Monday, September 30, 2019
The Cottage – Creative Writing
It was exactly a week after my first day at NFG, and I had brought both overnight- and sleeping bag with me to school, as had everyone else in my class – it was time for the ‘get to know each other'-trip. The ‘get to know each other'-trip is a trip were the new students can get to know each other. Every 1.g-class has to go, not alone of course. The class goes along with a pair of teachers and two older students: ‘Introes'. My class, Susanne, Steen Carl, our two introes Nadia and Jakob and I were going to Middelgrunden in Middelfart, so the time in the bus weren't long and only made shorter by song and small-talk. It took 5 minutes, after getting off of the bus, to reach our destination: The Cottage, a nice and small place mainly used by scouts. After getting settled into our dormitories, we all joined in the large dining room for tea, cake and coffee. Then, after having stuffed our stomachs with homemade cake, we had to have an hour or two dedicated to our education. In that time we took some important behavior related problems up to debate, and we did so by being divided into six groups. We had to discuss the subject, then, create a presentation or sketch, which we had to use in front of the rest of the class to get the debate started. When we finished we had a set of ground rules about our behavior in class. Then, we had to do an Orienteering's race, which our introes had put together. To keep us busy I suspect, and we were busy, busy having fun and getting to know each other through songs and dancing. As we got closer to dinnertime, something strange happened: the boys disappeared, into the kitchen, to make Spaghetti Bolognese, and it wasn't that bad. After dinner everybody seemed to need some time relaxing, and some of the boys and girls wanted to do so in water, and even though Jakob hadn't brought a bathing suit, some of the boys still figured, that he should get into the water with them; poor Jakob got absolutely soaked through and through. Then Dee figured something out, they weren't the only ones relaxing in the ocean; the jellyfish had arrived. When everybody was back at the cottage, and everybody had dried off, it was the introes turn figure something, everybody had to show them what kind of song they'd sung, dance they'd danced and any other kind of entertainment we had created during the O-race. When we were done with the performances, everybody was tired and there were only one more thing we needed to figure out for the day, a theme for the 1.g-party, we finally reached an agreement about a Christmas-theme (Elves, Santa Claus etc.) After that we were free to do as we wanted, whether we wanted sleep or games. The next day we had to get up early and eat breakfast, so that we could cram some time for educational purposes into the mix of cleaning and packing. We ended up having sort of like a civics test, which was fun. Then, all that was left was the bus ride home to the school, and getting home afterwards. As for the conclusion about the small trip with my new class, I've figured; we had fun and the trip served its purpose, as I now know a class filled with great people.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ceo – Kevin Plank
Kevin Plank, the Chief Executive Officer and President of Under Armour (UA), is an entrepreneurial hero that was recently added to the Forbes 400 list. He is also seen on other lists such as Forbes 40 under 40 and America’s 20 most Powerful CEOs 40 and Under. The youngest of five brothers, Plank always had the entrepreneurial spirit and a competitive drive to win. He started shoveling snow at the age of ten and held several jobs throughout his school days. He even had a small annual business, Cupid’s Valentine, which sold roses for Valentine’s Day.Plank says he put away $17,000 from the rose business, which was used as the start-up money for UA. Plank played football for Maryland, and as recalled by his teammates, he wasn’t the â€Å"biggest guy†or the â€Å"fastest guy,†but the one who â€Å"worked harder than anyone. †What he learned over the years on the football field is still used by him and has helped make him one of the most successful entrepreneurs today. In all the stories about Planks childhood, schooling, athletic, and professional careers, he is described as an outgoing, people person.On the Big Five Personality Trait chart, he would be high on extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. He always wanted to win, was good at motivating his teammates, he got along well with everyone and he was original and daring to take a risk and start up his own business. His internal locus of control probably contributed to him starting his own sports apparel business. Instead of being frustrated and blaming outside forces, he was able to figure out how to make it better and use it to his advantage.The story of Under Armour begins in Maryland where Plank was a walk-on special-teams football player at the University of Maryland in 1995. He was fed up of having to change shirts often during his games and practice because he would sweat so much, his shirts would weigh him down and feel uncomfortable. During his senior year, he was in his dorm room drawing the first UA shirt. His idea was to combine the snug fit of a Hanes cotton T-shirt and the lightness and fast-drying texture of synthetic, stretchy fabrics used in women’s lingerie or compression shorts. His first batch cost him $480 for seven prototypes from a local tailor.He had his teammates at the University test out the ingenious â€Å"performance apparel†that would wick the sweat from their bodies and make them lighter and faster. With positive feedback, he ordered 500 more shirts from the New York Garment district and gave them to his high school and college teammates and also mailed them to college and professional football player friends from around the country. Player recommendations were very important to the success of his start-up company. He always emphasized that â€Å"making yourself look bigger than you were†is important.Starting in his grandmothers basement, using his $17 ,000 in savings, running up $40,000 in credit card debt and with great athletes on board he was on course to a successful sports apparel company, which can compete with the likes of Nike and Adidas. Plank noted in 2010: â€Å"We went from $17,000 in revenue in 1996 to $110,000 in 1997 to $400,000 to $1. 3 million to $5 million to $20 million, $50million, $115, $205, $285, $405, $606, $725 and this last (third quarter of fiscal 2009) quarter $837 million. It’s one of those only-in-America stories that went from 1 employee to more than 2,700 today. In 2012 the company is worth over $1. 4 billon with over 4,000 employees, and is expected to have revenues of over $1. 8 billion this year. In the beginning Plank served as both CEO and the entire sales force for UA, selling his performance shirts up and down the east coast out of his car, with his head quarters in his grandmothers basement. Today, he has 63% share in UA’s stocks, and his headquarters in Baltimore, MD with in ternational sales throughout North America, Europe and even some parts of Asia. UA has taken over 3% of the athletic apparel market share in 11 years compared to Nikes 7%.If Plank continues to set high goals for his company, they are bound to be as popular as or even more so than their competitors Nike, Adidas and other athletic apparel companies. As stated earlier, Kevin Plank still uses what he learned on the football team. He runs his company like it’s a team; he is the Captain/Coach and each employee is a team member. The company refers to meetings as â€Å"Under Armour Huddles,†which include rules such as: â€Å"be prepared to huddle,†â€Å"manage the clock,†â€Å"know your position,†â€Å"run the huddle,†â€Å"execute the play†and â€Å"respect your teammates. An Under Armour manufacturing manager in Asia explained: â€Å"We do not have a front end and a back end, we have offense and defense. We do not have colleagues, w e have teammates. We do not have meetings, we have huddles. Everything is related to sports. †Her statement hits the core of Corporate Under Armour. In many of the articles online, it is clear that Plank is still a humble and regular person. He keeps in touch with his old teammates and friends and is a very personable individual. Plank definitely shows organizational commitment. After graduating college he started this ompany and invested everything he had. He believes his company to be young and uses the analogy that â€Å"UA, at 16, is not unlike a 16-year-old. It’s a good kid, but still screws up sometimes. By 21, he reasons, the kid will be more mature. Plank has managed to stay in charge of Under Armour as it went from being a startup to an established company. He believes that what he can get the company to â€Å"has been galaxies beyond what anyone else ever dreamed. †His was the first brand to disrupt an industry in a down economy where many businesses were shutting down.He is not afraid to explore unorthodox ideas and implement them to make his company more established. Looking at the Trait Model of leadership we can evaluate the characteristics that Kevin Plank displays. First, with Intelligence, knowledge and experience, it is seen that Plank took a problem he had with sweat soaked shirts that weighed him down during football games, came up with a solution and was able to implement it and spread the idea. He also shows dominance and self-confidence because since the day his company started he has worked in almost every position including: research, development, sales, marketing and leading.Because he knows every detail of his business, he can walk with confidence knowing that his employees look up to him and can go to him with questions and concerns. Also, because he treats his company like a football team, he is knows to always show high energy. He walks to his â€Å"huddles†wearing under armour gear (UA Polo, sneaker s, etc. ) and talks to his â€Å"team†as he was a coach preparing them for a game. In an interview with leadersmag. com, Plank was asked what his management style is. He emphasized that UA is an empowering brand and that like the brand he wants to inspire people. Empowerment is the process of giving employees at all levels the authority to make decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality and cut costs. †When Plank hires someone he wants to make sure that they bring in someone innovative, and someone capable of thinking for themselves and come up with better more efficient ways of doing things. In another interview on Inc. com, Plank was asked how he kept his employees motivated. He responded saying, â€Å"motivation, passion, and focus have to come from the top. He believes that attitudes are contagious and how he feels about the company is how his employees are going to see it. Also, he talks about the importance of communication, and how employees feel more motivated when they feel needed, appreciated, and valued. He can’t necessarily meet with every single one of his employees, but he still goes out of his way to meet the employees that are going above and beyond. He then strategically places them throughout his company so that their attitudes reflect on the other employees.From his responses to those interview questions, it is pretty simple to see that he is more of a Relationship-oriented leader. Although he wants innovation in his company, he sees it as important that the employees are taken care of and the moral is always high. The â€Å"culture†at the headquarters in Baltimore is very unorthodox. They have it set up on the inside like a little football field almost, where the employees can take breaks and throw around a foot ball, go for a jog, or even lift weights. The 23-year-old Kevin Plank took a problem he had, was innovative, and came up with a solution.Starting from his dorm room, followed by his grandmother’s basement, he never gave up on his idea and till this day, his views and what he expects from Under Armour are beyond what anyone can imagine or comprehend. Plank is now 40 years old and was recently inducted to the Fortune 400, a lit of the wealthiest people in America. From humble beginnings and a drive to achieve greatness, he has become part of the sport apparel industry and is challenging established companies such as Nike and Adidas. The mission statement for UA is â€Å"TO MAKE ALL ATHLETES BETTER THROUGH PASSION, DESIGN AND THE RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF INNOVATION. UA promises us to always come up with bigger and better ideas to improve athletes everywhere. Also, Plank proves himself to be a true entrepreneur. He mentions â€Å"There’s an entrepreneur right now, scared to death, making excuses, saying, ‘It’s not the right time just yet. ’ There is no such thing as a good time†¦ Get out of your garage and go take a chance, and start your business. †That is very inspirational because many times great innovators get stuck with the idea because they are too afraid to take the first step. Kevin Plank can be looked upon as a role model for entrepreneurship and endurance against odds.He is also a very influential CEO because even after 16 years, UA is still moving up with no intentions of ever selling out or being lame. Works Cited Brown, Abram. â€Å"Under Armour Sprints To Higher Sales And Profits, Lifts Full-Year Outlook. †Forbes 24 July 2012: 45. Print. Dessauer, Carin. â€Å"Team Player. For Under Armour CEO and Kensington Native Kevin Plank, It’s Always Been about the Huddle. †BethesdaMagazine. com Mar. 2009: n. pag. Print. Jones, Gareth R. , and Jennifer M. George. Essentials of Contemporary Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Print. Melby, Caleb. Meet The 20 Newcomers To The Forbes 400. †Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. . Roberts, Daniel . â€Å"Under Armour Gets Serious. †Fortune 7 Nov. 2011: 152-62. Print. Subramanian, Ram, and Pradeep Gopalakrishna. â€Å"Under Armour. †Business Case Journal 19. 2 (2012): 62-83. Print. â€Å"Under Armour’s Kevin Plank on How to Motivate Employees. †Interview by Ben Chase. Inc 1 June 2009: n. pag. Web. â€Å"An Empowering Brand. An Interview with Kevin A. Plank, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Under Armour, Inc. †Leaders Aug. -Sept. 2012: 18. Web.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Evolution of Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Evolution of Management Principles - Essay Example At the present, the work is supposed to be carried out by a basis of sharing and caring within the organization’s regimes which was not the case say two decades down the road. With the changing times, the business world has evolved and so have the different methodologies and the ways and means through which it is carried day in day out. One needs to realize the fact that business is a consistently changing world and in this world only the people who are ready to change are successful. Thus to put it in the related context, change is the only constant in the world and in the business scheme of things, changing to suit the will and desire of the customers and/or the stakeholders as well as doing one last bit to bring in more revenues and profits for the company just plays the right trick for the business to succeed both in the short term as well as in the long run. (Cyert & March, 1963) Organizations which stagnate over a period of time and do not change because of one pressure or the other usually die out quickly. The ones that have existed thus far have relied a great deal on the phenomenon attached with change and consistent upgrading of the needs as put forward by the business and its norms. Furthermore, the changing market structure might call for changing strategies and lines of action that would all target the people for whom the product is actually designed as well as the competitors with whom the clutter is being broken in the environs of the marketplace. Thus competition brings in more and more quality at the end of the company with regards to its products as well as more sales in the form of its varied and changed stance on focusing towards the customers rather than the product itself. Every big business or multinational that is existent in present times credits itself on to the vision of an exemplary personality which started it all when the going was tough and when there was a huge competition in the related
Friday, September 27, 2019
Restoration Of Ecology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Restoration Of Ecology - Term Paper Example Removal of invasive species from the wood is significant in making sure that the growth of certain wood species is affected by the invasive species. From the presentation, it was learned that invasive species are those that are not native to a given ecosystem but are those that are likely to cause economic, socio-cultural and environmental harm to human health. It was brought out that the species are brought about as a result of movement of products and people around the world. The species are likely to be introduced to new environments from food, wood and wood products and household goods. The invasive species that have been challenging to management are those introduced to ecosystems to provide economic, environmental and social benefits. The problem has become a serious concern for the environment since most of the trees that are used in agroforestry, desert control, and commercial forestry is mainly alien and not the species of the particular area. In research, it is vital to ens ure that the species that are imported serve the purposes that are intended in the area they are introduced and was implemented so that they do not cause negative effects to the ecosystem as it was observed at Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga. There are still many debates on impacts that are caused by the invasive species, positively and negativelyÃ'Ž In the context of management of forests, the management explained that initiatives have been implemented with most focusing on the damages that are caused.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Marketing research Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing research - Statistics Project Example To evaluate the significance of the test, I formulated the hypotheses: In order to decide which t-value to adopt, I checked over the results of the Levene’s test for equality of variances (Allingham & Rayner, 2011; Wuensch, 2014). The significance level (p-value = 0.002) of the F-statistic (9.847) is less than the 0.05 level of significance adopted for the entire test. Therefore, taking a default hypothesis that the variances are equal, these results confirm that this hypothesis should be rejected (Lee, 2013). Consequently, the variances are not equal. This advises my option to adopt the t-value -2.762 which has a p-value 0.007. Since 0.007 is less than the default p-value (0.05) adopted for the test, I reject the null hypothesis. There is significant difference between the scores of domestic and international students. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to establish whether there exists significant statistical difference between the students’ responses to item 5 of the survey based on their year of admission. All students in the survey were admitted into courses in the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2007. The hypotheses: The significance level (p Correlation analysis was carried out to determine whether any of the units 1 – 19 are related to item
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Investigation of the impact of recruitment and selection strategies Term Paper
Investigation of the impact of recruitment and selection strategies and criteria over the organizational performance - Term Paper Example The findings of this study demonstrated profound support for the model that signifies that the HR policies are positively and directly related to the overall performance of the bank along with having a statistically strong impact over it since R square has been found to be equal to 70.2 percent. The evaluation of various cross sectional studies further revealed that the participation of the employees in the process of decision making has the most significant impact of the HR policies over the performance of the organization. However, this is not being implemented extensively. This may be due to nature of the jobs in the banks that are generally risky, critical and systematic or because of the cultural behavior discouraging the participation of the employees in the process of decision making. This study, toward its end, recommended that the Masraf Al-Rayyan Bank, in particular, as well as the other banks operating in Qatar should emphasize more over the training and development strate gy for developing the skills, knowledge and capabilities of the employees. Particularly, they should pay more attention on the structure and content of the appropriate training and development programs. Atlas, it was suggested that any research in the future will aim to investigate the issues encountered during the implementation of the desired HR policies in Banks and other organizations in Qatar as well as in other Arab countries. Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 1.Introduction 2 2.The Problem of this Research 4 3.Objectives of the Study 6 4. Design of the Study 6 5.The Data Population and Data Sample of the Study 7 6.Data Collection Methods 8 7.Literature Review 8 8.Research Model 16 a.Independent variables: 17 b.Dependent Variables 18 9.Research Design 19 10.Hypotheses of the Study 19 11.Research Validity 20 12.Research Reliability 20 13.Methodology 21 Research Approach 21 14.Factor Analysis 21 15.Hypotheses Testing 22 16.Analysis and Discussion 24 17.Recommendations 25 Ref erences 26 APPENDIX 31 1. Introduction The world of business has been extensively affected by the globalization as it has now turned into an intricate set of networks and inter-links having the objective to enhance the performance of an organization operating under a specific system. In many bureaucratic organizations, the employee position is indicated and arranged in a hierarchical manner. Due to this, the bureaucratic theory was brought in to existence in the nineteenth century by Max Weber. The concept behind the bureaucratic theory was to help the organizations in becoming more efficient and to be based upon legitimate authority and logic. In the period of 1920’s, the concentration shifted on the human element of the workplace that was considered as significantly affecting the management perspectives. The Hawthorne study is one these human approaches that was carried out in 1924 at the Western Electric Company. The Hawthorne study proposed that the productivity of the em ployees can be easily increased by treating them in a positive manner. Also, that study emphasized over the aspect of human interactions in the workplace. The theory of human needs by Maslow also included the human-based approaches. Maslow organized these requirements in a hierarchical manner in accordance to significance and priority. Maslow put the physiological requirement of the people that included food, water, etc. at the bottom level of the hierarchical pyramid. Then comes the safety
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro - Essay Example This remark brings with it, and an emotional appeal of sympathy from his listeners and they are made to see the sincerity of the utterances that will follow. Mr Douglas uses Toulmin as his method of argument. Great Britain is mentioned as the colonial power from which the United States liberated themselves. He frowns upon the mind-set of their colonisers towards their subjects and refers to those as the disastrous times. This he does by bringing to light how the British put restraints and limitations on them because they saw it fit to keep their liberties in check. It strips their colonisers of their credibility. He seeks pardon for any imperfections that may be detected in his speech and attributes them to his level of education and hastiness that may have been triggered by the magnitude of the occasion. It, therefore, brings about a logical appeal which he seconds with a follow up remark when he refers to the fourth of July as the birth date of the nation. It symbolises a new dawn with which the past injustices that were perpetrated by their colonial masters are gazed upon as a part of a history that has shaped the nation of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder Essay
Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are linked under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. What a - Essay Example OCD is characterized by repetitive obsessions with a particular kind of phenomenon. One of the aspects of this disorder is through the use of rituals. For example, someone who is OCD about bacteria might was their hands an obsessive amount of times in order to make sure they have gotten rid of the bacteria. It is the fourth most commonly diagnosed psychological disorder. There is strong evidence to support that this condition not only has environmental and behavioral triggers, but also that there is a biological component involved in the neurochemistry of behavior. The most common forms of treatment for this disorder is through the use of behavioral therapy in which a therapist tries to make the ritualistic behavior, obsessions and compulsions extinct through classical and operant conditioning. Also, in some cases psychopharmacology is used in order to help supplement the counseling therapy. PTSD is a condition which often is the result of some sort of traumatic incident in a personà ¢â‚¬â„¢s life. This can range anywhere from military combat to sexual abuse.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games Essay Example for Free
Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games Essay The video game technology, like most technologies, has changed drastically in the last few years. Arcades may look much the same on the surface as they did a decade or two ago, but the games have become far more violent, sophisticated and addictive. When one visits the video arcade it is not surprising to see children pointing and shooting something that looks suspiciously like a real weapon. If Pong or, for that matter, Pac-Man and Super Mario Brothers is ones point of reference, one needs to think again. What one assumes about the benign, outdated games of the 1970s and the 1980s, even of the early 1990s, the research regarding them cannot be considered valid as video games put in the market in the last five years. It is a whole new world, and it is evolving at a rate that is hard for parents to keep pace with (Funk. Jeanne 1993). How fast a rate? Consider this: During the last two decades interactive video games have emerged as one of the most popular forms of entertainment, particularly among teens. According to the non-profit organization, Mediascope, Globally, annual video games revenues now exceed $18 billion. In the United States alone, video game revenues now exceed $10 billion annually, nearly double the amount Americans spend going to the movies. On average, American children who have home video game systems play with them about ninety minutes a day. The kids are changing with the technology how could they not be? They are riding technology curve in a way we are not and never can. On many levels, its wonderful to have them exposed to this brave new cyberworld: the opportunities for them to learn, the resources at their fingertips, are tremendous and hard to fathom. Some claim that video games are a mind controlling device (The World Wide Web is like a vast, almost limitless encyclopedia, and unlike Encyclopedia Britannica, kids can talk to it and it talks back. So its especially disconcerting to see armies of these very kids wandering through cyberspace mutilating and killing everything in their path and having a great time doing it. Its the dark side of heightened technology, but one to which we ought to be paying much closer attention (The First Fighting Game That Let You Just Be Friends). Some say there are positive effects of video games and that there are hollow claims about fantasy violence. However, there are others who maintain that the general effect is negative and hazardous to children and adolescents in general. This paper looks at the positive and negative sides and attempts to put look the issue in the proper perspective. The debate over the effects of digital games is getter hotter. Many claim that people may not pay too much attention regarding the issue of digital games but they are now becoming a powerful cultural force (Secko, David). This has become a powerful force since computer and video games sales topped $10 billion in the U. S. in 2004. Children spend more and more time working and playing with them. And some social theorists say society is gripped by a moral panic over the effects of computer games (Secko, David). As some maintain, exposure to television violence results in violent actions in real life. Several researchers have agreed that children extensively exposed to violence as projected on television tend to think that it is appropriate to act in violent ways (Hurst). Today, this has evolved into video games. Like most technologies, video game technology has changed drastically in the last few years. Some of the issues tied to this are those on values. Values motivate behavior. Judgments about right and wrong or good and bad are moral judgments based on values. In the course of human interactions, there are many situations in which it is difficult to make a decision because values come into conflict. Conflict between moral values results is an ethical problem. Major influences on moral decision-making in cyber environment are personal, professional and organizational values. Values must be clarified if moral decisions are to be reached. We are just beginning to understand that digital mediums are bringing us expressive forms comparable to the movies and the novel, says Janet Murray, a Professor of Digital Media at Georgia Tech and author of Hamlet on the Holodeck (Lee, J. 2004. p. 1375). Video gaming exists today as a symbiotic relationship among many self-preserving organisms. All must strike a gentle balance between exerting their will and killing their host. Even if others find it obsolete, the young must engage in values clarification to develop a decision-making process that fosters ethical behavior (Funk. Jeanne 1993). More than any other aspect of these new video games, its the accuracy of the simulations the carnage, the blood, and the guts that is so advanced. Realism is the Holy Grail of the video game industry. And the latest technology leaves little to the imagination the simulations seem less fake, and therefore more effective. Add to this the fact that in the last few years, video game manufacturers have chosen to amplify gruesome violence (note that 49 percent of young teens indicate a preference for violent games, while only 2 percent prefer educational ones). (Funk, Jeanne 1993) to make it a mainstay in their products seems a direct result of where the television and movie industry have taken their content. What worries most parents and educators here is the desensitizing effect on-screen violence has on kids, and how it fosters a need for more graphic real-life displays of carnage and mayhem to keep kids interested. Graphically violent video games like Doom, Postal, Duke Nukem, and Mortal Kombat are games way past the curve. Some claim that these are mind control devices (Videogame- mind control? ). Author Schmitt (2004) states the many disadvantages of video games. He goes on to list several of the drawbacks of video game playing. He states in no unequivocal terms, If pursued as a solitary activity, playing video games can decrease important social interactions with family and friends. A childs interactions with friends may become limited to pumping them for information about hidden passageways and secret doors. Schmitt lists several good reasons to advice people not play video games. He also not only listed that but he also listed ways to keep us from playing them altogether or how to encourage children to play more healthy activities (Schmitt 2004 p. 33-56). In terms of the educational principles related to this issue, any teacher or coach of young people will tell you that hands-on experience is what teaches best. Repetition of movements and the hand-eye connection are invaluable for learning most skills. And especially with children, hands-on learning is usually a lot more fun and interesting than the alternatives. It is precisely this that makes interactive video games so potent a learning tool. As researcher Patricia Greenfield points out, Video games are the first medium to combine visual dynamism with an active participatory role for the child. (Provenzo, Eugene. 1991). Video games have the distinct advantage between itself, the television and the movies it lets you put your hands on it, aim and fire. Thus, it is really no surprise that violent games are very habit-forming. Parents interviewed are alarmed at not just the violent images in the games, but the amount of time their children spend playing them. It proves how effective these things are. More than 60 percent of children report that they play video games longer than they intend to play. The interactive quality, the intensity of the violence, the physiological reactions, all serve to connect the players feelings of exhilaration and accomplishment directly to the violent images. And good feelings keep the player wanting to play. Countless parents try desperate to keep video game play within certain time limits, but its a huge challenge a parental battle they so often lose. Once kids get hooked, its difficult to unhook them. Both home and arcade games make extensive use of reinforcement schedules for both the acquisition and maintenance of the habit (Provenzo, Eugene. 1991).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Community Based Rehabilitation Essay Example for Free
Community Based Rehabilitation Essay Community Based Rehabilitation(CBR) may be defined, according to three United Nation Agencies, ILO, UNESCO, and the WHO, as a strategy within community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, and social integration of all people with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of disabled people themselves, their families and communities, and the appropriate health, education, vocational and social services (WHO, 1994). Institutional Rehabilitation provides excellent services to address the problems of individual disabled persons and is often available only for a small number at a very high cost. CBR as the name implies has have found in the community, its roots in the community and has to derive sustenance and support from the community. They should be rehabilitated in their community by and with people in their community. CBRfocuses on * enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families, * meeting basic needs and * ensuring inclusion and participation. CBR was initiated in the mid-1980s but has evolved to become a multi-sectoral strategy that empowers persons with disabilities to access and benefit from education, employment, health and social services. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities, their families, organizations and communities, relevant government and non-government health, education, vocational, social and other services.Mainstreaming and inclusion is seen as an effective way:to include persons with disability;to give equal opportunity and to provide a non discriminative environment for their growth and development In practical terms this means persons with disability are included in the programmes and schemes formulated by the government and others, not as mere beneficiaries but as equal members who can participate with full recognition of and exercise their rights. Need of CBR Institutional overheads and other major infrastructural expenses make the process very expensive. Moreover, the endeavours in an institution are often out of context to the felt needs of the disabled person, and thus falls short of their expectations. The fact that this person comes from a particular background and cultural setting is often ignored. The institutional culture is imposed on the disabled person and they are often expected to function as advised by the â€Å"experts†. In an institutional rehabilitation programme, the community is not linked with the process. Hence, when the disabled persons return home, it may become difficult for them to integrate into their community. Disability -Situation Time line In the 70s it was based on western health care model largely urban based and not cost effective. No real service provision for disabled. In the 80s/90s there was a shift from medical towards employment and community development. In real terms this was a social model. In the year 2000 CBR perceived in terms of Human rights and involvement and awareness of disabled persons was advocated. WHO approach emphasizes basic rehabilitation involving working partnership with local community, disabled, family, governments and professionals at regional and national levels.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Flight to Delhi
Flight to Delhi Flight to Delhi Delhi is the capital city of India with a population of over 13 million and has emerged as one of the fastest growing cities in the world. With over 700 flights landing and taking off from Delhi every day, Delhi airport is the busiest airport in India. It is easier to take flights to Delhi rather than using other means of transport. With several airlines and flight operators operating between major Indian cities Delhi, getting discounted tickets and special offers for Delhi flights is always on the cards. works hard to maintain its leadership position in travel category and to bring you the best rates for Delhi flights. Our unique engine allows you to search across the leading travel portals to ensure that you get the best fare rates. Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Indian Airlines, Air India, Spicejet, Air Deccan, Indigo, Paramount and GO Air operate daily flights on the Delhi Bangalore, Mumbai Delhi, Kolkata Delhi and Hyderabad Delhi routes. Delhi airport is located near the Delhi Gurgaon border is well connected to the city. The drive from Connaught Place, the heart of Delhi to the Delhi airport takes about 45 minutes if the traffic is clear. But it is advised that you always take into account the omnipresent traffic jams which can extend the commute time to the Delhi airport by a factor of three. About Delhi Delhi is the 2nd largest Indian city after Mumbai (Bombay) and is the seat of Indian government. Delhi encompasses the nearby cities of Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad Faridabad to form the NCR region. Delhi /NCR is the melting pot for various Indian communities ethnicities. Attractions Places of Interest : Lodi Garden, Doll museum, Rail museum, Red Fort, India Gate, Museum of Natural History, Parliament, Qutab Minar, Jama Masjid Entertainment Shopping :, South-Extension, GK-I M Block, Connaught place, Chandni Chowk, Karol Bagh, Sarojini Nagar, Dilli Haat, State Emporiums, Lajpat Nagar, Ansal Plaza, Hauz Khas Theatre: Kamani Auditorium, LTG Auditorium, National school of Drama, India Habitat Centre (IHC), India International Centre (IIC), Lalit Kala Academy, Sri Ram Center for Performing Arts Temples : Hanuman Mandir, Lotus (ISKON) temple, Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, Kalka mandir, Birla Mandir, Chattarpur Mandir When to go Delhi faces the extreme climatic swings with the temperature moving to 47 C (116 F) in summers dropping to 0 C (32 F). The best time to visit the city is between October to March when the weather is most bearable. Regular flights to from Delhi are readily available. With airlines like Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Indian Airlines, Spicejet, Air Deccan, Indigo and GO Air offering frequent flier programs, discounted tickets and regular special offers, cheap air travel to Delhi has become a reality.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"Zoot Suit†by Luis Valdez Based on the infamous 1942 â€Å"Sleepy Lagoon†murder mystery and the resulting â€Å"Zoot Suit Riots†in Los Angeles , playwright Luis Valdez weaves fact and fiction to depict the fate of 22 young Mexican Americans brought to trial for a murder they did not commit. â€Å"Zoot Suit†brings together unforgettable characters such as the irreverent El Pachuco and the charismatic Henry Reyna, an unsuspecting gang leader who finds himself caught in the middle of the racially turbulent events that rocked Los Angeles during the early 1940s. Valdez says this production exemplifies the evolution of American society. â€Å"The essence about the American experience is about cultural fusion,†Valdez says. â€Å"’Zoot Suit’ has influences that were brought on during the evolution of jazz, when you saw African American talent mixed with the American experience. The Hispanic influence is amplified through the story, style and attitude, which are really influences that every culture can relate with.†Created by playwright Luis Valdez, â€Å"Zoot Suit†made its world premiere in 1978 at the Mark Taper Forum where it ran for an unprecedented twelve-weeks. â€Å"Zoot Suit†broke all attendance records at the Taper and subsequently moved to the larger Aquarius Theatre in Hollywood to accommodate audience demand. Coinciding with the Hollywood run, this critically acclaimed production opened on Broadway in 1979. In 1981, Valdez adapted â€Å"Zoot Suit†for the screen and then directed the Golden Globe...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Politics in the Music of Green Day Essay -- Political Music Essays Pap
Politics in Music Every day we live our lives exercising the right of freedom of expression. In our country, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions and are allowed to express those opinions freely and openly except in different circumstances where the state determines when (if) a limitation of this freedom is necessary. What happens when this threshold is breached? How has the freedom of expression affected the music industry? How has this all affected society? Green Day is punk rock musical trio from California that features Billie Joe Armstrong on guitar and lead vocals, Mike Dirnt on bass guitar and backing vocals, and Trà © Cool on the drums. Green Day is widely credited, along with fellow California bands The Offspring and Rancid, with reviving mainstream interest in and popularizing punk rock in the United States during the mid 1990s. The band has sold over 30 million albums in the United States, and over 63.5 million records worldwide, â€Å"making them the most successful punk band of all time†(Bruen, par. 4). Green Day currently has three Grammy Awards under their belt including Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, and Record of the Year for their single â€Å"Boulevard of Broken Dreams.†They are also second to the Red Hot Chili Peppers for the most number-ones on Billboard’s Modern Rock Tracks with eight, and most collective weeks at number one on the Modern Rock Tracks wi th 39. â€Å"American Idiot is a 57 minute politically charged epic depicting a character named Jesus of Suburbia as he suffers through the decline and fall of the American Dream†(Moss, par. 2). The album cover for American Idiot, which is pictured above, illustrates a transparent hand snatching a blood-dripping gr... ...y mixes punk and politics.† 23 September 2004. 15 October 2006. /storage/paper340/news/2004/09/23/Focus/Green.Day.Mixes.Punk.And.Politics-728545.shtml?norewrite200610291921&> Malakian, Daron Vartan. â€Å"B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs).†Mezmorize. Colombia, 2005. Mattingly, David. â€Å"Dixie Chicks begin tour amid controversy.†CNN.Com/Entertainment 1 May 2003. 15 October 2006. 01/dixie.chicks.tour/index.html> Moss, Corey. â€Å"Why Idiot Was The Smart Move For Green Day.†VH1.COM 01 October 2004. 15 October 2006. green_day.jhtml> Tyrangiel, Josh. â€Å"In the Line of Fire.† 21 May 2006. 15 October 2006.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Describe Sexual and Gender Identity, the Distinction Between Them
In physiological side, the sex identity is regarding the appearance of the external sex organs at the birth of an infant. Hence, the sex identity of boy or girl is usually straight forward related to biological. On the other hand, the gender identity is more complicated. It cannot be focus on biological process and it may affect by many aspects. Firstly, the behavior of males and females always affect by different culture and society. Each culture has their own sex roles standards and can change as time goes on.For example, there is big difference viewpoint when we look at a transvestist nowadays. We can accept this is a trendy and they are fashionable. Even though many parents can gradually accept their son or daughter is a transgender, they will try their best to lead their children in the appropriate sex roles from infancy stage. Girl must wear dress in pink and play with their â€Å"Barbie†doll. Whereas, boy must play with their car or transformers toys. Also boy should b e stronger than girl and protect them always. Crying is for girl only.Hence, the major influences on the child’s adoption of typical masculine or typical feminine are their parents’ attitudes. In general, tomboy is easier to accept by people than effeminate behavior for boys. The sex-roles of cultures that are radically different from our own. According to Margaret Mead's studying of three tribes, the Arapesh, the Mundugumor and the Tchambuli, she found that few sex role differences in the Arapesh and the Mundugumor. The males and females of the Arapesh were passive, gentle and co-operative. The Mundugumor were aggressive, restrictive and fierce.The Tchambuli appeared to be a complete reversal of the typical male and female sex-roles as we know them. The women were independent and aggressive whilst the men were considered sentimental and emotional. Such finding indicated a great deal of cultural and social influences on the child's formation of either male or female. B y learning theory, the acquisition of gender roles was by teaching rather than biological. Bandura, the social learning theorist, believe that sex appropriate behaviors are learned like the other behaviors.They are both via imitation and reinforced by parents. Non-appropriate behaviors is not allowed or actively discouraged. From the infant was born, their parents started to instil sex appropriate behaviors consciously and unconsciously. Goldberg and Lewis in 1969 studying 32 girls and 32 boys with their mothers, they found that the emergence of sex-typed behaviors by the age of 13 months and indicated links between these sex-appropriate behaviors and the way in which these toddlers had been treated by their mothers.At the result, greater dependency on their mother which was showed by the girls at 13 months was due to the differences in handling at 6 months. Hence, it appears that early differences in handling may contribute to the emergence of sex-typed behavior. Some theorist beli eve that the biological factors still can explain why a child adopts a specific gender roles through two main ways. One is the effects of hormones and the other is the lateralisation of brain functions.Young and his associates used monkey for testing. They injected pregnant monkeys with testosterone (a male hormone) early in their pregnancy. They found that female offspring had some genital abnormalities and showed types of social behavior which were more characteristic of male monkeys. Later testing the female monkeys injected testosterone after birth but before puberty, they become much more assertive, and even becoming very powerful.From another theorist, John Money, he matched pairs of hermaphrodites, he concluded that it is the socially imposed identity which is the accepted one though there does appear to be a critical period between 18 months and 3 years after which sexual reassignment is unwise. Regard to the lateralisation of brain functions, two hemispheres of the brain sp ecialize in different functions. In general, the left hemisphere is concerned with processing verbal material while the right hemisphere deals with spatial information.The other theorist, Bryden found that men are more specialised than women. That means men are more vulnerable to the effects of brain damage than women. For example, if a woman suffers damage to the left hemisphere she is less likely to suffer language impairment than a man with similar damage. Similarly, if a woman suffers damage to the right hemisphere she is less likely to show spatial problems than a man. As a result, the specialisation of the two hemispheres of the brain seem to indicate that some sex differences are inate.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Decision Model Theory Essay
Case Here we use the Thompson Lumber Company case as an example to illustrate these decision theory steps. John Thompson is the founder and president of Thompson Lumber Company, a profitable firm located in Portland, Oregon. Step 1 The problem that John Thompson identifies is whether to expand his product line by manufacturing and marketing a new product, backyard storage sheds. Step 2 * The second step is to list the alternative. * Thompson’s second step is to generate alternatives that are available to him .In decision theory the alternative is a course of action or strategy that the decision maker can choose .According to him his alternatives are to construct: 1†¢ a large new plant to manufacture the storage sheds 2†¢ a small plant, or 3†¢ no plant at all * So, the decision makers should try to make all possible alternatives ,on some occasion even the least important alternative might turn out to be the best choice. Step 3 * Third step is to identify possible outcomes. * The criteria for action are established at this time. According to Thompson there are two possible outcomes: the market for the storage sheds could be favorable means there is a high demand of the product or it could be unfavorable means that there is low demand of the product. * Optimistic decision makers tend to ignore bad outcomes; where as pessimistic managers may discount a favorable outcome. If you don’t consider all possibilities, it will be difficult to make a logical decision, and the result may be undesirable. * There may be some outcomes over which the decision maker has little or no control is known as states of nature. Step 4 * Fourth step is to list payoffs. * This step is to list payoff resulting from each possible combination of alternatives and outcomes. Because in this case he wants to maximize his profits, he use profits to evaluate each consequences .Not every decision, of course, can be based on money alone – any appropriate means of measuring benefit is acceptable. In decision theory we call such payoff or profits conditional values. Step 5 & 6 * The last two steps are to select and apply the decision theory model. * Apply it to the data to help make the decision. Selecting the model depends on the environment in which you are operating and the amount of risk and uncertainty involved. * Decision Table with condition values for Thompson TYPES OF DECISION MAKING ENVIRONMENTS * The types of decisions people make depends on how much knowledge or information they have about the situation. There are three kind of decision making environments: * Decision making under certainty. * Decision making under risk. * Decision making under uncertainty. Decision Making Under Certainty * Here the decision makers know about the certainty of consequences every alternative or decision choice has. * Naturally they will choose the alternative that will result in the best outcome. * Example: Let’s say that you have $10000 to invest for a period of one year. And you have two alternatives either to open a savings account paying 6% interest and another is investing in Govt. Treasury Bond paying 10% interest. If both the investments are secure and guaranteed, the best alternative is to choose the second investment option to gain maximum profit. Decision Making Under Risk * Here the decision Maker knows about the several possible outcomes for each alternative and the probability of occurrence of each outcome. * Example: The probability of being dealt a club is 0.25. The probability of rolling a 5 on die is 1/6. * In the decision making under risk, the decision maker usually attempts to maximize his or her expected well being. Decision theory models for business problems in this in this environment typically employ two equivalent criteria: maximization of expected monetary value and minimization of expected loss. * Expected monetary value is the weighted value of possible payoffs for each alternative Decision Making under Uncertainty * Here there are several outcomes for each alternative, and the decision maker does not know the probabilities occurrences of various outcomes. * Example The probability that a Democrat/Republican will be the President of a country 25 Years from now is not known. * The criteria that is covered in this section as follows: 1 – Maximax †¢ this criterion find the alternative that maximizes the maximum payoffs or consequence for every alternative. Here we first locate the maximum payoff with every alternative and then pick that alternative with the maximum number. This is also known as optimistic decision criterion. * Maximin †¢ this criterion finds the alternative that maximizes the minimum payoff or consequence for every alternative. Here we first locate the minimum outcome within every alternative and then pick that alternative with maximum number. This is called as pessimistic decision criterion. * Criterion of Realism: Also called as weighted average, is a compromise between an optimistic and a pessimistic decision. Let the coefficient of realism is ‘a’ selected. The coefficient is between 0 and 1. When ‘a’ is close to 1, the decision maker is optimistic about the future. When ‘a’ is close ‘0’ the decision maker is pessimistic. It helps the decision maker to build feelings about relative optimism and pessimism. * Weighted average =a (maximum in row) + (1-a)(minimum in row). * Equally likely (Laplace)-one criterion that uses all the payoffs for each alternative is the equally likely also called Laplace decision criterion. This is to fi nd alternative with highest payoff. * Minimax Regret †¢ the final decision criterion that we discuss is based on opportunity loss or regret. Expected Value of Perfect Information * Formula EVPI = A – B A = expected value with perfect information B = expected value without perfect information Calculation of (A) value: A = the best of each outcome x their prob. The best of outcomes: Best outcome= (100,000) (30,000) A= 0.6 x 100,000 + 0.4 x 30,000 = 72,000 Calculation of (B) value: B = we select the max value of each given below Outcome of each event: 0.6(50000) + 0.4 (30,000)= 42,000 0.6(100,000 -0.4(40,000)= 44,000 0.6(30,000) + 0.4(10,000)= 20,000 The max value for all computed value = 44,000 EVPI = A – B = 72,000 – 44,000 = 28,000 Expected Opportunity Loss The expected opportunity loss is the expected value of the regret for each decision (Minimax) EOL (Apartment) = $50,000(.6) + 0(.4) = 30,000 EOL (Office) = $0(.6) + 70,000(.4) = 28,000 EOL (Warehouse) = $70,000(.6) + 20,000(.4) = 50,000 Marginal Analysis * Most of our decisions are made following our â€Å"marginal analysis†of costs and benefits * To achieve a given outcome we often have to make a choice from among alternative means; we normally try to make the â€Å"least costly†choice among the available means * Sometimes our decisions result in benefits as well as costs; * How much food should you buy? * How many years of schooling should you have? * How many hours should you work? * How many workers should you hire? * How much should save/invest?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Our Culture Today Essay
Personal Beliefs, Attitudes, Values, Basic Assumptions, these values are universal to every human being living today, in the past and in our future. These values shaping our behavior relate to cultural context. Today our Societal attitudes toward homosexuality widely range in different cultures, historical periods, and locations, as do attitudes toward sexual desire, activity and relationships in general. In general many cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and unsuitable sexuality; some sanction same-sex love and sexuality, while others may condemn of such activities in part. Our culture today has changed a lot especially how we view the human body. In my first paragraph I will discuss personal beliefs and how it a tremdous effect on homosexuality community, including social attitudes in general. The issue on Gay sex in religion will have a variety of different views, but you will see the more firm believers that homo’s is a bad thing will be among the older generations, and they will be the ones that also have a harder time accepting it into their lives. Religions such as Judaism, Islam, and various regions of Christianity, are old school and forbid any type of sexual interactions between people of the same sex and preach highly that such an act is to be deemed sinful and that you will burn in hell. The reasoning behind this is very simple like stated above, those religions follow the bible very closely and if you search for it you will find this in the Old testament and New testament, which talks about their beliefs on that topic. Unlike our western religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, homosexuality is barely discussed although it may not be brought up as often these religions frown on this type of intercourse between two people to be considered a sin as well. Further In addition to the religions of East Asia, along with Chinese religion that passionate homosexual love is most often discouraged because it is believed to not lead to human satisfaction, and that human satisfaction can only come from opposite sex’s In early religions it’s been said that since early middle age times, people who had sex with the same type of sex were blamed for bringing a deadly plague upon the land, and that their pleasures with each other were blamed for the frequent epidemics of disease which dramatically decreased the population. Crops were dying people didn’t have food, and people were falling over dead for no reason at all. The only thing they thought that was causing this was the â€Å"Homo’s. People were frightened and they thought the only way in order to rid their lands of this disease would be by being cleansed by fire, as a result homosexuals paid a drastic price from the people of the towns in which numerous individuals were tied down and burned at the stake or if they got somewhat lucky just had to have white-hot iron rods ran through them because they thought that this would cleanse the souls and stop the disease. Although the staking and hot ironing ended in the late 1980s similar thoughts have been made, inspired by the AIDS epidemic. In the years since, the epidemic has spread and now has many more heterosexual victims than homosexual. In the next paragraph I will further discuss the Values and basic assumption of play another key role into how our culture views the human body. Off the top of your head when you hear the word gay males, what’s the first thing your brain processes? Most often gay males are viewed as being effeminate. Or maybe you the first thing that comes to mind is that gay males are viewed as showing an interest in women’s fashion such as fashion design or hairdressing, which a lot are. Or perhaps when you think of a gay male it would be a guy would having a huge group of friends consisting females, Sadly we categorize â€Å"homo’s†like this in our culture today What would comes to mind when the word lesbians is thrown out there? Our culture society usually views them as having more of the manly features or what we call â€Å"Tomboy/ Dyke. †When then word Tomboy is thrown out there are society already has them categorized. The typical thought of a tomboy is one having a preference for short haircuts, tattoos and male clothing. Then of course we have both bisexual men and women. What pops in mind when you think of a Bi person? Some people might be seeing them as being sexually immoral, controlling, insincere or undecided. Male bisexuals and female bisexuals are usually on the down low about the choice they have made. Although the cause for most Bi’s is that because our culture is so rough and doesn’t welcome the gay community very well they have a hard time accepting it themselves an call themselves as Bi’s for the fear of how much we demand perfection. Another basic assumption about homosexuals is association with pedophilia. This is the major thing that always pops up and which as a result, some people fear exposing their children to homosexuals in unsupervised settings. This fear assuming that about all â€Å"Gay’s†had led them into making and assumption that their children might be molested, or converted to be gay themselves which in our culture that would just ruin families. Today in our society that is true many Homo’s that finally come out and tell their families just only ends up destroying them. As a result many homosexuals have committed suicide for the fear of judge-ment. What has left a bitter taste in the mouth about â€Å"gay†community and made an impact on how their viewed is that everyone is familiar with the publicity about the Catholic sex abuse cases, which in result has heightened these concerns for many parents. A group of establishments focus on these dawning concerns, drawing linking relations between homosexuality and pedophilia. Recently a number of small scale studies where done and shown that they have not found evidence that homosexuals are more likely to molest children than heterosexuals. Tests done showing that male homosexuals with a preference for adults; are no more attracted to adolescent or younger boys than male heterosexuals with a preference for adults are to adolescent or younger girls. Other research also suggest men who molest boys prefer adult women rather than men as sexual partners.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Footnote to Youth Reaction Paper Essay
â€Å"The youth is the hope of motherland.†It has always been said that we, the youth, is the hope of our country. This has been the mentality of almost everybody in the society. I, myself had this mentality strongly rooted in my mind before I had read the story, â€Å"Footnote to Youth.†Yes, the youth could possibly be the hope of our country or even of the world. As many have said, we are creative, dynamic, good thinkers, marvelous doers and a lot more. All these positive things also have corresponding negative thoughts from those who don’t believe in our capacity. They say we are lazy, dependent, coward, apathetic and a lot more. I think it is neither laziness nor dependence that drives us youth into somebody useless in the society. We never wanted to become just a piece of crap of course. We always have wanted to do something extraordinary not just for ourselves’ sake. We have always wanted to be something the older and younger generation would be proud of. For me, the dilemma is not within us. It is on how our parents and the people around us treat us and affects us. I admit our minds are not as weak as the minds of the little children. We cannot be easily manipulated. But we’re not also as fixed-minded as the older people. We need guidance. How can we be the hope of the country if our parents themselves don’t lead us to the right path? How can we be the hope if our parents themselves don’t believe that there is real hope from within us? How can we be the hope if our parents themselves cannot correct the mistakes we do? Just like Dodong and Blas, we are preoccupied of the thinking that we can do everything we want to; that we are ready to do the things that the older people can; that what we think is always right. Yes we can do everything if we really insist to but without the guidance of our parents or the older people who know better, we will never know if we are making the right steps toward the right road. They hold the key that runs the engine of hope within the youth. I still believe that we, the youth, is the hope of the motherland but this will just come to reality if the older generation, especially our parents know how to bring out the best in us. -Jogie Rodriguez Torres, BST- IV June 25, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2019
Free High School Guides
Work 1 on 1 with a consultant from a top school on every aspect of your application, including your college essays. Get your college essay reviewed fast as quickly as 1.5 hours  by our expert essay editing team. Improve your score and prepare for the SAT online with your own tutor and our proven curriculum. Build up your high school resume during 9th-11th grade by working with one of our mentors from a top school! Join thousands of students and parents getting exclusive high school, test prep, and college admissions information. These free resources will help guide you through various aspects of the college admissions process. Make sure to sign up for our email list to be notified of new free resources. Read our ultimate guide to freshman year to prepare for your first year of high school. Prepare for the SAT with this checklist to make sure you’re on track. Get ready to ace the ACT with this comprehensive checklist! We’ll send you valuable information to help you strengthen your profile and get ready for college admissions.
Administration and Stakeholders of Health Plans Essay
Administration and Stakeholders of Health Plans - Essay Example The impact of the Act will be felt once its dots and crosses are assessed and also the citizens of the United States begin in a large measure to adopt preventive measures to accelerate good health conditions. The stakeholders of the health plans comprise health insurers, medical product manufacturers, health care providers, consumers, most businesses, and organized labor. Health insurance companies offering wide range of health care plans the customers can choose from are hurriedly incorporating the new changes. One has to wait and see what changes the manufacturers might effect since development on the manufacturers’ side are implemented on the basis of new development in the science field more than in legislations. The target group of customers for the health insurance companies in the United States are those in the middle age groups and professionally independent. The present reforms calls for increased private share in the health related expenditure. Thus, the markets for the health insurance are expected to further open up. The ideal governing structure should have an efficient Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director (CEO and MD) at the top level. The CEO and MD are followed by executive directors for the marketing, finance, sales, risk management, human resources, legal and operations departments. The executive directors, in turn, will have regional managers based on geographical locations. The mission statement of the organization basically covers the long term goals of the organization. The mission statement primarily comprises the ways that will be instrumental in achieving the vision of the company. The mission of the health insurance company includes that of: In the modern world, the customer is the king. The success of the company lies in allowing the customers to have greater access to alternatives. This helps in empowerment of the customers and they find themselves to be the integral part of the organization. The company should have
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting Essay
Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting - Essay Example ards Advisory Board (FASAB).A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is "compiled" by a state, municipal or other governmental accounting staff and "audited" by an external American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) certified accounting firm utilizing GASB requirements (Ruppel, 2009). It is composed of three sections: Introductory, Financial and Statistical. It combines the financial information of fund accounting and Enterprise Authorities accounting. A CAFR is a report of the complete overall financial results of both those "specific groupings" of government agencies that appear in the current fiscal year General Purpose Budget and all other agencies and departments (Peterson, 2002). These can be autonomous, enterprise (for example government or city owned golf courses), recycling, water, sewer, and financial management - often these agencies were created with the inception of that local, state or government (Wilson, 2010). The CAFR provides information about all of these other government agencies that may have their own budgets and separate investment accounts but their financial holdings are not combined with the general purpose budget that the same government presents to the public. The CAFR, or as it is called in CANADA CanFR can be used along with a budget document to compare the organizations total financial standing to the annual general purpose budget (Ruppel, 2009). The CAFR is the complete showing of the financial investment and income records from all sources, that reflects what has developed over decades whereas a budget report is an inferior document to the CAFR being that it is primarily focused on what revenue is expected to be brought in and spent for just the year. Government sources funds from taxation to support the cost of providing basic services while for-profit financial accounting it offers goods and services to generate revenue. Also government accounting is not related to expenses while for-profit expenditures are
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Enterprise in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Enterprise in action - Essay Example Effectual logic takes advantage of unexpected events in the market. On the other hand, causal logic entrepreneurs engage actively in exploring existing opportunities and are capable of building their future upon them. These investors are able to correlate between one variable and the other and interpret the future depending on the consequence that one variable has over the other. When it comes to basis for taking action, effectual logic investors do not make goals at the beginning but the goals tend to emerge in the course of action. In contrast, causal logic is goal oriented, their means of achievement is determined by a set of goals, and objectives that they strive to satisfy. Causal logic entrepreneurs are driven into investment by the fact of maximizing on risk adjusted to the returns. Effectual logic entrepreneurs will limit their investment to a certain level of their acceptance in order to give them a chance to participate again next time. Effectual logic is more flexible but less secure while causal logic is not flexible but secure to some extent (Stuart Reed,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Importance of a Fire Department Safety Officer Research Paper
The Importance of a Fire Department Safety Officer - Research Paper Example OSHA guidelines were set up in order to lessen the risk of firefighter work-related injuries. Fire department safety officers refer to these guidelines for training and comply with them in order to keep their employees safe during and after emergency situations ("Fire service", n.d.). Firefighters can be either on-call, voluntary or full-time firefighters. Voluntary firefighters are not eligible for pay or any workers’ compensation. In contrast, on call and full-time firefighters are eligible for workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is a law that allows employees to file for benefits when they incur work-related illnesses or injuries. These benefits can be medical in nature, including rehabilitation programs or replacement wages. Some employers require full-time employees to enroll in workers’ compensation benefits as part of their cafeteria plans. This ensures that in an emergency situation that may result in the injury or death of the employee, the latter will still get compensated. In order to avail of workers’ compensation benefits, an employee needs to file a claim ("Firefighters", n.d.). The claim has to coincide with the OSHA record logs that the employee did sustain an injury while working on the job or as a resul t of the working environment, like in the case of firefighters who are exposed to hazardous wastes and chemicals. Safety officers are responsible for keeping these injury logs so that when an employee files for a claim, they can present the needed documentation to support the claim. ("OSHA recordkeeping", n.d.) When filing workers’ compensation though, volunteer firefighters do not get the same benefits since they are not deemed as employees. Even though they sustain the same injuries as full-time firefighters, when they get injured or get ill, their claims will be denied. Â
Monday, September 9, 2019
Summary for each of the reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary for each of the reading - Assignment Example A woman can try harder to be taken seriously but it totally depends upon the other person weather he takes you and your ideas seriously or not. To be taken seriously means that a person pay attention to and reply to you. It also means that what you think and what you do matters to others. However, it does not mean to be appreciated or to be respected. If a person thinks that your ideas are innocent, senseless or ordinary then he or she is not taking you seriously (Enloes, 2014). This chapter is based on a public conservation that took place on October 26, 2004, during an important UN peacekeeping and philanthropic support operation in Haiti. This event was directed and presented by Carol Cohn. The speech was started by Nadine Puechguirbal who has a PhD in political science. She started talking about the flood that took place in Haiti and how the hurricane destroyed a city named Gonaives. She also talked about how the UN community provided charitable support the people of Gonaives. The people of Gonaives lost their houses and were living in shelters provide by the UN communities. In these very shelters violence was going on against women by the men so that they could get control over the shelters, food and water. These women did not get anything to eat or drink and therefore they started selling themselves to get food. A few cases of sexual violence were also reported in Gonaives. This book mentions that humanitarian communities are working to provide securi ty to the women so that they can protect themselves as well as their shelter and food. The War of Terror is one of the most destructive and enormous combats between different countries of the world that caused massive destruction of societies, beliefs, buildings and financial well-being, trust of the public and other bodies. The war that took place between Iran and US destroyed major instillations within Iran including nuclear research facilities and electric companies. The
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Consultancy Management Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Consultancy Management Techniques - Essay Example For internal sources of data, maintaining data quality is not that important as data is extracted through company generated reports whose authenticity is verified. For external sources of data to ensure data quality care must be put on selecting a good data source. Data should be extracted only from reputed research firm, company reports and other reputed reporting agencies. Information that needs to go in a management report depends on the type of management report. Mostly the information that goes into a management report is financial data, industry analysis reports etc. The report actually presents a picture of the specified area and how it affects the management. Sometimes vision of top executives and other qualitative information may also go into a management report. In a management report the data used can be both qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative data represents those data which can be statistically or mathematically analyzed. There is certain other form of data which cannot be analysed in this manner and those data represents qualitative data. Qualitative data are those data which represents what an industry expert views about the future of a particular industry and likewise (Johnson, and Christensen, 2008. Â ). The data that will be collected by the company in the course of operation will be huge. The data will be of all sorts ranging from sales data, to financial data, to industry data, to human resource data. This is a digital age which means that the data collection mechanism has seen a rapid change and so the amount of data collected and will be huge. Collecting the data is just an initial step in creating the management report. The next important step is to select and keep the relevant data and discard the rest. To understand which data is relevant and which is to be discarded, it is very important to define the scope of management report. Once the scope and purpose of the management
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Hispanic American Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Hispanic American Diversity - Essay Example People of Mexican origin are Mexicans either for the reason they are born in Mexico or of Mexican heritage. "The majority of Mexican Americans live in urban areas which comprise the three agricultural migrant streams that flow from the south to the north across the country, often twice annually. Historically, Mexican Americans have been both an urban and rural population. Since the 1600s, Mexicans were the first Americans to establish homesteads in the territories that became Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Since before the turn of the century, Mexican Americans literally built the great southwestern cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Tucson, Albuquerque, Dallas, and San Antonio" (2006b) Mexican culture is influenced by folk art, which exhibits in major American museums, and "the great Mexican muralists like Rivera, Siquieros, and Orozco were invited to paint frescoes on the walls of American institutional sites such as universities and even within such edifices of capitalism as Rockefeller Center in New York" (Limon, 1998, p. 26) Local Mexican cultural life involves the participation of ranches, they used to gather for parties and seasonal balls and dutifully attend Sunday gatherings. With respect to linguistics, "Mexican America... Others, speaking perfect English, have completely forsaken the tongue of their ancestors". (Gonzalez, 1969, p. 16) A few, usually among the more educated intellectual class, have made a point of learning to speak both English and Spanish well, but they are, very rare. It has been found that the majority of the members of this population still learn English as a second language, however Spanish-American leaders recognize that in order for individuals to raise their socioeconomic level they must speak English well. Puerto Ricans The cultural heritage of Puerto Rico is among the richest in the world. Traditionally, the Puerto Rican people speak Spanish; it is their language of loyalty, romance, passion, patriotism, business, negotiation, and defiance-it is their cultural language. Their ancestors inherited this language from the Spaniards through conquest, and yet it is not the language that the Spaniards spoke when Puerto Rico was under Spanish colonial rule, and it is not the Spanish that Spaniards speak today. In addition, for those who are fully bilingual in Spanish and English, a linguistic phenomenon called "Spanglish" has arisen. The Spanish conquest of Puerto Rico, and the rest of Latin America, for the most part guaranteed that the people would become Roman Catholic. Under colonial rule, it was forbidden to practice any religion but Catholicism. "In Puerto Rico there seems to be a combination of the practices of Santeria and Spiritism, and there are times when the people themselves are not certain o f the origin of a particular custom; they practice it because their ancestors did, not because they are active followers of Santeria or Spiritism". (Perez, 2000, p. 17) Politically, "Puerto Ricans have always received lower levels of Federal
Friday, September 6, 2019
Apple Inc Development Essay Example for Free
Apple Inc Development Essay Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had withdrawn from Reed College and UC Berkeley, respectively by 1975. Wozniak designed a video terminal that he could use to log on to the minicomputers at Call Computer. Alex Kamradt commissioned the design and sold a small number of them through his firm. Aside from their interest in up-to-date technology, the impetus for the two Steves seems to have had another source. In his essay From Satori to Silicon Valley (published 1986), cultural historian Theodore Roszak made the point that the Apple Computer emerged from within the West Coast counterculture and the need to produce print-outs, letter labels, and databases. Roszak offers a bit of background on the development of the two Steves’ prototype models. In 1976, Wozniak started attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club. New microcomputers such as the Altair 8800 and the IMSAI inspired him to build a microprocessor into his video terminal and have a complete computer. At the time the only microcomputer CPUs generally available were the $179 Intel 8080 ($773.00 in present-day terms[11]), and the $170 Motorola 6800 ($734.00 in present-day terms[11]). Wozniak preferred the 6800, but both were out of his price range. So he watched, and learned, and designed computers on paper, waiting for the day he could afford a CPU. When MOS Technology released its $20 ($82.00 in present-day terms[11]) 6502 chip in 1976, Wozniak wrote a version of BASIC for it, then began to design a computer for it to run on. The 6502 was designed by the same people who designed the 6800, as many in Silicon Valley left employers to form their own companies. Wozniaks earlier 6800 paper-computer needed only minor changes to run on the new chip. Wozniak completed the machine and took it to Homebrew Computer Club meetings to show it off. At the meeting, Wozniak met his old friend Jobs, who was interested in the commercial potential of the small hobby machines. The Apple I was sold as an assembled circuit board and lacked basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The owner of this unit added a keyboard and a wooden case. The very first Apple Computer logo, drawn by Ronald Wayne, depicts Isaac Newton under an apple tree. The Apple logo in 1977 created by Rob Janoff with the rainbow color theme used until 1998. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had been friends for some time, having met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling a machine and selling it. Jobs approached a local computer store, The Byte Shop, who said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came fully assembled. The owner, Paul Terrell, went further, saying he would order 50 of the machines and pay US $500 ($2.04 thousand in present-day terms[11]) each on delivery.[12] Jobs then took the purchase order that he had been given from the Byte Shop to Cramer Electronics, a national electronic parts distributor, and ordered the components he needed to assemble the Apple I Computer. The local credit manager asked Jobs how he was going to pay for the parts and he replied, I have this purchase order from the Byte Shop chain of computer stores for 50 of my computers and the payment terms are COD. If you give me the parts on a net 30 day terms I can build and deliver the computers in that time frame, collect my money from Terrell at the Byte Shop and pay you.[13] With that, the credit manager called Paul Terrell who was attending an IEEE computer conference at Asilomar in Pacific Grove and verified the validity of the purchase order. Amazed at the tenacity of Jobs, Terrell assured the credit manager if the computers showed up in his stores Jobs would be paid and would have more than enough money to pay for the parts order. The two Steves and their small crew spent day and night building and testing the computers and delivered to Terrell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy profit left over for their celebration and next order. Steve Jobs had found a way to finance his soon-to-be multimillion-dollar company without giving away one share of stock or ownership. The machine had only a few notable features. One was the use of a TV as the display system, whereas many machines had no display at all. This was not like the displays of later machines, however; text was displayed at a terribly slow 60 characters per second. However, this was still faster than the teleprinters used on contemporary machines of that era. The Apple I also included bootstrap code on ROM, which made it easier to start up. Finally, at the insistence of Paul Terrell, Wozniak also designed a cassette interface for loading and saving programs, at the then-rapid pace of 1200 bit/s. Although the machine was fairly simple, it was nevertheless a masterpiece of design, using far fewer parts than anything in its class, and quickly earning Wozniak a reputation as a master designer. Joined by another friend, Ronald Wayne, the three started to build the machines. Using a variety of methods, including borrowing space from friends and family, selling various prized items (like calculators and a VW bus) and scrounging, Jobs managed to secure the parts needed while Wozniak and Wayne assembled them. But the owner of the Byte Shop was expecting complete computers, not just printed circuit boards. The boards still being a product for the customers Terrell still paid them.[14] Eventually 200 of the Apple Is were built. Apple II Main article: Apple II series Wozniak had already moved on from the Apple I. Many of the design features of the I were due to the limited amount of money they had to construct the prototype, but with the income from the sales he was able to start construction of a greatly improved machine, the Apple II; it was presented to the public at the first West Coast Computer Faire on April 16 and April 17, 1977. On the first day of exhibition, Jobs introduced Apple II to a Japanese chemist named Toshio Mizushima who became the first authorized Apple dealer in Japan. The main difference internally was a completely redesigned TV interface, which held the display in memory. Now not only useful for simple text display, the Apple II included graphics, and, eventually, color. Jobs meanwhile pressed for a much improved case and keyboard, with the idea that the machine should be complete and ready to run out of the box. This was almost the case for the Apple I machines sold to The Byte Shop, but one still needed to plug various parts together and type in the code to run BASIC. Building such a machine was going to be fiscally burdensome. Jobs started looking for cash, but Wayne was somewhat gun shy due to a failed venture four years earlier, and eventually dropped out of the company. Banks were reluctant to lend Jobs money; the idea of a computer for ordinary people seemed absurd at the time. Jobs eventually met Mike Markkula who co-signed a bank loan for US$250,000, and the three formed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976. The name Apple was chosen because the company to beat in the technology industry at the time was Atari, and Apple Computer came before Atari alphabetically and thus also in the phone book. Another reason was that Jobs had happy memories of working on an Oregon apple farm one summer.[15] With both cash, and a new case design in hand thanks to designer Jerry Manock, the Apple II was released in 1977 and became the computer generally credited with creating the home computer market[citation needed]. Millions were sold well into the 1980s. A number of different models of the Apple II series were built, including the Apple IIe and Apple IIGS, which could still be found in many schools as late as 2005.[citation needed] Apple III While the Apple II was already established as a successful business-ready platform because of Visicalc, Apple was not content. The Apple III (Apple 3) was designed to take on the business environment. It was released on May 19, 1980. The Apple III was a relatively conservative design for computers of the era. However, Steve Jobs did not want the computer to have a fan; rather, he wanted the heat generated by the electronics to be dissipated through the chassis of the machine, forgoing the cooling fan. Unfortunately, the physical design of the case was not sufficient to cool the components inside it. By removing the fan from the design, the Apple III was prone to overheating. This caused the integrated circuit chips to disconnect from the motherboard. Customers who contacted Apple customer service were told to drop the computer on the desk, which would cause the ICs to fall back in to place. Thousands of Apple III computers were recalled and, although a new model was introduced in 1983 to rectify the problems, the damage was already done. Apple IPO In August 1980, the Financial Times reported that Apple Computer, the fast growing Californian manufacturer of small computers for the consumer, business and educational markets, is planning to go public later this year. [It] is the largest private manufacturer in the U.S. of small computers. Founded about five years ago as a small workshop business, it has become the second largest manufacturer of small computers, after the Radio Shack division of the Tandy company.[16] On December 12, 1980, Apple launched the Initial Public Offering of its stock to the investing public. When Apple went public, it generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and instantly created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history.[17] Several venture capitalists cashed out, reaping billions in long-term capital gains. In January 1981, Apple held its first shareholders meeting as a public company in the Flint Center, a large auditorium at nearby De Anza College, which is often used for symphony concerts. (Previous meetings were held quietly in smaller rooms, because there had only been a few shareholders.) The business of the meeting had been planned (or choreographed) so that the voting could be staged in 15 minutes or less. In most cases, voting proxies are collected by mail and counted days or months before a meeting. In this case, after the IPO, many shares were in new hands. Steve Jobs started his prepared speech, but after being interrupted by voting several times, he dropped his prepared speech and delivered a long, emotionally charged talk about betrayal, lack of respect, and related topics.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Shear Bond Strength of Nanocomposite Resin
Shear Bond Strength of Nanocomposite Resin ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To compare the shear bond strength of nanocomposite resin to superficial dentin and deep dentin using two different dentin bonding systems. METHOD All teeth were sectioned at various levels (Superficial Dentin: Dentin within 0.5-1 mm of DEJ; Deep Dentin: Dentin within 0.5 mm of the highest pulp horn) using a carborundum Disc and embedded in acrylic block of specific size. Selected specimens (60 premolar teeth) were grouped randomly into three groups, the groups were differentiated into superficial dentin, deep dentin and control group which were further divided into sub group a and subgroup b containing 10 teeth each, depending on the bonding agents used. In subgroup A, Tetric-n-bond, and in subgroup B Single bond universal was used. In the control group no bonding agent was used. The specimens were thermocycled for 500 cycles between 5 degree c and 55 degree c water bath for 40 seconds. Finally the specimens were subjected to shear bond strength study under INSTRON machine (UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE). The maximum shear bond strengths were noted at the time of fracture (de-bonding) of the restorative material. Results were analysed using ANOVA test, Bonferroni test and paired t test. RESULTS Bond strength values of fifth generation bonding system (Tetric n bond) showed higher mean shear bond strength compared to seventh generation bonding system (single bond universal). There was a significant fall in bond strength values as one reaches deeper levels of dentin from superficial to deep dentin. CONCLUSION- There was a significant difference between the bond strength of fifth generation bonding system (Tetric n bond) and seventh generation bonding system (single bond universal).Decrease in the bond strength values is seen for deeper level of dentin as compared to superficial dentin. INTRODUCTION The success of any dental restoration is based on the high adhesive property of the material. Various materials are available which utilizes this adhesive property such as, glass ionomer cement restoration, composite restorations and pit and fissure sealants. Among these composite resins have been developed since few years in order to provide the best esthetics to the anterior restorations as well as for posterior restorations. Dental adhesive systems are agents used to promote adhesion between composite resin and dental structure, and they should present similar performance on enamel and dentine. Bonding to enamel and dentin has been known to be clinically reliable with the advent of acid etching technique. It differs from enamel, as it has more organic contents, presence of fluid inside the dentinal tubules, smear layer and inherent wetness on the surface[1]. Dentin has been characterized as a biologic composite of a collagen matrix filled with sub-micron to nanometer sized calcium deficient carbonate rich apatite crystallites dispersed between hyper mineralized collagen poor hollow cylinders. It is very well understood that the density of dentinal tubules varies with dentinal depth and as well as the water content of dentin is lowest in superficial dentin and highest in deep dentin. In superficial dentin which contains fewer tubules and the permeation of resin into intertubular dentin will be responsible for most of the bond strength. In deep dentin, dentinal tubules are more in number and hence, intratubular permeability of resins will be responsible for higher bond strength. Two major simplified bonding approaches have been developed namely. Total etch technique –involves the simultaneously removal of the smear layer from both enamel and dentin surface followed by the application of one bottle agent that combines the primer and adhesive in one solution. Self-etching technique – their bonding mechanism is based upon the simultaneous etching, priming and adhesive of the dentin surface in a single bottle[2]. Bonding to enamel was achieved earlier and easier (Buonocore,1955) because enamel is mostly composed of hydroxyapatite crystals. Although it is possible to obtain predictable and reliable adhesion to enamel, adhesion to dentin, which is the largest part of the tooth, has proved to be more challenging because of its heterogeneous nature. The mechanism of dentin adhesion, enhanced by hybrid layer formation between the resin and dentin, was proposed by Nakabayashi (1982). The adequate hybrid layer formation is believed to be essential to create a strong and durable bond between resin and dentin. Adhesive restorations have been widely accepted for both anterior and posterior use in restorative dentistry. Patient’s demands for esthetic restorations have caused a recent increase in the use of tooth colored restorative materials. To achieve clinical success with such restorations, good adhesion between restorative materials and tooth substrates is of crucial importance in order to ensure good marginal sealing, reinforcement of the tooth structure, and longer life of the restoration. During the last two decades, a variety of adhesive systems have been continuously developed in order to produce good adhesion to dental substrates. These great advances in the adhesive dentistry have changed the concepts of cavity preparation based on the principals proposed by GV Black (1955) into more conservative and minimally invasive ones. The current self-etching adhesives provide monomer formulation for simultaneous conditioning and priming of both enamel and dentin. As of today less research are available to indicate the effectiveness of new generation self-etching primers against superficial and deep dentin. Shear bond strength measurements are commonly used to evaluate effectiveness of dentin bonding systems. The aim of the study was to evaluate the Shear Bond Strength of the newer bonding systems on superficial dentine and deep dentin. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The present in- vitro study was conducted in the department of conservative dentistry and endodontic, M.R.Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore. Sixty intact human maxillary pre molar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons were collected from Oral and Maxillo-Facial Department at M.R.Ambedkar Dental College Hospital. The teeth were stored, disinfected and handled as per the recommendations and guidelines laid down by OSHA and CDC. Teeth selected were randomly divided into three groups of twenty teeth each. Group A, Group B and Control group. Group A and B were further subdivided into Subgroup A Subgroup B, of ten each. All teeth were sectioned at various levels using a Carborundum Disc under copious water and embedded in acrylic block of specific size. Group I: Superficial Dentin – 20 specimens Sub group A – Superficial Dentin (Tetric N Bond) 10 specimens Sub group B – Superficial Dentin (Single Bond Universal) 10 specimens Group II: Deep Dentin – 20 specimens Sub group A – Deep Dentin (Tetric N Bond) 10 specimens Sub group B – Deep Dentin (Single Bond Universal) 10 specimens Group III: Control Group – 20 specimens Sub group A – Superficial Dentin 10 specimens Sub group B – Deep Dentin 10 specimens The occlusal surfaces of teeth were ground on a water-cooled trimming wheel to prepare flat dentin surfaces. Group 1 (Superficial Dentin) Subgroup A All the specimens were etched on the prepared dentinal flat surface with (N Etch), and washed. The surface was blotted with gauze to produce a visible moist dentin surface. The total-etching adhesive (Tetric N Bond) was applied on the prepared dentinal flat surface left undisturbed for 20 seconds and the excess solvent was removed with a gentle stream of air. Light curing was done for 40 seconds with a visible light curing unit. After curing the bonding agent, nanocomposite resin (Tetric N Ceram) was placed on the prepared dentinal surface using Teflon mold and cured according to manufacturers instructions. The same procedure was carried out on the 10 specimens in this group. Subgroup B The self-etching adhesive (single bond universal) was applied on the prepared dentinal flat surface left undisturbed for 20 seconds and the excess solvent was removed with a gentle stream of air. Light curing was done for 40 seconds with a visible light curing unit. After curing the bonding agent, nanocomposite resin was placed on the prepared dentinal surface using Teflon mold and cured according to manufacturers instructions. The same procedure was carried out on the 10 specimens in this group. Group II (Deep Dentin) Subgroup A The same procedure as carried out in the group I, subgroup A is carried out on all specimens in this group. Sub group B The same procedure as carried out in the group I, subgroup B is carried out on all specimens in this group. Group III (Control Group) No bonding agent was applied. Nanocomposite resin was placed and cured according to manufacturers instructions. Specimens were then stored under room temperature for 48 hours. The specimens were then thermocycled for 500 cycles between 50 c and 550 c water bath. A dwell time of 40 seconds were used for each bath. All the sixty specimens were transferred to the Instron testing machine individually and subjected to shear bond strength test. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The statistical data derived from the four subgroups were analysed using ANOVA test, Bonferroni test and paired t test . RESULTS: For superficial dentin Higher mean shear bond strength was recorded in Fifth generation bonding system followed by seventh generation bonding system and control respectively. The difference in mean shear bond strength between the groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Deep dentin Higher mean shear bond strength was recorded in fifth generation bonding agent followed by seventh generation bonding agent and Control respectively. The difference in mean shear bond strength between the groups was found to be statistically significant (P The difference in bond strength using fifth generation bonding agent in superficial dentin and deep dentin was not statically significant. (P>0.05). The difference in bond strength using seventh generation bonding agent in superficial and deep dentin was statically significant. (P DISCUSSION Adhesion to acid etched enamel was proposed by Buonocore in 1955. Bond strength to enamel or dentin is an important indicator of an adhesive system’s effectiveness. The bonding layer must not only support composite shrinkage stress, but also occlusal loads in stress bearing area to avoid gap formation leading to micro leakage, secondary caries and post operative sensitivity[3]. Bond strength testing and measurement of marginal – sealing effectiveness are the two most commonly employed methodologies to determine bonding effectiveness in the laboratory in predicting clinical performance. Dentin is a dynamic tissue. It represents a challenge to resin based adhesives while the bond strength of enamel has been studied extensively, bonding to dentin with the generation of bonding systems has remain unsolved. The dentin substrate has been characterized as a biologic composite of collagen matrix filled with apatite crystals dispersed between parallel micrometer sized hypermineralized collagenpoor dentinal tubules containing peritubular dentin. The composition of dentin substrate is made up of 50 % minerals, 20% of water and 30% of organic matrix. But as the dentin deepens this composition may change accordingly. This is due to the fact that the superficial dentin has few tubules and is composed predominantly of intertubular dentin. Deep dentin is composed mainly of larger funnel shaped dentinal tubules with much less intertubular dentin[4]. The intertubular dentin plays an important role during hybrid layer formation in superficial dentin and the contribution to resin retention is proportional to the intertubular dentin available for bonding[5]. Adhesive dentistry is based on the development of materials which establish an effective bond with the tooth tissues. Successful adhesive bonding depends on the chemistry of adhesive, on appropriate clinical handling of the material as well as on the knowledge of the morphological changes caused on the dental tissue by different bonding procedures[6]. The rationale behind the bond strength testing is that higher the actual bonding capacity of an adhesive, the better it will withstand such stresses and longer the restorations will survive in vivo. Bond strength testing is relatively easy and fast and remains most popular methodology for measuring the bonding effectiveness of adhesive systems[7]. The results of the present study revealed that superficial dentin presented bond strength values that were statistically higher and different from values obtained in dentin at deep level. Tagami J et al (1990) attributed this either to differences in chemical composition or regional differences in wetness (dentin permeability). Thus there are several factors that may contribute to high coefficient of variation that is often reported in dentin shear bond strength studies. Several earlier reports indicate that the bond strength of resin is highest on superficial dentin and lowest in deep dentin[8]. Suzuki T et al (1988) studied the efficacy of dentin bonding systems based on the site of dentin with reference to the observation of Causton et al that bond strengths to deep dentin were considerably lower than those to superficial dentin. The present study has confirmed the observation of Causton et al that the efficacy of dentin adhesives depends upon the dentin surface from superficial to deep dentin in the tooth tested[8]. Different from etch and rinse adhesives, self-etch adhesives do not require a separate etching step as they contain acidic monomers that simultaneously condition and prime the dental substrate. Consequently, this approach has been claimed to be user friendlier and less technique sensitive, thereby resulting in a reliable clinical performance. Self-etch adhesives are user friendly because of shorter application time and less steps and less technique sensitive because of no wet bonding but simple drying. Comparatively with the self-etch adhesives there is lower incidence of post-operative sensitivity experienced by the patient. This should to a great extent be attributed to the less aggressive and thus more superficial interaction with the dentin leaving tubules largely obstructed with smear layer[9]. This study is in consensus with Suzuki et al, with regard to, higher bond strength at all levels of dentin with TETRIC N BOND which belongs to the-etch and rinse approach. Pegadu Rafeal et al (2010)[4]compared the effect of different bonding strategies on adhesion to deep and superficial dentin and concluded that bond strength obtained in superficial dentin was significantly higher than that in deep dentin for all adhesives tested. They further concluded that the bond strengths of dentin bonding agents at any depth is dependent on the area occupied by resin tags, the area of intertubular dentin that is infiltrated by the resin and the area of surface adhesion. In the present study, comparison (paired t test) among the tetric n bond group, higher mean bond strength was recorded at the superficial dentin level than deep dentin. And comparison (paired t test) among the single bond universal group higher bond strength was recorded at the superficial dentin level than deep dentin. Van Meerbeek et al (2011) [9] recommended that for further optimization of the self-etch approach, synthesis of functional monomers tailored to exhibit good chemical bonding potential following a mild self-etch approach. The approach appears to guarantee the most durable bonding performance at dentin provided that it deals adequately with the debris smeared across the surface by the bur. Micromechanical interlocking is still the best strategy to bond to enamel. Selective phosphoric acid etching of enamel cavity margins is therefore today highly recommended followed by applying a self-etch procedure to both the earlier etched enamel and un-etched dentin. Such mild self-etch adhesives should contain functional monomers with a high chemical affinity to hydroxyapatite. CONCLUSION: At superficial dentin level higher mean shear bond strength was recorded in Fifth generation bonding system followed by Seventh generation bonding system and control group respectively. The difference in mean shear bond strength between the groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). At deep dentin level, higher mean shear bond strength was recorded in Fifth generation bonding system followed by Seventh generation bonding system and control group respectively. The difference in mean shear bond strength between the groups was found to be statistically significant (P At deep dentin level, statistically significant results were obtained with the Fifth generation (Tetric N Bond) bonding system which had higher mean shear bond strength values compared to the Seventh generation self-etch bonding system (Single Bond Universal). There was a statistically significant difference in shear bond strength values with Fifth generation bonding system and control group ( without bonding system) at deep dentin. There was a significant fall in bond strength values as one reaches deeper levels from Superficial dentin to Deep dentin.
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