Wednesday, January 1, 2020
We Need Clean Drinking Water Pollution - 2538 Words
Introduction As the world’s population is continually increasing, the amount of resources that humans are exploiting is creating an unstainable future that presents a challenging endeavor for the world’s people. Currently, the world has a population of 7.1 billion inhabitants, and by the year 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion (Population Institute, 2010, page 2). If the estimates are correct, how can the earth supply its inhabitants with the limited amount of resources needed for life? Perhaps it is impossible, as the world is already experiencing a water crisis. Only 20% of the world’s inhabitants have access to clean running water, while over one billion people do not have access to clean drinking water (Population Institute, 2010, page 2). In public health, 21 of the 37 leading diseases in developing countries are related to unstable water sanitation (Population Institute, 2010, page 1). As a result, nearly 1.2 billion people inherent a gr eater probability to obtain a health problem by consuming unclean water (Population Institute, 2010, page 2). Currently, the water crisis is found in developing and developed countries. However, water sanitation and water scarcity is predominantly evident in developing states. To combat such issues, many developing countries have adopted public utilities that privatize water. By description, water privatization is given by municipal or national governments to private companies to control and maintain waterShow MoreRelatedThe Pollution Of Water Pollution1474 Words  | 6 PagesSea Water Pollution I. Title Water pollution has many different meanings, in most cases it is when one or more material builds up in the water causing a problem for people and/ or animals. Water pollution is one of the world’s largest problems that we are facing today. Everyone in this world is affect by the earth’s water. 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