free throw is when one player from a team is allowed to make an attempt at a basket without any interference with players on the opposing team. The player must act within ten seconds. There are many more terms that I learned while researching that really made me understand how to communicate with my teammates, or understand when they were communicating something to me.We learned a lot about our game that day that we thought would help us that much more win the basket on the game day. We kept practicing until the game that we had done so much preparation for was only a week away. â€Å"We could not win it without you,†said Juan to me. I could not help but grin. These people were really my friends. Home, though it still seemed far away, was not as present in my mind as it had been before. It wa s at the practice before the game that I thought my whole new experience was going to be ruined. We were practicing, like always. It had just rained earlier that morning, but the pavement was still a little damp.We did not want to cancel the practice, because we wanted to get in as much practice as possible. I had the ball and was so close to the basket. Leo was next to me, getting closer and closer. As he put his foot out to get the ball, my sneaker slipped and made me fall awkwardly onto the court. When I fell to the ground, I heard a pop. It was my ankle and I knew it. After I went to the camp clinic, I was relieved that it was only badly sprained and not broken. I was heartbroken, however, that I could not play at the game. â€Å"You know what, come to the game, anyway. If we can’t have you on the court, we can sure use your support,†said Juan.The team was disappointed, though. I felt like I had let them down, but they did not see it that way. They said that in my practicing with them and researching with them, they learned a lot about the sport that they love so much and that what they learned could actually help them have an advantage over their opponents. They said I was still going to be the reason that they were going to win. That made me feel much better and it assured me that I was still going to be an insider. They were not going to turn their backs on me just because of my injury. Later, I asked Juan if he thought anyone would blame me if the team did not win.He told me that if I wanted to, I could blame Leo. I was surprised he said that. â€Å"Blaming does not help anything. It won’t heal your ankle and it won’t make us win the game. Stuff just happens. We definitely want you to play as soon as that ankle heals. †I would look forward to putting my basketball sneakers on again. Until then, I knew I had to be content in just cheering for my friends. The game day came and I sat on the bleachers with my ankle tigh tly wrapped and propped up high. I have to admit that I was disappointed and a little jealous when my friends dribbled the orange ball around on the court.I felt bad, but only until the first basket was scored. It was the first of many scores. Basket after basket lead to a big victory. We had one the camp competition! As we celebrated that night over Coke floats and pizza, I was reminded of a quote that I had obtained while working a project for school. It was something that Mia Hamm had once said that captivated me and still remains with me this day: â€Å"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion. †Though the team considered me a champion and at first, I wanted to be, to be included, but I realized something from that game. I was never an outsider, really. All mankind, no matter what creed or color, are a part of the human race that laughs and cries and works and plays. I learned from my basketball summer camp experience that I was certainly not the only one who was homesick. We were just all missing the homes that we knew. People are not as different as we think. There are different situations and circumstances and cultures, but we are all people. That, I learned, makes us all insiders. There are insiders and outsiders everywhere.Organizations even have them. It is a problem that can split an organization. Outsiders can be due to language barrier, status in business, or disagreements among employees. According to Forbes. com, â€Å"In high-conflict climates, 50% of employees say they get less done while fuming, 46% thought about quitting and 37% became less committed to their work. †It is proven that when several outsiders are not happy in the business, it affects their work. â€Å"Think about it: If employees are stewing over something a co-worker did or about the promotion they didn’t get, chances are they’re not getting their work accomplished–at least not well.Rather than dealing with more revenue-producing matters, managers report they're spending 30% of their time dealing with conflict, according to John Ford, founder of John Ford & Associates, a workplace conflict management firm in California. Resolving those issues quickly saves time and money and boosts employee retention rates,†said Forbes. com. To make employees feel included and help them to get along with one another without having anyone left out, I have made a list of things that I believe are necessary to accomplish the unity goal. 1.Allow all employees to anonymously report when there is an office bully or problem. This helps them know that they do not have to simply â€Å"put up with†what they are going through. 2. Allow all employees a voice. Let them make suggestions and do not forget to give credit where it is due. If a more timid employee comes up with a great idea, then giving him the credit for it can mak e the other employees respect him more. 3. If there is a language barrier, it would be beneficial to have at least one person who can translate. That would help ease confusion. 4.Make sure that all employees are treated equally. No matter what position they are in. 5. Appreciate all employees. 6. Do not place blame in the workplace. If something goes wrong, it went wrong and blaming will not help matters. Allow the person who made the mistake to right it by coming up with a quick, successful plan. 7. Videotaping a meeting could also be a good idea. This way, reviewing who seems to not be participating is easier. Then speak with the one who is not participating and discover and fix the problem. 8. Make sure that employees are trained well enough for their position.If they know what they are doing, they will feel more confident and may participate more. This also decreases the number of mistakes made. 9. Refer to the staff as a â€Å"team. †This automatically suggests unity. 1 0. Have a coach come in and give important lectures about teams. This could even be an annual reminder that the staff is a team. After the meeting, find out if there is anything that could be hindering the unity. From both of my experiences, being an insider and outsider, I think that it is very important that everyone feel like an insider – particularly in an organization.I hope that if people do feel left out, as I did in the beginning of my stay in the United States, that they will tell someone. Communication is the best remedy. Works Cited Hamm, Mia. â€Å"Mia Hamm Quotes. †Thinkexist. 2006. 29 Nov. 2006 . â€Å"NBA Rules. †Basketball. 2002. 29 Nov. 2006 . Weiss, Tara. â€Å"Can't We All Just Get Along? †Forbes. 2006. 29 Nov. 2006 .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
American Rice Inc. in Vietnam
Ameri squirt Rices schema is to blow up internationally by apply one of the three main sift manufacturers in Vietnam. The horizontal integration with Vianafood allowed ARI to expand internationally and enter unfermented markets. This amplification within the corresponding industry was demand for ARI in order to achieve an thriftiness of scale. This venture brings ARI a large client base, bigger facilities, the first Ameri preempt rice maker in Vietnam, a larger work index, scorn apostrophize production, new relationships with suppliers and customers, and tax earns as a provide of the joint venture.ARIs main remark for the joint venture is to set up a management team that go forth run the operation and to consult the instal operation, plant design, forward motions, and marketing. Also, ARI leaveing provide machinery, equipment, engine room and some working capital. In contrast, Vianafoods main input was to provide a sufficient quantity and decent bore rice at a free-enterprise(a) cost, obtain administration license, and tax proceedss from the government. In addition, Vianafood get reveal provide their Can merely property, rice milling, equipment, labor, and other infrastructure at Can Tho.Another aspect that ARI was satisfactory to benefit from is that Vietnam offered consistent exportable rice volumes. The Vietnamese rice industry did not overlap with the same markets as ARI. This can potencyly addition the market touch and sales for two(prenominal) companies. U. S. share of foundation rice trading was in castigate and U. S. rice imports were rising. Vietnamese offered low cost rise production, room for working out, increasingly telephone line friendly. I trust that ARI is taking the properly steps in order to engender a bigger international opponent in the rice market.However, I acceptt gauge it forget be abounding to reach their goals. Also, I mobilize that their plan for this joint venture is not coordinated ti ghtly enough from a managerial aspect. ARI is not paying enough attention to the culture of this business in Vietnam and to the uncertainty and dependency of Vianafood on the government regulations that can dramatically affect the winner of this venture. On the other hand, ARI research on the rice market in Vietnam proves that in that respect is a potential of supremacy and harvest-time in this market.Exhibit B shows that both sides mostly work in the same line of business, and both companies can benefit from the relationship. For example, ARI can benefit Vianafood with their higher timberland rice, while Vianafood can benefit ARI with lower production costs. I believe that what impart determine the success of the venture is whether ARI lead be able to culturally unfold their business strategy in a collaboration with Vianafood and whether the government regulation impart change, and as a result force changes on the terms of the arrangement.The expansion humour that ARI use s to expand into Vietnam is an Alliance, but more specifically, it is a joint venture climate. Both sides stupefy into an agreement of investing funds and resources, and agreeing on a management team that will lead the venture. Yes, I believe that this mode is a good mode of expansion for both of the companies. Both exhibit A and exhibit C show the benefits of an conglutination for both sides. This analysis shows that the hazard to benefit ratio of ARI acquiring Vianafood is too vast and therefore it will be frequently smarter to go with an alliance.ARI has other alternatives for expanding into Vietnam. Those alternatives are buying out an exciting company in Vietnam, merging with a company in Vietnam for a certain amount of equity, or a non equity merging. I think that their decision of expansion mode was the stovepipe choice out of these options and their potential of success in the Vietnamese market will be higher relative to the risk that is invested. Yes, I think that th is coronation will be necessary for the success of this venture.In exhibit D, you can see the potential gains relative to the investiture, which clearly shows that according to the meshing present value calculation the investing should be make. Adding to the finances the value from this investment is very substantial for the ability of both companies to be successful in the globular rice market. If we play with the numbers a little and add depreciation to the equation we can see that the useful brio of the equipment is 17 years, which can be depreciated in a value of $472,753 per year.System nest egg plus market premium totals at $1,990,000, giving a total income from the investment after depreciation (before tax) of $1,517,246 per year. Also, the added value of this machinery (taking the financials out of the equation) is very substantial for this ventures success because it can make a higher timber rice with more nutrients and still be saleable at a competitive price. The pale facility will increase the total translate of rough rice, close out the loss of nutrients, salvage wet or damaged rough rice and rice germination.Other than the health and graphic symbol benefits, the parboil facility has major economic benefits as well. The cost savings were the process of drying the rice, which made the full-page process more efficient, the come in loss of rice, which was 30%, and the improvement of the whole grain rice yield of about 10%-20%, which increased the quality of rice as well. I believe after looking at the whole picture of financials and the added value that the parboiling facility will add it is an important investment for the success of this joint venture.
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